Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday

Ms Grace Maplanka

Hey everyone! Welcome to our chilled Thursday. I started off my day with a bad migraine but l had to show up here anyways. I’ve learnt that about consistency , it puts a system in place. Where there’s no order, there’s no consistency. I have an amazing movie for us to watch today but first let me say something about the lady on the photo above.

Grace and l met on WhatsApp through a friend. We have never met physically before yet the kind of heart she has towards me is God standard. Everyday of her life she pushes yielded blogs , she has carried this vision like her own child and so yes!! I must give honour where it is due. Grace, I celebrate you on your birthday. You are a destiny helper. I couldn’t think of any way to make this special but to put it on what you call your “favourite blog”. As the founder of yielded, together with Holy Spirit, we say happy birthday! Thank you for your support. Thank you for being you! Happy new year ! Please help me celebrate her!! 🎂❤️

Okay now, click on the link below to watch the movie! You better not miss this one!!! You’ll love it, I know!

And hey … l love you. 🩵

Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday

Don’t just watch me , help me carry this thing!


There you go, l love you.

Hey family! Happy Thursday! I hope you are okay. I hope your heart is okay. I hope you are holding on because we are closer to the promise with each day that passes by. As always; if you’re not fasting grab popcorn! IF YOU ARE! My dear don’t use me as an excuse to break your fast after two hours o! Push it! You will eat popcorn next week – it’s not like you need it and stuff 🤣🤣 [l hope you have a sense of humour because even God laughs]. I’m not even bluffing , see.

“The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Anyhoo… here are the July counselling slots.

You can book by email or simply send me a dm on Instagr; book atleast 24hr prior to your desired slot . Please note that this is free biblical counselling.

I hope you guys were able to download and read the books l sent. As much as we watch the Christian movies it’s also important that we feed our minds with these books. Knowledge sets free. Ignorance chains. I am also looking for an animator for our yielded tv series. If you know one please refer me to them or vice versa.

Here’s our movie for today ..


Yielding the mind

Worship Wednesday

Hey family! I love you! It’s important that we remind each other of this. I don’t have the privilege of talking to you guys as l do on the Midnight Prayer Group ; so with the few seconds I have to type it and remind you – I will. We all deserve to be intentionally loved. So yes – I love and appreciate every one of you. Happy Wednesday!

I have been feeling refreshed in the presence of God. It feels like a new oil has been poured over my head to strengthen me to walk my path of destiny. I had a status on my WhatsApp the other day and I mentioned that even a devoted believer, totally in love with God , faithful in service can get tired. Burn out is very common we just don’t talk about it much. It is our responsibility to discern when we are burned out so that we take necessary measures to ensure that we rest and continue in a little while: If you have people you can talk to about how you’re feeling, I suggest you open up and they can help you. Isolation is never the best option. There is a difference between isolation and consecration.

Here’s a couple of songs that I’m sure will minister to you in whatever state you find yourself in. He deserves our praise and worship in Egypt and in Canaan. He doesn’t stop being our God because we have been asked to provide our own straw for the bricks. As you go about your Wednesday; encourage yourself in the Lord! And when it gets too difficult do email me on and let’s talk about it.

“David was greatly distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them all were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters. But David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God.”
‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭30‬:‭6‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

Yielding the mind

Reflection Friday

How are you? The truthful answer now, how are you?

How has the week been for you? How’s your heart? What testimony have you received and what are you most grateful for? Don’t just read; it’s important that you answer . It’s important that you do all the exercises here; we want to grow don’t we? Let’s look into the mirror 🪞.

I’ve come to realise that man is ignorant to his own faults but actively participates in other people’s business. Jesus addresses this in the gospels by saying “

“How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭42‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Jesus is saying , your first mission is to address you. Self introspection is not something you do after you’ve corrected others NO! You start by checking yourself out first! Unless we have done so, we have no right to be correcting others – not even unbelievers. “They’re prostitutes” while we’re still dealing with “masturbation” in the church of God! No! Jesus wants us to see that our first job is to deal with our own problems, sins, weaknesses, mistakes, inconsistencies, wrong motives. Many people can’t confront themselves but they have paragraphs upon paragraph confronting others. Jesus says we cannot do that. So here we are again, before the mirror . To see ourselves for who we truly are.

I was reading a scripture and it really confronted my heart. I realised , there’s someone I am actually still mad at. I’m like ohh the word of God will really have you on the surgery table. Now, I can’t go and teach about grudges when l myself have to deal with that. I’ve dealt with it though; spoke to the person. Jesus is not saying never preach about it , He says, first deal with your own heart condition. Ever met ladies who will say “oh your make up is not sitting well” but you look at them and their brows can pass as door handles? LOL (let me be serious). Okay okay back to the issue – self introspection. What are we doing about the bitterness?

Your growth is not in putting down others, it is in looking at your reflection. A fault is a fault, whoever it belongs to, and we should judge ourselves and others by the same rule. We are to fix our thoughts on it; careful consideration; meditate; deliberate on these things. So no, nothing justifies yelling. Nothing justifies wrong behaviour. Nothing justifies treating people like nothing even if in your past you were treated likewise. I know this is a bit harsh but even your past trauma doesn’t justify you traumatising others. If a man broke your heart; that doesn’t justify you breaking other people’s hearts. You need healing first so that you can have a healthy perspective on relationships. We are called to be godly not godly with a side salad of the world. It’s a journey but we will definitely win if we don’t shrink back. It’s all up to us – you and l.

3 ways to self reflect

  • Through the lenses of scripture . Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal you to you. And when He does, don’t argue with Him.
  • Journaling . As you meditate, write down what you need to work on and add a date to it then come back to it after sometime to note down progress or victory.
  • Ask your friends. “Tell me about what you think of me”. Now this is something you want to do with friends whose hearts you trust to be loving towards you. People whose answers will edify. They should tell you the truth and you should be able to take the truth no matter how hard or angering it is. Remember even God corrects those He loves. There is love in correction.

Many people keep failing the self introspection test because they hate “truth”. Truth threatens their peace and they have been running from it since they knew what it was. The truth sets you free. We remain caged if we can’t swallow truth. If your friends point out a trait in you that is bad don’t say “who are you to tell me this and that. I’m cutting you off. You too are like this and that,” it’s not a competition of who’s better. It’s surgery. Humility is needed when we go through this journey.

And remember this includes honesty about how you feel, your anger management journey, the healing process, everything. Don’t microwave healing . Don’t microwave success. Take it as it comes and finally, you become like a butterfly. Beautiful, free, admirable!

It’s time to consider our ways . Truth be told , are you who the world thinks you are or are you the person the mirror is showing? Let’s get to work!

My darling, until we actually become intentional about self introspection we may never rise to our full potential .. in the end , you will be the one suffering from the results of being too casual about this.

I love you! Have a beautiful weekend! Remember, Abba is on your side! ❤️

Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday


Yes. Grab some 🍿. If you’re fasting my dhiye just grab water before you take this as a sign to break your fast. You know believers like to say “confirmation” even those who never heard anything that needs “confirmation” . It’s become Christianese. Someone can read “grab popcorn” and break their fast because “It’s confirmation, l knew I wasn’t supposed to fast.” Guys please, okay? Ok.

Before I post the link for our movie, I’d like to first; remind you to follow Yielded TV on Instagram. Soon we will have our chilled Thursday links from that channel. Two, I need people who will make short videos for Yielded TV . On the video share how yielded has helped you, whatever you may have learnt ; it doesn’t have to be long. I will need your name, where you reside and the video should be less than 30 seconds. Help me with that please? You can send me the video on Instagram directly at yielded tv dm or to my personal account @vanessa_moonkie. Remember I will post it on the TV page so lol you can’t wear crop top my dhiye. This will also serve as me meeting my readers. Yha one day we will be a whole Christian Netflix as Yielded and you’ll get a free subscription for 3 months LOL! (Screenshot and remind me then) Thanks in advance guys. ❤️

Horyt! Let’s get to it! Simply click on the link to watch ! I know that this will really inspire and bless you! I love youse!

If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted. You won’t be held back— you’ll stand before kings!”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22‬:‭29‬ ‭TPT‬‬