The Overcoming Believer


“When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This story reminds me of the verse that says the race is not to the swift . It shows how our best can still be almost nothing without the mercy of God. At this point Jesus had used Peter’s boat to teach. Peter could’ve said ,”I’m tired please get off my boat.” Or “Use someone else’s boat to teach because the God you’re teaching about didn’t give me fish.” He didn’t give up his boat after he saw fish . Peter allowed himself to be used even without what he wanted – fish. How many of us still allow God to use us, to use our gifts, resources when we still have unanswered prayers? People pull out of church commitments because after sowing the seed , the change didn’t come immediately but Peter even with empty nets, gave his boat for ministry.

I think most of our time, energy and money is wasted on our self- inspired efforts. We see a task that we “want” done. We sit down and figure out what would be the best way to accomplish this task. We develop our programs, and then we team up with people who are interested in the same initiative . And then we set up the project plans , then we implement. Then we fail. Dismally at that. There is a contrast between your plans and Gods plan. Man’s plans fail. God’s plans never fail. I’ve never seen a plan of man that brings abundance until the nets break. Unless they have partnered with a spirit or Holy Spirit. No man has that kind of ability.

When Peter saw the abundance , he invited others to partake. Imagine how many people would not be toiling anymore if those who have been lifted also choose to lift others? I love Peter’s heart. Success did not change Peter. Success should not make you rude and mean to people . Success should make you want to help others. There are successful Christians who changed the minute a door opened. They shut the doors for those trying to make it. Peter surely knew the struggle at sea. He knew how hard they all worked. He did not leave his friends in lack with the means to help them. Many people are standing outside locked doors and guess who’s behind the door, with the key? Someone they know.

Let’s look at how Peter handled success ;

  1. He did not start a “how to be successful YouTube channel” for all the Galilean fishermen. Hmmm. While taking advice from those who have gone ahead of you is important, very important; it is also crucial that we are careful to not drive people’s eyes away from the miracle worker. People are teaching “success” without talking about the One who made them so. Peter could’ve made money “mentoring” people without telling them “it was at His word”
  2. Success humbled him . The bible says he fell at his feet. It’s amazing how success creates pride. All of a sudden , they don’t sit there anymore. They don’t greet anymore. They don’t even talk about God anymore . They don’t even kneel to worship as they did before the money came. Listen, God opposes the proud.
  3. He left it all to follow Jesus. Peter! People usually leave Jesus to follow success. “I can’t come to church anymore, I’m tired from a seminar” but Peter! I thought he toiled all night for success! I thought he wanted it so bad he invested time and effort into it. I thought he would open a fish shop and be the famous fisherman. How do you leave your boat, nets, friends, and the fish to follow Jesus whom you had no idea was the Son of God? You can leave the relationship for Jesus. You can park the boat for Jesus. He is the epitome of success. I’ve heard testimonies of men of God who had to leave a profitable business to follow their calling. How? How do you leave the millions you’ve been praying for to serve people who may slander and disrespect you?

We will have so much success this September! Get ready for Success September! I pray that we take the steps of obedience. Obey!

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

2 replies on “Success”

I had a conversation with my mom on Sunday telling her how I want to leave everything and Just follow Jesus live for Jesus and Be busy with Gods work alone. I thank you sis this is a confirmation of what my spirit is yearning for, however this didn’t sit well with my mom. She’s asking how can I want to drop a whole full career for God. I trust to make her understand ne she doesn’t seem to. My prayer is that she’s able to find it in her to let me live entirely for God😭

May God truly help our hearts! 😭 the epitome of success is locked up in our ability to leave all things and follow Jesus. Does not mean we neglect what he has given us, but it means we are to not give thing Gods place in our lives.
Thank you Vee❤️

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