I grew up in a Luthern church, where going to church every Sunday was a tradition. I was 19 years old when I fell pregnant (in 2014 February) and my only worry was what will my varsity people say? I did not see any wrong in doing the acts which led to pregnancy because I wasn’t taught to read the Bible nor to pray. Life of parties was all I knew. Yes the phrase don’t play with boys was uttered many times but I thought it was only because our families didn’t want to be pointed in the village as “the fast girl parents” I would say.
I was in an abusive relationship at the time, kept the pregancy up to 8 weeks. Yes I contemplated on keeping it but the thought of being stuck with an abusive person for life led me to go and terminate as he had even made threats to kill me if I do anything to the baby.
I was under a medical aid and it was my doctor who suggested abortion after he saw my look when I tested positive for pregnancy at his surgery. He recommended me to a private clinic. Where I went 2 days, first day they just put a pill inside my womb. Second day after the bleeding had started I went for cleaning and the procedure was a bit uncomfortable as they insert cleaning and scrubbing tools😢😭 inside to clean.
Fast forward, (I’d like to keep the story short) l failed for the first time in my life all my first year second semester modules after that. At this time I was not even a believer, I would attend church to pass time. So l attended church not as a believer but as a church goer.
I forgave myself in 2020 when I was led to Christ and I had a mentor who was leading me through repentance prayers. My life changed after and the fear of the Lord was birthed. I am born again and l even have a son now! I’m sharing my story to advise someone who is about to make the decision to terminate, a sin is a sin no matter the circumstance. The guilt , the condemnation you feel after can be hard to come out of. Keep your baby. Keep your gift. God has a plan .
– Love,
Editor’s note
I believe that Anonymous’s story is to encourage those who have found themselves in a situation that may feel like a do or die. The devil may make you think you have only one way out – to abort but God already has plans for you and your baby. It’s quite a deep conversation or story to tell so l applaud anonymous for the courage to share. You are not your past. You are not your mistakes. You are still Gods child. To all those who relate, repent sincerely and also forgive yourself. Say it to yourself over and over again, “l forgive myself,” until you are able to move on. God loves you🩷🌸