Yielding the mind

It’s Worship Wednesday

My Testimony

At each and every sunrise we will be thanking you for your kindness and your love. As the sun sets and all through the night, we will keep proclaiming, “You are so faithful!”“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭92‬:‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Hey family. I’m sending you my love today. I truly appreciate you showing up to read these blogs every week. The statistics are really overwhelming. I would not have imagined that Yielded blogs would be read in so many countries by people l have never met yet you trust that I’m writing by the Spirit of God! That is huge! I can’t thank you enough for being an encouragement on the comments, sharing the links around, you’re so special! ❤️Thank you ! Welcome to Worship Wednesday!!

My testimony is of the encounter that I had during worship that changed my life forever. The Vanessa l am now is a product of worship. I used to lead worship in church and when l got home the Holy Spirit would call me back into the secret place, so much happened there. The wounds of many many years were healed (I’m talking serious brokenness) my body was healed of severe headaches, palpitations, womb pain, I started understanding scripture better, my life began to change. I used to be so mean and didn’t like people , now I can’t stop myself from loving and loving and loving some more. I learnt how to give , to genuinely smile, to serve diligently, to die to self. It was during worship that the spirit of depression got off my back! Things that people think need intense warfare came through worship. Not every breakthrough comes from boxing the devil, although I encourage warfare, I’m a war girl, I don’t play games with Satan! l was never born to give the devil peace oh no!! When I fight , I fight to scatter! But you know, breakthroughs can come from the stillness in worship, where you are the prayer point, the sacrifice, you become heavens sound of worship!

I’m sharing this with you because I’ve seen how many of us only have energy for warfare but during worship we are so rigid and stiff, no sensitivity to what God is doing. This is because we are not aware of the power of worship. We perish because of lack of knowledge! We think it’s all about music, all about the notes, we look for things that don’t matter, if the moment is about self , it is no longer worship. Today, l encourage you to worship the Lord your God. Those who despise worship are proud people and they should not expect any help from God. He opposes the proud. I will not add a song suggestion today, I want you to find one yourself, you can even do it without music. Be intentional about spending intimate time with God today. Again, I’m sending you my love and big big hugs! Can’t wait to hear your testimony!

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

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