•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]
Got some life changing stuff for us to watch together!! Many of us are struggling to discover purpose and those who have, are struggling to find a way forward. The reason is that, the believer is either lazy or ignorant. Ignorance is an advantage of the devil which makes it our disadvantage as believers. What you do not know has the power to only destroy you but to also kill you. Life does not forgive you for not knowing. Life does not take it easy on you because you did not go to school, you had no idea, you were unaware, no! I’ve learned so far, getting knowledge is what makes us unlock our full potential, anything else trains us to normalise mediocrity.
”My child, will you treasure my wisdom? Then, and only then, will you acquire it. And only if you accept my advice and hide it within will you succeed. So train your heart to listen when I speak and open your spirit wide to expand your discernment— then pass it on to your sons and daughters. Yes, cry out for comprehension and intercede for insight. For if you keep seeking it like a man would seek for sterling silver, searching in hidden places for cherished treasure, then you will discover the fear of the Lord and find the true knowledge of God.“ Proverbs 2:1-5 TPT
Are you ready to get knowledge and understanding? Click on the link below. If you have watched it, you can watch again! Study again! The repeat button is there for a reason , hear it again! I love you. See you tomorrow !!
Hey family. Please go through this passage of scripture. Interestingly, a man and his family were saved because of someone’s worship! Men were freed from prison because they worshipped.God dwells in praises, in worship, it is His domain, His Zone, His address! I’ve shared my testimony on how worship changed my life! My relationship with God started and was strengthened by and through worship. Let’s read this passage; May God give you understanding! God bless you.
”So the jailer placed them in the innermost cell of the prison and had their feet bound and chained. Paul and Silas, undaunted, prayed in the middle of the night and sang songs of praise to God, while all the other prisoners listened to their worship. Suddenly, a great earthquake shook the foundations of the prison. All at once every prison door flung open and the chains of all the prisoners came loose. Startled, the jailer awoke and saw every cell door standing open. Assuming that all the prisoners had escaped, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself when Paul shouted in the darkness, “Stop! Don’t hurt yourself. We’re all still here.” The jailer called for a light. When he saw that they were still in their cells, he rushed in and fell trembling at their feet. Then he led Paul and Silas outside and asked, “What must I do to be saved?” They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—you and all your family.” Then they prophesied the word of the Lord over him and all his family. Even though the hour was late, he washed their wounds. Then he and all his family were baptized. He took Paul and Silas into his home and set them at his table and fed them. The jailer and all his family were filled with joy in their newfound faith in God. At daybreak, the magistrates sent officers to the prison with orders to tell the jailer, “Let those two men go.” The jailer informed Paul and Silas, “The magistrates have sent orders to release you. So you’re free to go now.”“ Acts 16:24-36 TPT
Go ahead and worship Him! You will surely testify!
”At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship“ Job 1:20 NIV
THE Bible records the story of a man called Job who through his life, reveals to us that life is actually spiritual. Job was godly, upright, blameless, had an incredible reputation, a beautiful big family, Job was a man of impressive wealth and status. By commentary studies, he is noted as a prominent and affluent man. This earned him a good societal position and most probably became the greatest of all the people of the East. As a matter of fact, the bible records that he did a lot of charity work. He was a good man. Now imagine having all this, being all this, l bet you’d be happy and satisfied with your life yes? Then one Monday morning, ( it didn’t happen on a Monday) you lose everything! What would you do? I’ll tell you what people think is the answer : Commit suicide. Drink alcohol. Take drugs. Have sex with everyone with a private part. Reject God. Seek counsel from other gods. I’ll tell you what Job did : He worshipped God.
I was expecting the Bible to say “Then Job took a rope and hung himself” or “Job went around town teaching that God is fake because of his tribulations” (that’s what people do on social media) It is rather unusual for a man to worship in such a situation. I remember the many times I went through hard situations and I’d ask God “Why?” . We are wired to want answers. So we seek for them in everything. Both a blessing and a curse if you ask me. Man has sought for answers to the point of concluding that mankind came from a specie of animals. When we desperately seek for answers, we are also in danger of getting the wrong answers because curiosity can even be fed by demons. Eve’s curiosity made her eat the fruit. Lot’s wife’s curiosity was the cause of her death. While it’s ok to ask questions, remember that the devil is at work too.
Given greater allowance to afflict Job, Satan maximized his work against the man of God by bringing the catastrophe to Job in the span of a few hours. In that limited time Job lost his oxen, his servants, his sheep, his camels, and his sons and daughters. Job mourned, but he did not mourn as the heathens or the pagans mourned. It is important to remember that a man’s first reaction is often very telling, and reveals what really dominates his heart. Worship was Job’s first reaction to his crisis not “Why me?” There were many men of fallen nature that deserved this not Job! Just like you may think “l don’t deserve this, evil people do!” . What happens when we ask God why? He rarely answers. When Job asked later in the book, the response he got was far above what his IQ could handle. Can you handle the answer you seek? When Jesus asked on the cross, did he get the answer? It never comes how we expect it, it comes as a form of understanding as opposed to the feeding of curiosity.
Do you know how many people have sought help from other gods, asking these questions and were told, “Your mother is the witch!” can you handle the answer? Can you have a conversation at Gods level? I hope you understand that man’s wisdom is still a little drop compared to the original plan at the garden where Adam could tap into the mind of God and name everything as God had already named it! I know we want to ask questions because we are hurt, disappointed, angry, expected a different turn of events, believed God for a particular thing , we are in pain! Did Jesus respond to Mary and Martha’s questions? No! He said roll the stone! Forget about trying to understand what you may never understand, roll the stone ! We ask God why, believing the answer will provide us with some kind of deep soul satisfaction. God may not answer the question but He wants you to know that He is in control.
Moses asked, “Why have you dealt ill with your servant?” Numbers 11:11
David asked, “Oh Lord why do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” Psalm 10:1
Habbakuk asked, “Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?” Habbakuk 1:3
Job asked, “Why have you made me your target?” Job 7:20
The disciples asked, “Why was this man born blind?” John 9:2
Jesus on the cross asked God “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46
God has told us in no uncertain terms “for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (Isaiah 55:8). While it is all right to ask God “why,” the answer to that question is sometimes beyond our understanding and ability to accept. In such cases, we must trust God and His unconditional love for us. Many of the Savior’s most profound teachings are based on our faith. The answer to God why is “HAVE FAITH!”
”Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.“ Hebrews 11:1 NIV
”Don’t call me Naomi,” she told them. “Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me.” Ruth 1:20-21 NIV
Happy Monday family! Sending love and big hugs. If you’re going through a difficult time, l want to reassure you that He is still God. The winds and the waves will not destroy you. There may be water in the boat, everyone around you is also afraid, you’re terrified of what could happen but Jesus is with you. He is aware of how difficult it’s been my darling. He is aware of the nights you cry yourself to sleep and you wake up feeling helpless, that you get panic attacks and you worry about time not being on your side. Reminds me of Mary and Martha’s message to Jesus. “The one you love is sick.” If I love you l should show up quickly right? But Jesus did not speed to them as if He was as desperate as they were. He showed up on time. Time for a miracle is not 22:10 it is Jesus time. Hang in there darling!💞
I want to briefly share about something I’ve been studying on from the book of Ruth. I know we read it to quote about Boaz and do intense prayers “I will marry! My Boaz is coming this year! Boaz come now! I locate you by fire! If you don’t come I will die!” 😂 but there’s so much more to learn from the story. Naomi is our centre of discussion today. She is an embittered woman who experiences a tragic loss. Her trauma was built overtime. We may relate with this, one problem after the other. The collapse of Naomi’s world did not happen in a day but was spread out over years of heartache and tragedy. Naomi’s grief was a long time coming, the buildup of years of major disappointments, setbacks, and losses. Maybe just like you ?
When it rains, it pours.” The bills are due, the car repossessed , a sick child, a crazy teen, Or maybe a loved one’s death, a cancer diagnosis, and job loss all crash in on you within that span of a few weeks. Many of us can relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed by suffering. You try to move forward, but the blows just keep coming and you feel beaten down and abandoned. You seem to not be getting rest from life’s blows. That’s Naomi. A heart that had endured so much that from trauma came a name – Mara. What name did you come out of trauma with? Don’t call me Vanessa , call me the once rejected one? Or Don’t call me Joseph, call me the hated one? Don’t call me Hannah, call me the barren one! Don’t call me Jesus, call me the betrayed One? What is the name you keep calling yourself because you faced a tough situation?
As we lay the foundation of this topic, ask yourself, are you known as a daughter of God or do you live by another name? The rape doesn’t define you! It’s not your identity! The failed marriage is not your identity!!! You are not the broke one! You are not Mara! You are Naomi! How can we call you Naomi if you see yourself as Mara? How can people keep saying you’re beautiful and your response is “I’m actually very ugly!?” Who are you? Selah ..
Hey family . Today is Reflection Friday. It is important for you to answer the following questions;
How are you?
What are you most grateful for this week?
What did you struggle with? Did you overcome? What is your strategy to make sure that next week is different?
Holy Spirit has been teaching me a lot about my surroundings, particularly the people in my life, who l allow into my space and who I let Into my life. It’s been a hard lesson to learn in as much as I love people and am quite bubbly , I should not trust people that easily. I’m not an uptight person, I may look it though 😂 . As I look into my mirror I realise many times, all these people I seem to go an extra mile for, are not in the mirror with me. I’m there alone having emptied of myself to the masses. What does this mean? I need to sit and throughly work on my inner circle, who knows the most intimate details about me and who should not even have my address. Friendly people will understand where I’m coming from.
The girl in the mirror has been carelessly selecting friends. Opening her heart to almost everything and everyone. You know, you need to be honest with yourself. That’s why we do reflection Friday. Sit and consider your ways. Do I really need to buy this dress? Do I really need to go there? Am I protecting my space by allowing this person in? Can I trust this person ? In what way have they been proven trustworthy? The reflection you see remains the same ,week in week out until you decide to change something. You do not change the mirror, you change the person in the reflection. You change you!
Self-reflection enables you to move from just experiencing, into understanding. It Encourages a level of self-awareness and consciousness about feelings and experiences . It also enables you to identify areas for improvement and also areas where you are strong.Your self concept includes your thoughts about your traits, abilities, beliefs, values, roles, and relationships. It plays an influential role in your mood, judgment, and behavioural patterns.
”and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.“
James 1:24 NIV
Always do your self introspection through the lenses of the word of God. Be a doer. Be teachable. Be correctable. Part of what I will do is presenting to God the people I think could be in my inner circle and have Him remove whoever He wants to remove . I want to be very intentional about this because as l look into the mirror I must not forget the picture I see. Yours could be about how you spend? Which is something I need to work on as well. It can even be how you use your time. Look in the mirror today, clean it by the word of God and take a closer look, what are the flaws and how can Holy Spirit help you today for the sake of your future?