Yielding the mind


Another elephant picture, showing a perfect example of a bully and how very fragile we become when we are depressed. It feeds on our strength, no mercy! Little butterfly can’t fly anymore, her life is disrupted, no liberty, no freedom to even leave the seesaw. The atmosphere around looks so beautiful, perfect for a butterfly to fly but ……

Have you ever been little butterfly? I have. You feel as though you’re carrying the whole world on your shoulders. You want to overpower and overcome but somehow even the will to, Is eaten away. What happens when the little butterfly can’t fly? She wants to die.

My friend, the devil’s plan is to eat away all that you’re passionate about, dim your light, the things that make you feel alive, so that in the end, you take a rope and hang yourself. Depression is a death trap. Every single moment of it is a step towards the grave. That is why l want you to understand that depression is not the “testing of your faith” it is “demonic oppression”. A BULLY MUST BE CONFRONTED, that’s what we’re doing here. Confronting Satan!

Go back to the picture, do you realise that the butterfly has a chance to fly away? She doesn’t have to sit there and take all that pain. See, the devil wants you to forget about your gifts, talents, your passions because when you take that from a person, you have taken their will to be or do anything. He does that not by cutting off your wings, he can’t because Gods gifts to us are irrevocable, he simply whispers to you daily, “You’re a just worm” until a butterfly in the physical becomes a worm in the spiritual realm because as a man thinks so is he. What makes for a person to live as the opposite sex is that they think they are exactly that, so in actions they become what they think as opposed to who they truly are by God’s original creation plan. Thoughts! Very powerful!

Depression is a bully. It doesn’t care for your pretty face or muscular arms. You will cry at 50 as much as you cried at birth. You will beg yourself to be strong, sometimes add more hours of sleep, refuse to leave your room, cut off people because the devil is not playing with you, he is an enemy, he is aggressive, he wants your life! It’s not the fact that you’re broke or went through hardship, there’s a snake in the grass, hiding behind what may be “life experiences” using them as a door to finish you off. Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression. More than 700 000 people die due to suicide every year. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!!!!!

”Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.“
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

”Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.“ Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Is it true that you’re ugly? No. Don’t think about it. Is it lovely to always think about drinking poison? No. So don’t think about it. Is it admirable to keep pondering about how much you lack compared to others? No! So refuse to allow your mind to be the playground of the devil. Your mind is not a home for demons to play seesaw. We will be looking at the causes of depression, quite a sensitive topic, I pray for the grace to write by the wisdom of God so that when we’re done with this particular topic, there is freedom INDEED! 

You’re such a special person! Did you know? You can fly. You can overcome. You can feel alive again. You , my darling, have God on your side ! You’re the beloved of GOD! This is not to make you emotional , this is TRUTH! ❤️

”Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.“

Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Yielding the mind

The spirit of depression [1]

Welcome to the Monday blog! May you be helped by Holy Spirit in all you do this week! Congratulations on your testimonies in advance!

Sooooo… l found this picture on  Pinterest as l was just browsing for cute outfits. I was like whoa!! This explains depression so perfectly. The weight of the spirit behind it is so heavy like the elephant and the mind is the bubble, so fragile. Depression is a spirit more than it is, a medical issue. Infact, life is spiritual. Anything you see in the natural has its origin in the spirit. This is why a pill can help you “manage” it but you may still not be “free” from it. It is because freedom doesn’t exist in the world of Satan.

Medicine seeks to address what’s INSIDE the mind but it’s what’s SITTING ON the mind that’s the problem. I hope you can see the difference. You can come inside the house but you can also decide you sit on-top which is the roof. If I’m too heavy I can break the roof and shatter the house. Depression is like that. Only ever comes into the mind either consented by the person or it growing to the point where the mind crashes. You find that a person is okay one minute and the next they wanna die. It is a spirit that comes UPON the mind. The spirit grows from eating your mind. Big today, bigger tomorrow. Let’s read about Saul.. He became subject to fits of intense mental agony, under which his reasoning gave way, and temporary insanity, depression, accompanied by outbreaks of violence, came on. He became unfit to lead…( 1Sam16 )

There are people who are out of their minds because dominion was given to a spirit . Did you know you can hand over your mind to spirits? That’s what we do even when we yield to Holy Spirit. We do so by “thinking patterns”. So this means, you can give permission or deny access to the spirit of depression. YOU have the power. YOU have the ability. YOU are the one who decides how the game is played.

That’s why you cannot be a careless thinker, there’s an elephant coming for your mind but wherever the Spirit of the Lord is there’s freedom. I need you to learn to say NO! No to the thoughts! Remember , thoughts are destroyed by words. Open your mouth and say it, “I reject that thought of suicide ! No! I will not allow that elephant to sit on my brain! I refuse it” watch that elephant run away!!! What you don’t reject you accept. And some of us are here because we accepted. Accepted depression or accepted the mind of Christ. It’s battle . If you lose it, you lose a chance to have a fruitful life. Hear what God says , 

”“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Yielding the mind

Mirror Mirror On The Wall…

”And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.“
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Family it’s that time again. It’s our reflection day , every Friday we look back and self introspect. It’s not a “who is the fairest of them all” situation LOL but more of a “who is making progress.”

This week we started on the topic of Yielding the mind and we laid the foundation of dealing with depression. We are starting with this particular area because unless the mind is yielded the actions remain the same . Unless my mind is renewed the thief will still come out, the murderer will still show up but when we have the mind of Christ even our actions mirror Christ. 

I want us to reflect today. What are the  thoughts that  kept replaying in your mind and how did  you deal with them? I want you to be honest with yourself and with God. Below is a question I want you to answer. Thereafter, I’d like you to do an  exercise , write God a letter. Even if it’s 5 pages or a paragraph .

Write it and tell him how you truly feel. If you’re not dealing with  any mental health issues , I’d like for you to stand in the gap in prayer for others. On Monday we will dive deeper on this topic also providing practical advice that will help us yield our minds to Holy Spirit. Sooo.. my brother/sister…..


The foundation

Happy Thursday People!!

Trust me you want to watch this!!!

Thank you for your feedback on the Pilgrim’s Progress last week!! I’m so glad we all learnt something from it. The linked movies, videos, etcetera are for our edification please note that l am suggesting what I have watched and know will not cause you to stumble but instead, teaches you about God. Click Watch Now when you’re good to go!!! Share with your people if it blesses you!

The foundation

Worship Wednesday

Worship is not an event but a lifestyle for devoted lovers of God. 

Greetings my beloved family. Today is our Worship Wednesday! We share our playlists and dedicate a full day to our Lord which is something many people rarely do. In the midst of our worship we tend to shift focus to the devil , to thoughts , to ungodly feelings. Many people can’t give full attention to God, during worship they start warfare “I bind and cast” and they stay on that the entire worship session, all they said to God was “Our Father who art in heaven” .. Family there is a time for everything.

If we knew what happens to us during worship we would worship more. Worship broke the oppression of depression in my life. It was during worship that l was delivered. Today I encourage you, praise and worship Him. I have linked a couple of songs for you to Dance like David and Worship like Mary! Show heaven that you can do break dance 🤣 I am bringing a new move 💃 today ee shock am! I might as well be the choreographer in heaven, sending in my demo or cv today 🤣🤌🏾

Praise Tosin Bee – Praise Unlimited 1 Medley (feat. Beezlenation)YouTube · Tosin Bee17 Sept 2021

Worship Maranatha – Dunsin Oyekan #dunsinoyekan #worship #maranathaYouTube · Dunsin Oyekan22 Jan 2023

Extra Minister GUC – My Flag (Official Video)8:21 · YouTube

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