The Overcoming Believer

Are we ready?

We are in the last half of the year! Let’s take sometime to celebrate the fact that we are alive! I lost an aunt on Sunday who was super energetic! She was sick for four days and that was it! She was one of the strongest people I have ever known yet over a couple of days, she passed on. This is not an issue of “Doctors said I’m healthy!” Or “I eat healthy food and go to the gym!”. In as much as all this is correct application of wisdom , our tomorrow is always in the hands of God even our next second! It is not by might nor by power. It has nothing to do with beauty, wealth or eloquence. The most beautiful and most powerful still sleep the sleep of death! Thank God! Really, thank Him! He has kept us! Welcome to July my darling!

Are we ready? If you said , “For what?” You’re not ready 😂 I can tell you by the Spirit of God, we have stepped into a season like no other. You do not want to be found without oil in your lamp or jars in your house. There is a pouring of blessings! I know many of us are aware of this, it’s in big bold letters in the Spirit; we are in the new! We usually get excited over new months and then after a couple of days we’re back in our shells of anxiety – just like how we’re so extra on New Year’s Eve into the new year only to fall back into the bubble of sadness that it looks like a replica of the last season. I hope we do not find ourselves reversing into the old when the new is here. Old mindsets, old habits, old characteristics, all in the trash can. 🚮

It is very easy to find ourselves back in the old because we’re afraid of the new or we’re simply not prepared. The foolish virgins had the lamps! They were virgins! They had the invitation to come! They had the correct outfits l suppose, had done their hair installations 😂 and beautified themselves. They arrived at the banquet before the groom and waited! The problem was they waited without capacity. They overlooked the importance of full on preparation. They didn’t think it was necessary to have extra oil because “We can borrow or buy later!” My darling, this world? Life? Will not wait for you while you look for the next vendor to give you oil. Have you ever stopped time? Does it stop and wait for you to put some concealer on or take rollers off? No. Instead – time is the friend who will leave you behind (me leaving you behind for church if you’re late!)

I am reminded of Naomi. She let her daughters in law know that even if they waited, it was to a dead end. You cannot just “wait” , work on what makes you the best candidate. I’m not necessarily talking about marriage I hope you catch my drift, I’m not ruling it out either. Having the brain (lamp) is not enough, make sure the brain has sense (oil) . Having the looks (lamp) is cool but let’s also get the character (oil) . Let us stay with our files ready! Is the cv ready? Is the heart ready? Will we have to do risky last minute patch ups and possibly lose what we’ve been believing for? What if they don’t borrow you their oil? What if they say “We only have enough for ourselves” What if the bridegroom arrives and we’re out looking for oil at the wrong time?!

There is a serious need for us to be prepared this season. Be prepared to be promoted! Be prepared to meet Boaz or Esther! Be prepared to fast and pray. Be prepared to serve! Be prepared for battle so that you don’t become like Israel army – trained to fight only to disappoint an entire nation! Be prepared to love! Yes! Loving people with their imperfections. Be prepared to forgive! People will mess you up! Be prepared to endure should this not be your season! Be prepared to laugh! Infact start laughing! Be prepared to dress up and go for the interview – while you’re applying – have your outfit ready! Be prepared to win! Be prepared to be a good husband/wife! Be prepared to give! Be prepared like an expecting mother prepares delivery clothes for her newborn . They call the little fleece – a receiver! Get your receiver ready – we are within! When a pregnant woman is going to give birth she packs some clothes for the baby. She has never seen the baby. The baby has not told her it will come out alive but She is just confident that the baby will come out. She is aware that Labour time is not the time to be looking for a receiver or nappies. She cannot say to the midwife , “Wait, I need to run to the shops.” She cannot borrow from another mother who is in Labour because chances are she also has prepared for her own child. Pushing time is not the time to be looking for the receiver! We are in the Labour time! Receivers ready! Ears ready to push at the command of the midwife! All you need is to be getting a name for your miracle! Congratulations in advance!

“Be prepared for action at a moment’s notice.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭35‬ ‭TPT‬‬

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

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