Studying Bible Characters

How to deal with rejection

Typically, rejection describes an instance of a person or entity pushing something or someone away or out. Rejection isn’t always about the love of your life texting and saying “It’s not you, it’s me.” Sometimes it’s not getting into your top college, not making the team, or not getting the job. Everyday situations can lead to feelings of rejection. Some people feel rejected if nobody laughs at their jokes or family don’t remember their birthday. Leah was rejected by her husband. Someone she really hoped would love her, see her, validate her emotions, laugh with her – someone she hoped would see her for more than just a baby baker. We all desire to be accepted.

It can also come through a parent whose approval always seems to be just out of reach, a parent who decided not to be your parent after all, a spouse who comes home one day to say he no longer loves you or that he loves someone else, a friend that suddenly blindsides you with betrayal, a child who turns her back on your love, suddenly hearing news that they accepted everyone at the company except you.

Rejection hurts. Terribly. Rejection is hard. It leaves scars.We all long to be accepted. When we are accepted we feel valued. Don’t try to brush off the hurt or pretend it’s not painful. The truth is it really hurts. I’ve been rejected many times. I grew up feeling rejected in my family, maaaaany rejected cvs, rejected in the work place after giving it my all, rejected as an entrepreneur, as a girlfriend (they’re crazy) , rejected applications for visas, rejected ideas and proposals .. just a whole baggage! While any rejection can be painful, some instances of rejection may be more painful than others.

Jesus was rejected by people He came to suffer and die for. Even right now, we are still praying for souls to be won because there’s still a great number of people who reject Him. Scripture tells us that “not even his brothers believed in him” (John 7:5). Jesus’ own family rejected him as the Messiah. He said He was “without honor” in His hometown. As he hung on the cross dying, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) Think about it. Do you think Jesus had never needed or desired his Father’s love more than in that moment?

Sometime ago l was rejected by someone l had been with for a long time. I had literally built my life around the person. It broke me. I started questioning my value. My image. I had thoughts of low self esteem because l was trying to find a reason why I was rejected. I need to pause here for a moment and clarify the difference in feeling rejected and being rejected. Feeling rejected is an emotion brought on by your own insecurities, and prejudgements of other peoples actions. Feelings of rejection can be brought on completely of your own making. I have had people say about me. Well I don’t feel like Vanessa likes me so I’m not going to talk to her. All based on assumptions.

Let the rejection of people drive you to presence of the Lord. All the time l feel rejected l run to God. My place of acceptance with no judgement or a shadow of turning is in God. Forcing them to like you won’t make them actually do. Giving them more won’t change how they feel. Another paragraph? No. Let me reach out again maybe they didn’t see I called? No. Let me pay them a visit with big gifts so they finally accept me as a friend? No. Let me change myself to be what they might like? No. Stop doing too much. More babies might save my marriage? No sweetheart. If I have sex with him he’ll not keep going to other women? Nope. If I post more revealing clothes people will follow me and like me on social media? No! As man you could give your all to a girl and she uses your money to order clothes on Shein. What am l saying as we conclude this topic , find your tribe. How? By asking God to bring them

There are people who will love and accept you. Stop staying where you’re not accepted for who you are. Accepted with the big nose, accepted without billions, accepted with cellulite and pimples, accepted with the few certificates. Not everyone will accept you, as a matter of fact some instances of rejection are orchestrated by God to push us to places of purpose. The pain of rejection somehow wants us to cling to that toxic environment. Have you been feeling broken because of rejection? Pray this with me ;

Dear God, l have so much to say but sometimes l don’t know how to. I have many questions and a few answers which makes me constantly seek closure in places and in people even though l know I may never get it. I feel rejected. I feel unseen. I feel unworthy. It has made me afraid to try out new things, to step out again, to even speak up because the pain of yesterday makes me feel like the same will happen today. I know you understand how l feel and so l pray that you give me a hug today. Let me know that you are with me, you love me, you accept me. Like Hagah, l say of you, You are the God who sees me. Calm the storm raging inside my heart. People may discard me but you accept me. People may walk out but you walk in. I choose to believe that I’m being redirected to so much better. I cast this burden on you and l declare affliction will not arise the second time. In Jesus’ Name I pray,


By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
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And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

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