“God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start. Now I’m alert to God’s ways; I don’t take God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I’m watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.” Psalms 18:20-24 MSG
Are you aware that God is still God? You may think or feel like nothing much happened for you this year but do you know how many times the devil tried to take you out but couldn’t because GOD IS STILL GOD? How about the times when you thought you’d perish because the persecution was too much but you’re still here! Just think about it, really selah, hasn’t the Lord been good to you? Honestly we don’t need to be in a mansion to see this. We don’t need to be holding a million dollars (that’d be great though Holy Spirit – hint hint) to finally see that the Lord is good! We don’t have to be in those cutesy pyjamas for us to see that God is good! He is good , was good and will always be good.
I saw some of your playlists on Spotify, put Beyoncé aside for a bit and let’s praise the Lord. “I am just jamming.” Ai ai relax. Time that we should be using to give thanks you’re using to get emotional with songs that open doors for the spirit of lust and depression. You start triggering unforgiveness from an ex because you listened to some love song by whoever. We see we judge. We listen we judge . 😂 I just laughed so hard saying that. Okay I’m not judging anyone but Yho you guys also. 😂 And you pick the ones that stick to your brain , the whole week you’re humming that song but gospel songs you sing wrong lyrics , it’s not right 😂😂 anyways let me leave you because you’ll start saying “They judge us.”
I don’t even want to start with pianos. That’s when you have dance moves. We play any praise song , you just chill. No it’s fine. Actually it’s not but eh. 😂 Let me stop playing and plug you into glory filled songs. But yeah guys, praise the Lord. Personally, I know that I’d be so dead right now because the attacks I go through in a year by just leading mpg eeiii! So no one will shout my shout oooo! No one will dance my dance! I WILL PRAISE AND WORSHIP THE LORD MY GOD!
Lately I’ve found myself postponing my faith. By that I mean, l am believing God for next year. It’s as if l have accepted that this year is done and there’s nothing more that could ever happen or change. Maybe I reduced God to “man” because man usually needs time to fulfil a vow or promise but does the same apply to God? Does God need 12 months to bless me? Certainly not.
I remember a friend of mine calling me out on this last week. He said, even in December. Even now. I realised that oooo l wrapped up the year before God told me it’s over, meaning l was acting like the omega with a small o. Starting the year with God only to finish it alone, that too before the 31st because my faith is reserved for 2025. Do you still believe that God can and will do it this December? Yes with 21days to go! That the Boaz can still show up? That Ruth could be on her way to Bethlehem – to you? That the name Marah is not your identity? That the Lord is sending ravens to feed you? That you can still buy the house or car? Do you have faith or have you postponed your own testimony?
In the book of John 11:1 the bible narrates one of the most interesting stories. The story of Lazarus. Lazarus became gravely ill and the bible says even after Jesus was told about this, He did not show up till after the man was buried four days. I thought Jesus understood that this was an emergency 🚨. I thought Lazarus was the one He loved according to vs 3. Why then did Jesus wait so long to solve that situation especially because He had the power to do so? Why has He waited so long to give you your testimony in 2024? You’ve heard the saying, delay doesn’t mean denial.
Many of us don’t have any expectations anymore. “It’s December maybe it was meant to be a 2025 resolution.” You are wrong. Even now. Even after 4 days and Lazarus is stinking. Even after mourners have gathered and they’re saying “Don’t worry sis, 2025 is coming.” Even though everyone’s shaking their heads saying ,”You should’ve compromised, you waited in vain.” Others are saying, “We knew it. Where is your God? We knew that Lazarus would die.” Yeah others go as far as saying, “We told you so.” Even when it looks like you’ve lost your Lazarus forever. Darling even when the whole neighbourhood knows that the one who loves Jesus has no results. No major testimony. No laughter. Even now.
Don’t postpone your faith. Don’t switch off your lamp. It’s coming. This is not to motivate you, this is the word of the Lord! At some point we’ve got to have faith even at 23:59! Faith even on the 31st! Faith even on the day we really need a performance! Faith even at the last minute. Faith even when it’s been days and we are not hearing the sound of abundance of rain. Faith EVERYDAY. Faith EVERY SECOND! I want you to list three things you really need before the end of 2024. Declare that you will see a performance this very year.
“Jesus said, “Move the stone away.” Martha said, “But, Lord, it has been four days since he died. There will be a bad smell.” Martha was the sister of the dead man.” John 11:39 ICB
Move the stone away. Stop with the many words as to why it can’t happen. Stop entertaining negative thoughts. Stop murmuring. Let’s believe our God. Let us stand by the integrity of His word. Let us look to the One who helps men.
“Then Jesus said to her, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”” John 11:40 ICB
If you believe, you’ll see the glory of God even now.
“After Jesus said this, he cried out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” John 11:43 ICB
Hey my Yielded Family! I just want to say l love you and I’m so happy to have such a wonderful family. I’ve never met most of you, I only see the reader’s statistics and I’m blessed to know that you’re taking time to read this blog from different parts of the world. Thank you.
As a writer I’ve faced so many challenges. One of them being writer’s block. Someone may say but Christian writers can’t face that. I disagree. Sometimes you know what to do but not the how to. Sometimes you know both but you have no flow. There are times I write and from the first word to the last I am flowing to the point where I’ve to stop myself seeing the paragraphs are a lot. Thennnn there are times like this morning where I write and I’m like nah. Road closed. We will try again. I did try again and again and now we have a Monday blog. I have soooo many drafts that were trial and failure. It’s more than just making sense to people, it’s about what transforms people and if I’m just blabbering I’d be wasting your time right?
Where am l going with this? In your skills, talents, giftings, you may find yourself second guessing your potential. Can l really sing? Can l really write? Am l doing things right? Since I keep failing , I must be bad after all. Then you park your gift and start doing things that are not in purpose. What is it that you know you’re so gifted in but you stopped doing it because you had “writers block” and many “drafts” of “failure” and you started thinking “maybe I am not a good minister.” Let me tell you something….. okay I’m always telling you something but let me tell you something else 😂
If people have to always encourage you to do something, you have a problem. If you need cheerleading to pursue purpose, you have a problem. “No one said eish you write well so I can’t write anymore.” Or “No one said well done so l can’t do this anymore.” There are times God Himself allows that so that you don’t have an arrival mentality or pride. What can you do without anyone paying you for it ? Would you do it gladly because you love it? What can you do without cheerleading or having a “fan/supporters base” – for me? It is writing. That’s how I have been showing up. I write as part of my intimacy with God.
2025 … I know right. You’re probably thinking , “I will do this and that. I will finally start this. I will start doing such and such in 2025.” Should l remind you that you probably 90% said the same thing 2023 into 2024. What did you do? The waiting for the “perfect moment” has made people lose their zeal and drive and eventually, vision. What you are waiting to do in 2025, unless God Himself has said pause and wait, why don’t you start this December? The blog, the talent, the business. Why are you waiting? What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for?
“If a person waits for perfect weather, he will never plant his seeds. And if he is afraid that every cloud will bring rain, he will never harvest his crops.” Ecclesiastes 11:4 ICB
Some of us are waiting but according to God you are triggering the spirit of delay. You are opening the door for the spirit of delay. According to God you should’ve started by now. I know for a fact I delayed starting yielded by a full month. That’s 20 days of blogging thrown into the bin. Who knows how many people could’ve been transformed while l was counting stars? I delayed pursuing my education in counselling by 3 years. Imagine that kind of thing! The wait is only good if it’s by the Lord. If it’s about “feelings” you are not waiting to renew strength. You are waiting and losing strength. Only those who wait UPON the Lord renew strength. Check the reason and purpose for your wait. Did God say wait? Or do you feel like waiting because you are afraid, hesitant and have no faith or maybe you’re just lazy?
“You’ll see me doing big things in 2025!” Okay but we can still see you doing it now? I’m not in any way saying rush the process. I’m saying BE IN THE PROCESS. Be conscious of the times and seasons. “I will finally go to church in 2025.” You are okay with losing the information you could learn over the remaining Sundays of 2024? Look at what you are losing now and not the latter! “I will start therapy in March.” Why? “No reason. I just feel like next year is the year.” So what about the next couple of months where you’ll be functioning as a broken person? Capable of breaking others? Are we okay with living without peace because we postpone confrontation? Men are beings of time. Born in time. Living in time. Dying in time. Time is something you can actually lose. This year taught me this – procrastination has never been of God.
If creation should take 6 days why take 20 days?
Why take 2 years to do what according to divine time you should’ve done in 6 months? This addresses every area of life. Education, saving, marriage, health, spiritual life, gifts, EVERYTHING! Time is not your friend. If it was, it would wait for you. We pray for restoration of the years because time didn’t give grace to say “Right now you’re crying so let me wait for you to finish”. Did God say wait or do you like procrastination and so saying ,” I’m waiting upon the Lord” makes you feel better for your poor decisions? We want to soothe our hearts by pointing it to God . “I think God says I should prepare so timeeee.” That time God is saying “You are already prepared for this.” There are people waiting upon the Lord that even the Lord is like “No. You are waiting upon yourself.” You need to find out , that too, as soon as possible,
For many years l saw myself as nothing. When the enemy first introduced the lie to me it hurt. I hurt myself by believing it. As time went on , it didn’t hurt anymore, it was now part of me. I had the consciousness of the lie every day of my life so it became an identity. The results l was getting also suggested that l was an empty vessel. I do believe it changed how I viewed life in general; people, the world and especially God.
The picture above is a perfect illustration of how many of us should be mentally. It’s sad how men of great potential drown in depression because of a lie they believed ,”You’ll die a worm. Nobody will choose a man like you. You’re too weak. You cannot lead and even if you tried to, nobody would follow.” It’s sad when children with bright futures commit suicide because a lie was told , “You’re not loved. You’re not seen. If you die it won’t make a difference so cut yourself, drink poison, take the rope.” What about the women who switched off their light because they heard ,”Your feelings will never be validated. This is a man’s world. There’s no place for your many dreams. You’re a woman. That’s all you’ll ever be. Just a woman. Stay where you belong.”
The mind is such a powerful place. It is a world of its own. One that creates. One that destroys. It’s paradox because it uses itself to understand itself. It is a world of constant battle between peace and overthinking. Racing thoughts and stillness. Creativity and dullness. Wisdom and foolishness. The future, the present and the past. God knew us before He formed us in our mother’s wombs, doesn’t that show us how the mind preconceives almost everything we are?
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7 KJVa
Isn’t it amazing? The mind has its own eyes and ears. It can see the world through itself without the physical eyes . It can hear without getting the information from the physical ears. Look at the picture again. The reflection the worm sees is its future. It actually is its real self. It doesn’t look like that in the physical YET but it’s only a matter of time. If the worm focuses only on its current worm speed, its current worm colour, its current worm state, it may harm the image of the future. The current state is not permanent, it is part of the process.
How many processes of becoming have you suffocated because you saw the worm season and concluded that the butterfly season is not coming? Maybe you didn’t even think as far as that. What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Are you shortsighted? What’s the vision you have for your life? Is it , green , crawling and with no beauty to behold? Or do you see the future you, the butterfly, the colourful, the soarer, the one who nolonger crawls but flies. Maybe you actually see yourself flying, but not as a butterfly, just a fly. Hmm.
To the one in corporate, what do you see? To the one in ministry, what do you see? Little Miss in school, what do you see? Husband, what do you see? Wife , what do you see? To the one toiling day and night, what do you see? Abraham open your eyes. Look.
“After Lot separated from him, Yahweh spoke to Abram, “Lift up your eyes and look around you to the north, the south, the east, and the west.” As far as you can see in every direction is the land that I will give to you forever—to you and your seed.” Genesis 13:14-15 TPT
Maybe all you need to do is separate from Lot. There are people whose presence in our lives makes us lazy, to even think. They are not bad people but we never see when we are with them or when we converse with them. No wise plans, no vision, no direction, all we ever talk about is things that will never better our lives. I’m here to tell you that as far as your eyes can see, you can possess. “But it looks like the only thing l possess is a birth certificate.” Darling, see beyond. “But I have been bullied, abused, mocked and called many names. They say I’m a worm.” Darling, don’t camp there! You actually are a worm now BUT time! There’s a time for everything under the sun!
Clean your mirror. Clean your mind. Start speaking beautiful things about yourself not to pump up pride but to create a butterfly vision in order to step into it. I wonder, when the worm begins to see colour , the wings, how exciting it must be, to know that what it once envisioned is coming to life. The business, the marriage, being a parent, ministry growth, imagine all of this coming alive because you refused to settle for worm things. Builders start with one brick and yet after sometime, someone can come and say “This is my house.” From one brick, you build one after the other. You push, sometimes in the heat, sometimes in the cold. Until you see the house, everything else IS NOT THE GOAL. Until you become a butterfly , everything else IS NOT THE GOAL. Don’t stop there. Don’t even stop when you see the structure, there’s some painting to do! Do not settle for worm 🐛 things when you could become a butterfly 🦋
Darling, as far as your eyes can see. I love you. 💗