[Text taken from my book – A Ticket To Tarshish]
Jonah 1v2b, “Announce my judgement against it.”
The most powerful ministry is one where the judgement of the Lord is always proclaimed. One where the instructions of God are carried out. Obedience to God is obedience to His Word. We are sent to announce HIS judgement. Announce His word. Tell them exactly what HE said. Announce the truth,”. Whose judgement is to be announced? God’s. It reads “My judgement” not “Your opinion”.
Christians do not announce opinions or judgements based on their feelings, no. We stick to the script–ure. Christians do not shy away from speaking the truth by creating their own truth. We do not nurse the feelings of the world by compromising the truth. We cannot be called ambassadors of Christ if are carrying out our own agendas on kingdom mission. When we prepare teachings aimed at those we are in conflict with; when we come up with prayer points directed to brothers and sisters we no longer see eye to eye with, is that what you’ve been sent to do?
God’s instruction has not been given to you to think over. “I will go to Nineveh instead,” It has not been given to you to add your own three dollars to enhance it, it is already perfect as it is. Go and announce it! I like the obedience of the servants at the wedding of Cana.
John 2;5 But his mother told the servants, ‘Do whatever her tells you.”
This means you obey whether it makes sense or not. You also do not obey at your own terms. A good friend of mine once said,” The gospel is not a platform for self-advertisement. When we see you we should be able to see Jesus as well. For we do not only gaze at Him, we live like Him.” We are not at liberty to choose how we will follow and when we will follow.
“For l have come down from heaven not to do my own will and purpose but to do the will and purpose of Him who sent me.”
Do our messages reflect the will and purpose of Him who sent us? What we announce on the pulpit, on the streets, on social media, on the television, on the radio, in our homes, schools and work places, does it echo the judgement of God? Announcing may also be in conduct. How we conduct ourselves as children of God announces Him to the world. This means we are to carefully examine ourselves lest we are announcing the wrong things to the world which is populating hell instead of depopulating it. It is possible my dear brothers and sister that we are the reason why many refuse to believe.
When we open our mouths to speak, when we dress up, preach, sing, who is influencing us? Is it God or self? Are you doing what you’ve been sent to do or are you caught up in meaningless talk?
1 John 2;6tpt Not just by saying,” l am intimate with God,” but by walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Luke 9;23, Then he said to the crowd,” If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.’
We imitate Him. We do not cook up our own way of doing things. This means we don’t start churches we haven’t been sent to start. We don’t seek to make a name for ourselves using the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many Christian influencers on TikTok and all over social media are using the gospel to create a name for themselves. We are not sent to bring glory to ourselves. We don’t just marry. We don’t just move to Canada. We don’t just do things because we “feel” like it. We follow the instructions . We follow the instructions. We follow the instructions.
Exodus 3;10,” Now go, for l am sending you to Pharoah. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt”
When you get to Egypt tell Pharoah what God said. Do not change the message. Do what you’ve been sent to do.
Follow the instructions. And if you have lost your way, If you have been disobedient. I have good news for you;
3 replies on “The instruction”
TELL US V!!!!😩😩🔥🔥
Right ♥️
Beautifully written! Also very timely! What derived from today’s reading is that; it is better to obey IMMEDIATELY when you receive the instruction!