My new favourite day of the week apart from Sunday is Friday. I get to rest from books and reports and just give my full attention to more prayer, to myself , to reflect on my week and my decisions. With my personal life, serving in church, leading the prayer group, I often have no time to figure out how I truly feel, how I am, every moment has its allocated to-do. If I’m not doing this, I’m doing that. It’s tiring and sometimes all l need is someone to check up on me. This has been such a difficult week for me because even my health was attacked , spiritual attacks, felt low in some moments, just a whole lot of drama and I know that the devil was attention seeking. Thankful to Abba and for my sister Valerie who helped me go through the week. I don’t think she knew how much I needed to laugh like that . I’m so grateful for her . God sent one beautiful young lady to also check up on me a few days ago, she said , “I felt the urge to ask you how you are”, yho bazalwane there’s no way God is not mindful of me.

You learn more from endings than from beginnings. Endings carry a track record of every moment, every decision, every memory, and that’s why in order to reflect effectively we wait for the end of the week. Answer these questions;

I read a comment recently, someone said “ Is it normal to miss sadness or pain when it’s gone?!” The truth is no . You should not miss pain. You only do if you have not replaced that with joy. Once you have the joy of the Lord there’s nothing that feels better. Many of us refuse to take in the joy of the Lord because we are addicted to pain. Ironically Your lowest moments are your happiest moments because at least then you can feel something . It’s paradoxish and it is not a good thing. Answer me truthfully, how are you? Are you pretending to be okay? Are you tired and worn out? Are you peaceful? Happy? I always ask this when I see people because I’ve realised people carry a lot and sometimes need one person to ask , to check up, to love on them. Respond by commenting;
❤️ I’m doing alright , I’m happy!
🧡 I feel physically exhausted but I’m okay
🤎 I’m numb so I dunno how l feel
🩵 I feel heavy emotionally & physically
🖤 I need a big hug
🩷 I’m in between but I could be better
Comment on your chair and how you feel;
Please do me a favour? Buy yourself something nice today, even if it’s ice-cream, get yourself something for making it to the end of the week in one piece! You know l love you! God loves you better! See you on Monday ❤️
”Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,“ James 1:2 NIV