””Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.“ Proverbs 4:26 NIV

Hey family. It’s time to reflect on our week. The Word of God says give careful thought to the paths for your feet meaning we cannot be careless about anything that pertains to our lives. Be as intentional about Monday as you are about Saturday. Be serious about your Tuesday as you are about your Sunday. The truth is we cannot go back to last Wednesday we can only go back by thoughts. Let’s look at the picture above; (I love trying to interpret pictures btw!)
The old lady is seeing a reflection of herself as a little girl. The little girl looks quite simple, probably thinking fairytales , “I will be a Cinderella or A Barbie, have all the toys l want and stuff them in a pink room!” At that age in a normal household you know nothing about life really, all you know as hardship is your mom saying you can’t eat sweets after 6pm. It’s quite different in underprivileged households. By the time you’re 8, you know how to hustle for a meal, you are on the streets making a living ..
We have no idea the quality of life the lady in the picture lived but the image gives us the impression that there’s something that happened in her childhood that even as old as she is, in the mirror all she sees is the little girl in her .. the little girl has been standing there in the mirror all these years, waiting for the old lady to confront her. I’ve realised that the passing of days or years does not necessarily mean we move from certain happenings. Right now someone is still stuck on what happened on Sunday at 7am. We never truly know where we stopped living until we reflect. There’s many people stuck on things that happened ten years ago and they wonder why there’s no results in the now, it is because you have not confronted the 2014 issue. The past will always wait for confrontation. Confront it and move on.
The reason why l really want us to intentionally reflect week by week is because the once a year reflection is not enough. Life carries so many memories and they can’t be dealt with by the few days of a December retreat. Is there a little kid in the reflection of your mirror saying I’m still here , I didn’t grow up? Is there a teenager in your mirror saying please forgive me for not having the wisdom to make better choices? Is there an older you saying I know I messed up on Tuesday, those words were rude , I will do better? Who is in your mirror? Is it you? Do you even recognise yourself?
Okay… how are you? How’s your heart? Clean up the mirror, let’s face the clear facts. How do we make sure next week is better? Reflect on the wins too!! Did you celebrate the testimony? Are you improving your work ethic? What about your prayer life? What instructions did God give you? Please don’t just read and move forward without taking any measures , you don’t want to stand in the mirror one day and all you’re seeing is what could’ve been .. a man who could’ve been great. A woman who could’ve made better choices.
Don’t be afraid.. it takes bravery to confront self.
See you on Monday ❤️