The Overcoming Believer

What’s the hold up?

Hey my Yielded Family! I just want to say l love you and I’m so happy to have such a wonderful family. I’ve never met most of you, I only see the reader’s statistics and I’m blessed to know that you’re taking time to read this blog from different parts of the world. Thank you.

As a writer I’ve faced so many challenges. One of them being writer’s block. Someone may say but Christian writers can’t face that. I disagree. Sometimes you know what to do but not the how to. Sometimes you know both but you have no flow. There are times I write and from the first word to the last I am flowing to the point where I’ve to stop myself seeing the paragraphs are a lot. Thennnn there are times like this morning where I write and I’m like nah. Road closed. We will try again. I did try again and again and now we have a Monday blog. I have soooo many drafts that were trial and failure. It’s more than just making sense to people, it’s about what transforms people and if I’m just blabbering I’d be wasting your time right?

Where am l going with this? In your skills, talents, giftings, you may find yourself second guessing your potential. Can l really sing? Can l really write? Am l doing things right? Since I keep failing , I must be bad after all. Then you park your gift and start doing things that are not in purpose. What is it that you know you’re so gifted in but you stopped doing it because you had “writers block” and many “drafts” of “failure” and you started thinking “maybe I am not a good minister.” Let me tell you something….. okay I’m always telling you something but let me tell you something else 😂

If people have to always encourage you to do something, you have a problem. If you need cheerleading to pursue purpose, you have a problem. “No one said eish you write well so I can’t write anymore.” Or “No one said well done so l can’t do this anymore.” There are times God Himself allows that so that you don’t have an arrival mentality or pride. What can you do without anyone paying you for it ? Would you do it gladly because you love it? What can you do without cheerleading or having a “fan/supporters base” – for me? It is writing. That’s how I have been showing up. I write as part of my intimacy with God.

2025 … I know right. You’re probably thinking , “I will do this and that. I will finally start this. I will start doing such and such in 2025.” Should l remind you that you probably 90% said the same thing 2023 into 2024. What did you do? The waiting for the “perfect moment” has made people lose their zeal and drive and eventually, vision. What you are waiting to do in 2025, unless God Himself has said pause and wait, why don’t you start this December? The blog, the talent, the business. Why are you waiting? What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for?

If a person waits for perfect weather, he will never plant his seeds. And if he is afraid that every cloud will bring rain, he will never harvest his crops.”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭11‬:‭4‬ ‭ICB‬‬

Some of us are waiting but according to God you are triggering the spirit of delay. You are opening the door for the spirit of delay. According to God you should’ve started by now. I know for a fact I delayed starting yielded by a full month. That’s 20 days of blogging thrown into the bin. Who knows how many people could’ve been transformed while l was counting stars? I delayed pursuing my education in counselling by 3 years. Imagine that kind of thing! The wait is only good if it’s by the Lord. If it’s about “feelings” you are not waiting to renew strength. You are waiting and losing strength. Only those who wait UPON the Lord renew strength. Check the reason and purpose for your wait. Did God say wait? Or do you feel like waiting because you are afraid, hesitant and have no faith or maybe you’re just lazy?

You’ll see me doing big things in 2025!” Okay but we can still see you doing it now? I’m not in any way saying rush the process. I’m saying BE IN THE PROCESS. Be conscious of the times and seasons. “I will finally go to church in 2025.” You are okay with losing the information you could learn over the remaining Sundays of 2024? Look at what you are losing now and not the latter! “I will start therapy in March.” Why? “No reason. I just feel like next year is the year.” So what about the next couple of months where you’ll be functioning as a broken person? Capable of breaking others? Are we okay with living without peace because we postpone confrontation? Men are beings of time. Born in time. Living in time. Dying in time. Time is something you can actually lose. This year taught me this – procrastination has never been of God.

If creation should take 6 days why take 20 days?

Why take 2 years to do what according to divine time you should’ve done in 6 months? This addresses every area of life. Education, saving, marriage, health, spiritual life, gifts, EVERYTHING! Time is not your friend. If it was, it would wait for you. We pray for restoration of the years because time didn’t give grace to say “Right now you’re crying so let me wait for you to finish”. Did God say wait or do you like procrastination and so saying ,” I’m waiting upon the Lord” makes you feel better for your poor decisions? We want to soothe our hearts by pointing it to God . “I think God says I should prepare so timeeee.” That time God is saying “You are already prepared for this.” There are people waiting upon the Lord that even the Lord is like “No. You are waiting upon yourself.” You need to find out , that too, as soon as possible,

What’s the hold up? 🤷🏽‍♀️

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

3 replies on “What’s the hold up?”

Wow! This really provoked my spirit. Many times it is the limited mindset we carry that holds us up – the belief that you must have a certain amount of money, or be a certain age, or have a specific credential to begin. I think the hold up has been me 😩😳

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