The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

This is a picture of a key: a key hole on a door. Obviously this means the door is locked because nobody uses a key on an unlocked door. Surely most of us , if not all of us, have done this action before. To get access into our house l have to use a key and unlock the door – only then can l enter. It doesn’t matter how rainy it is, how hot it is, how cold it is; the door cannot open if ;

  • you don’t have a key
  • you don’t have the right key
  • you’re not in close proximity to insert and turn the key

One time my niece and l were coming back from the airport and it was such a cold cold night ; we got to our place and discovered none of us had the key. It started off as a joke , “”You have it don’t you?” – “No you are the one who has it,” until it wasn’t looking funny anymore. We were cold, hungry and needed to get into the house because it was getting darker outside. To make things worse, we had a spare key but guess where it was? Yup- IN the house. The door remained closed and we stood there – panicking. Where would we sleep? How long were we gonna hold out on such a cold day? Even if it is your house and for sure all that is inside is yours, if the door is locked and you have no key , you are as good as a street person who has no house. Only difference is – you probably have cleaner clothes.

We stood there for a while, had our neighbours come and try to climb onto our balcony but even that door was locked from the inside. I was commanding the door to Ephphataaaaa 😂 but the door never Ephphoot (there’s no word like that so don’t carry it and start using it to pray) Also my faith was smaller than a mustard seed so vele eh! Guys! We had to pay lots of money for a locksmith to come and open the door for us. A stranger came to open OUR door for us ( Selah) It took him a few minutes and we were phakathi inside. Eh but we paid yho!

The locksmith did not have our key. He had other tools that can open the door by force. This means he didn’t need the key because he had discovered other ways to deal with the situation which would give the same desired end. Imagine if we just stood there and cried all night, was the door going to open up? Does the door have feelings? Could we beg the door to open? No. What about reminding the door that we own the house? Or telling the door we have a key but it’s inside? No. This is what happens with most of us in life, we stand before doors and we don’t have a key or a plan. We then sit and cry. How many years have we cried standing by opportunities simply because we refused to unlock the potential in us? What about what’s beyond the door?

Psalm 24:9-10NLT

Open up, ancient gates!
    Open up, ancient doors,
    and let the King of glory enter.
10 Who is the King of glory?
    The Lord of Heaven’s Armies—
    he is the King of glory. 

Think about it. The opportunities on the other side of “school” . The greatness on the other side of “investing in prayer” . The beauty that comes when we “unlock the ignorance” by studying the word. Many of us have the key! We are just not desperate enough to “take a shower in the house” or get a “proper meal”. My niece and l were desperate that’s why we paid money to get into the house. My darling sometimes the key is money. Paying your fees. Tithing. I know we hate talking about money but sometimes only having an idea of how the door can open doesn’t necessarily mean the door will open.

How about the key to your joy being you confronting your fears? So will you lock up your heart and refuse to love again because the last time it didn’t end well? Will you stop trying to get into the market place because you’ve tried to unlock the door for years and you’re still outside? What if you have the key and you’re suffering outside because you’re not desperate enough to find out what’s behind the door? Oh l have a lot to say on today’s reflection post but let’s continue next Friday.

Do you have the key? What are you doing about it?

Are you like us? No key? Make a plan like we did.

Bottom line is ; the door must open. (That really is the bottom line – literally) 😂

Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday

Don’t just watch me , help me carry this thing!


There you go, l love you.

Hey family! Happy Thursday! I hope you are okay. I hope your heart is okay. I hope you are holding on because we are closer to the promise with each day that passes by. As always; if you’re not fasting grab popcorn! IF YOU ARE! My dear don’t use me as an excuse to break your fast after two hours o! Push it! You will eat popcorn next week – it’s not like you need it and stuff 🤣🤣 [l hope you have a sense of humour because even God laughs]. I’m not even bluffing , see.

“The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Anyhoo… here are the July counselling slots.

You can book by email or simply send me a dm on Instagr; book atleast 24hr prior to your desired slot . Please note that this is free biblical counselling.

I hope you guys were able to download and read the books l sent. As much as we watch the Christian movies it’s also important that we feed our minds with these books. Knowledge sets free. Ignorance chains. I am also looking for an animator for our yielded tv series. If you know one please refer me to them or vice versa.

Here’s our movie for today ..


The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday


“Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lord with all his might, while he and all Israel were bringing up the ark of the Lord with shouts and the sound of trumpets.”
‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We cannot talk about praise without mentioning David. I also can’t help but mention it’s evident, that happy is the man who has the ark near him. The ark of God brought so much joy to all who were close to it. It represented the immediate presence and glory of God in Israel. That surely is a reason to be joyful. How then are we so sad in God’s presence? Even more that He is with us and in us. The ark of God is now in us!!! I can imagine what David would do had he lived in our time! If the had a chance to live in our generation and have God living IN him – how would he praise? We often make the mistake of only getting excited about the songs and not necessarily the heart of praise. Too familiar with the ark so our conduct is just too careless. “Why praise, let’s go straight to the Word!” Or “ They should dance quickly l want to go home!”

Is praise just flattering God? Buttering him up so you can ask a favor? Is it us liking the drummer’s beat and the artist? By no means! Praise is expressing out loud the respect and honor we have for our God. That we are willing to openly declare God’s greatness encourages others to see God in this light and honor Him as well. David danced with all his might! As a king! We can’t dance for a minute because of title! David was a king yet he praised with all his might – all his strength – he had no reservations, didn’t worry about what “others” would think. If we still care about what people think are we praising Him or seeking praise?

Praise also affects us. When we acknowledge God’s greatness, it strengthens our own faith. Praise is the language of faith. You do it even when things aren’t going so well. Ah I can’t get over this; “David danced with all his might!” It wasn’t just a dull lazy dance! The “Oh let me just move so l don’t look awkward to people,” He wanted to dance! He wasn’t forced by the worship leader to say ,”Come on move like this!” He set his entire being on praise and it is evident in the Psalms – men of praise will always be men of encounters. For how long will you be shy to praise?


At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship”
‭‭Job‬ ‭1‬:‭20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I love Job. I have lost quite a lot in my life but never all at once. Job lost everything all at once! In one day! Selah. No like really really Selah. He woke up like any other day, had his plans, had no idea that a terrible wind was about to blow away everything he had known to be his normal life. Just like the hour prior you had no idea your mom was about to pass away? Just like you didn’t think you’d ever lose the job? Or the marriage? A few minutes to pain still looks so beautiful. Job didn’t even have a dream that he could cancel! He woke up to a new season just like that. I know they say men don’t cry or men are to always be strong and thug it out BUT let’s be real! How deep the scars can be that they create unhealthy men who can only respond by abuse or neglect. Job teaches us something. Worship is a commitment. It is a lifestyle. It’s like breathing. You don’t stop breathing because you lost money (unless you decide to commit suicide which is also wrong). Worship is who you are. Job heard all these things and didn’t say “Take me to all these places , let me investigate,” He went to God who could see his broken heart and he worshipped! Lord my heart is heavy but I won’t keep poking the scar – l will worship! What kind of man was Job? Why didn’t he sulk and go seek for “traditional help?”. He had a heart of worship. Join the hosts of heaven and worship Him!

The Overcoming Believer

Are we ready?

We are in the last half of the year! Let’s take sometime to celebrate the fact that we are alive! I lost an aunt on Sunday who was super energetic! She was sick for four days and that was it! She was one of the strongest people I have ever known yet over a couple of days, she passed on. This is not an issue of “Doctors said I’m healthy!” Or “I eat healthy food and go to the gym!”. In as much as all this is correct application of wisdom , our tomorrow is always in the hands of God even our next second! It is not by might nor by power. It has nothing to do with beauty, wealth or eloquence. The most beautiful and most powerful still sleep the sleep of death! Thank God! Really, thank Him! He has kept us! Welcome to July my darling!

Are we ready? If you said , “For what?” You’re not ready 😂 I can tell you by the Spirit of God, we have stepped into a season like no other. You do not want to be found without oil in your lamp or jars in your house. There is a pouring of blessings! I know many of us are aware of this, it’s in big bold letters in the Spirit; we are in the new! We usually get excited over new months and then after a couple of days we’re back in our shells of anxiety – just like how we’re so extra on New Year’s Eve into the new year only to fall back into the bubble of sadness that it looks like a replica of the last season. I hope we do not find ourselves reversing into the old when the new is here. Old mindsets, old habits, old characteristics, all in the trash can. 🚮

It is very easy to find ourselves back in the old because we’re afraid of the new or we’re simply not prepared. The foolish virgins had the lamps! They were virgins! They had the invitation to come! They had the correct outfits l suppose, had done their hair installations 😂 and beautified themselves. They arrived at the banquet before the groom and waited! The problem was they waited without capacity. They overlooked the importance of full on preparation. They didn’t think it was necessary to have extra oil because “We can borrow or buy later!” My darling, this world? Life? Will not wait for you while you look for the next vendor to give you oil. Have you ever stopped time? Does it stop and wait for you to put some concealer on or take rollers off? No. Instead – time is the friend who will leave you behind (me leaving you behind for church if you’re late!)

I am reminded of Naomi. She let her daughters in law know that even if they waited, it was to a dead end. You cannot just “wait” , work on what makes you the best candidate. I’m not necessarily talking about marriage I hope you catch my drift, I’m not ruling it out either. Having the brain (lamp) is not enough, make sure the brain has sense (oil) . Having the looks (lamp) is cool but let’s also get the character (oil) . Let us stay with our files ready! Is the cv ready? Is the heart ready? Will we have to do risky last minute patch ups and possibly lose what we’ve been believing for? What if they don’t borrow you their oil? What if they say “We only have enough for ourselves” What if the bridegroom arrives and we’re out looking for oil at the wrong time?!

There is a serious need for us to be prepared this season. Be prepared to be promoted! Be prepared to meet Boaz or Esther! Be prepared to fast and pray. Be prepared to serve! Be prepared for battle so that you don’t become like Israel army – trained to fight only to disappoint an entire nation! Be prepared to love! Yes! Loving people with their imperfections. Be prepared to forgive! People will mess you up! Be prepared to endure should this not be your season! Be prepared to laugh! Infact start laughing! Be prepared to dress up and go for the interview – while you’re applying – have your outfit ready! Be prepared to win! Be prepared to be a good husband/wife! Be prepared to give! Be prepared like an expecting mother prepares delivery clothes for her newborn . They call the little fleece – a receiver! Get your receiver ready – we are within! When a pregnant woman is going to give birth she packs some clothes for the baby. She has never seen the baby. The baby has not told her it will come out alive but She is just confident that the baby will come out. She is aware that Labour time is not the time to be looking for a receiver or nappies. She cannot say to the midwife , “Wait, I need to run to the shops.” She cannot borrow from another mother who is in Labour because chances are she also has prepared for her own child. Pushing time is not the time to be looking for the receiver! We are in the Labour time! Receivers ready! Ears ready to push at the command of the midwife! All you need is to be getting a name for your miracle! Congratulations in advance!

“Be prepared for action at a moment’s notice.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭35‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Overcoming Believer

We’re back!

Hey my lovely family. It feels like I haven’t written in a long time. I want to apologise for my inconsistency the past week, I had to attend a conference in another city. I left in a hurry and didn’t want to “just write” to mark register. I believe that if you’re a cook , the taste of the food is more important than the design of the plate. Likewise, l cannot make one cute post that literally has no soundness. I am back though and have a lot to tell you. Ohhh I obviously took pictures!

One of the things l learnt from this trip is that faith and worry cannot coexist. I was worried about so many things and then l decided to drop that burden and man did God show uppppp! Imagine how many times we have failed to receive from God because we’re more fixated on the problem than the problem solver.

“He was unable to do any great miracle in Nazareth, except to heal a few sick people by laying his hands upon them. He was amazed at the depth of their unbelief! Then Jesus went out into the different villages and taught the people.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Jesus was “unable to do” got me! How can Jesus be limited in doing what He wants to do? What could possibly stop Him? Who? How? How could Jesus’ power be limited by the reaction of people? The bible says it was because of the depth of their unbelief – so he went out into different villages. It is possible to live too near a man to see him. It is possible to be close to the anointing that’s helping others all over the world but you. It is possible to live with a good spouse and never see it; you could even be the child of an Apostle and never receive from them – it’s not in proximity – it’s it’s heart condition. Our focus today is – unbelief.

I did not believe that I’d make it for that conference. So as long as l had that heart- l did not go. I could not go. When l decided to stop worrying and start thanking God, praying that if it’s His will l will go – l went. With no single hiccup. My trip was smooth as my skin when I was 21 years old (now I dunno what’s happening – send help Oh Lord) Anyways it’s not like it will stop me from going to heaven and stuff. 🫠😂. Dear friends, it is true that there is a connection between faith and the workings of God. Could it be that it’s not that we don’t fast and pray , could it be that it is because we don’t believe. Far it be from us that after all is said and done , we remain without , simply because the depth of our unbelief is marvelling.

The gospel according to Mark made it clear that Jesus performed miracles as an acknowledgment of someone’s faith. “Your faith has made you whole,” was His response to many who asked for their healing. The issue at hand, therefore, is not one of whether the Lord had sufficient power. The issue is how we have adopted unbelief as part of our character. We become “unbelievers” who pray 3 hours and do Esther fast. Believers who were waiting for the Messiah they didn’t believe in. It has become a character trait – a stronghold – a lifestyle – a mindset . Many believers only believe in going to heaven but they can’t trust God to put food on the table. Many of us have been here but were being called to more by believing more! Jesus is busy doing mighty works in other cities! What about in your city? In your family? In your life?!

There is an idle faith that is only stirred up when we see first – like Thomas. I experienced something that made me realise , God is ready to do. I’m the one who’s not ready to receive. The faith of the woman of the issue of blood! She didn’t even worry about touching Jesus’ hand, she wasn’t in a queue saying “Papa please lay your hand on me” , hers was silent, hers was determination, hers was “All this man is and has , has the power to change my life even the hem of his garment!” Do you realise that Jesus didn’t sew that garment ? He probably bought it somewhere. There was no occasion where He taught people to touch His garment for healing- so how did this woman even think of that? “What can the hem of His garment do? I need Him to pour anointing oil, l want to fall!” This generation may say. I have come to remind you, Sarah and Abraham didn’t have the same faith.

Sarah still believed in helping God. You need the breakthrough? Stop calculating how many Hagar’s you have that can pop your Isaac. Start thinking about what Isaac will wear when he arrives. Faith is locking into the later. To perceive and lock in! To perceive and be convinced it shall be so and not otherwise. Sometimes it’s not in the obvious, sometimes it’s in the hem of a garment or holding onto a promise even if you’re old. Remember, He is busy doing miracles signs and wonders in other cities.. He can do it in yours..