Interview with Thandiwe Shiridzi
Can you share a bit about your diagnosis with fibroids and how it has impacted your life?
A – “Dramatic and Exaggerating the pain, after all its just period pains and every woman go through it, once you give birth you will be normal, stop being extra.” Those are the words I heard every time I cried about period pains, during that time of the month I will be throbbing, experiencing cramps, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, diarrhoea, bloating, headaches and vomiting. I have tried all types of medication just to numb the pain and sleep as it would be a very long day, Funny thing no medication seemed to help as I would vomit everything that is when I saw that it’s not just a period pain. When I was student, I would skip class and write sick exams during my cycle as I wouldn’t function, the problem started when I joined the labour market as I cannot be absent for four days every month. As I grew up started noticing changes in my body and my flexibly, I’m always tired, bloated and constipated. I started experiencing pains in my leg and pelvic,have pressure in my abdomen, heavy clotting periods. My cycle become 19 days which means I go to my periods twice in one month, I have been to clinic and told its normal until I decided to consult with a gynaecologist. That is when I discovered I have uterus fibroids (non-cancer muscle tumours of the uterus) which are currently 7cm and they 3 of them. Living with fibroids is challenging you must plan around your menstrual cycle and always be ready for those random spotting. First day of my periods I don’t go anywhere, due to heavy bleeding, severe pains and been bloated. Your body changes so as your moods, you deal with daily pain and discomfort. My uterus feels heavy and when I lay down flat, I can feel the lumps, we don’t have flat stomach as we want to.
2. How has your faith helped you cope with the challenges of living with this condition?
A – It is very easy to feel like most unfortunate person on earth as this is a monthly pain, I speak healing every time and reassuring myself that God is with me, and he will surely heal me. Sometimes I question myself on what I did to deserve this but again the word of God say whatever that is true, noble, right, lovely, admirable, excellent think of such. this thinking encourages me daily that God is not a man to lie, therefore healing is my portion, and I’m healed blessed and highly favoured.
3. Were there any specific moments when you felt afraid and discouraged?
A – l recently went for my annual scan just to monitor the progress of the fibroids , the fact that they grew drastically and been told about the myomectomy procedure, really scared me. I just told my friends how my brain its playing games with me. This will be my first time going to be admitted in a hospital let alone been operated, I trust God, he didn’t brought me this far to leave me. He is Faithful
4. How do you maintain your faith and hope during difficult times related to your health?
Negative thoughts are there daily, I speak life into my situation, prayer and the word of God. Faith comes by hearing the word. I declare healing over my body. I Attend midnight prayer group participate in everything that builds my faith. I also guidance from the holy spirit after all He is a wonderful counsellor, God says cast all your burdens to him for he cares for us.
5. Are there any Bible verses or Christian teachings that provide comfort or strength to you?
Psalms 121 – The are moments where you feel so alone,depressed, tired, exhausted and defeated, when I cannot describe the pain. Then I just shout that my help doesn’t come from man but comes from the Lord who created heaven and earth, my maker, whom nothing is impossible with. This word reassures me that God is in control, just be still and know He is God.
6. What has been the most challenging aspect of living with fibroids , and how have you overcome it?
I once posted a picture of myself and questions I got is , “ Are you pregnant, OH girl you can’t let go of yourself like that, drink this and that to reduce that tummy. I have a baby and look way better than you.”. I recently told my supervisor about my situation the first she told me is how she can never have fibroids and how she takes care of herself. The process starts within, you must love and accept yourself and acknowledge the situation you are facing and seek help, talking about it helps me to cope. Never been anxious about tomorrow instead praying, I’m fully aware that fibroids affect fertility at the same time children are gift from God so trying to figure out a way and overthinking affects me, so I just surrender it to God. Daily declaration, I’m aware that removing fibroids doesn’t guarantee that they won’t come regrow again, but I speak life and declare I would never experience this again, remembering that God has given me authority, whatever I bind on earth its bound in heaven.
7. Have you found any support within your church or faith community that has been particularly helpful?
I normally don’t speak about it as seems embarrassing and very sensitive, for past months the spirit of God has been locating me, I will just be called and my out and my Pastors will be praying for me. With few people I have discussed with I get support and encouragement. Listing to testimonies of people who God has healed encourages me daily, all things are possible.
8. What advice would you give to others facing similar health challenges, especially from a faith perspective?
Prayer is important, find someone to talk to so you don’t lose courage and faith. Our help comes from the Lord. Trust In God all the time. Speak the change you desire; your tongue has power to create and destroy.
9. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience dealing with fibroids ?
Another factor that causes fibroids is hormonal imbalance, therefore change in diet is essential, research and speak about it and be open minded not everyone understands. There are other ways people shrink the fibroids ; castor oil compress I guess depending on the size and experience.
10. What scripture has been your anchor?
Isaiah 43

Editor’s note
– We agree with you by faith Thandiwe – your surgery will go well. You will come out with a testimony and we use you as a point of contact for every woman with womb problems, every sickness, virus, disease, we declare freedom by the blood of Jesus. We can’t wait to hear your testimony!! As women, let’s get checked up as much as possible, this month there are places where there’s a discount for things like Pap smear, let’s go and get our check ups 🩷