Yielding the mind

Reflection Friday

””Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Hey family. It’s time to reflect on our week. The Word of God says give careful thought to the paths for your feet meaning we cannot be careless about anything that pertains to our lives. Be as intentional about Monday as you are about Saturday. Be serious about your Tuesday as you are about your Sunday. The truth is we cannot go back to last Wednesday we can only go back by thoughts. Let’s look at the picture above; (I love trying to interpret pictures btw!)

The old lady is seeing a reflection of herself as a little girl. The little girl looks quite simple, probably thinking fairytales , “I will be a Cinderella or A Barbie, have all the toys l want and stuff them in a pink room!” At that age in a normal household you know nothing about life really, all you know as hardship is your mom saying you can’t eat sweets after 6pm. It’s quite different in underprivileged households. By the time you’re 8, you know how to hustle for a meal, you are on the streets making a living ..

We have no idea the quality of life the lady in the picture lived but the image gives us the impression that there’s something that happened in her childhood that even as old as she is, in the mirror all she sees is the little girl in her .. the little girl has been standing there in the mirror all these years, waiting for the old lady to confront her. I’ve realised that the passing of days or years does not necessarily mean we move from certain happenings. Right now someone is still stuck on what happened on Sunday at 7am. We never truly know where we stopped living until we reflect. There’s many people stuck on things that happened ten years ago and they wonder why there’s no results in the now, it is because you have not confronted the 2014 issue. The past will always wait for confrontation. Confront it and move on.

The reason why l really want us to intentionally reflect week by week is because the once a year reflection is not enough. Life carries so many memories and they can’t be dealt with by the few days of a December retreat. Is there a little kid in the reflection of your mirror saying I’m still here , I didn’t grow up? Is there a teenager in your mirror saying please forgive me for not having the wisdom to make better choices? Is there an older you saying I know I messed up on Tuesday, those words were rude , I will do better? Who is in your mirror? Is it you? Do you even recognise yourself?

Okay… how are you? How’s your heart? Clean up the mirror, let’s face the clear facts. How do we make sure next week is better? Reflect on the wins too!! Did you celebrate the testimony? Are you improving your work ethic? What about your prayer life? What instructions did God give you? Please don’t just read and move forward without taking any measures , you don’t want to stand in the mirror one day and all you’re seeing is what could’ve been .. a man who could’ve been great. A woman who could’ve made better choices.

Don’t be afraid.. it takes bravery to confront self.
See you on Monday ❤️

Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday

Guyssss! I need a retreat. I don’t know if you’re also feeling tired already in 2024. I’m like no but I’m too young to be feeling this much fatigue. I can’t say I’m ineffective when I’m tired, maybe when I’m hungry but chewdren of God, I can’t redbull it anymore (I’ve tried 80% of the flavours). I used to love the original flavour until it started reminding me of some Smirnoff that I used to drink when l was still in a relationship with the world so I dropped it. So yeah, I need to lay before God and just be in my baby era.

Anyhoo, hey everyone 🤣. Today’s blog is all over the place. It’s not giving a woman of order because on Thursdays I am a chilled girl. I will wear my big girl jacket tomorrow please. I just want to recommend some books today , try by all means to get them. Reading is how we get information that many times, pushes us into new dimensions. An ignorant person will always be limited. You can’t depend on Instagram for information, they wear almost nothing there, shaking their behind and just whatever. Read books!

We are in a time where you can download books online -FOR FREE! We have no excuse honestly. Get you a book, get some nice coffee and feed your mind. The mind feeds on anything it is exposed to. Expose it to education- it will be educated. Expose it to the Word of God – it will be renewed. Expose it to science – the person becomes a scientist. You become what your brain carries. (SIDE NOTE: thinkers are attractive. I personally don’t want to marry someone whose mind retires after every 5mins. I’m giving you free advice. Brains are top tier!)” Short prayer: “Oh Lord May my husband be a man of sharp brains 🧠 abeg! May l also be a wife of wisdom! Glory! Labrosssa! AMEN!” Because I will cry eh😂😂, Here’s some books to read ; I’ve read them before and they have changed my life forever. You can dm me on Instagram @vanessa_moonkie I will help you place your order directly with the authors.

Popcorn? Yes!! Here’s a short clip to watch ! I love you

Watch now :

Yielding the mind

It’s Worship Wednesday

My Testimony

At each and every sunrise we will be thanking you for your kindness and your love. As the sun sets and all through the night, we will keep proclaiming, “You are so faithful!”“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭92‬:‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Hey family. I’m sending you my love today. I truly appreciate you showing up to read these blogs every week. The statistics are really overwhelming. I would not have imagined that Yielded blogs would be read in so many countries by people l have never met yet you trust that I’m writing by the Spirit of God! That is huge! I can’t thank you enough for being an encouragement on the comments, sharing the links around, you’re so special! ❤️Thank you ! Welcome to Worship Wednesday!!

My testimony is of the encounter that I had during worship that changed my life forever. The Vanessa l am now is a product of worship. I used to lead worship in church and when l got home the Holy Spirit would call me back into the secret place, so much happened there. The wounds of many many years were healed (I’m talking serious brokenness) my body was healed of severe headaches, palpitations, womb pain, I started understanding scripture better, my life began to change. I used to be so mean and didn’t like people , now I can’t stop myself from loving and loving and loving some more. I learnt how to give , to genuinely smile, to serve diligently, to die to self. It was during worship that the spirit of depression got off my back! Things that people think need intense warfare came through worship. Not every breakthrough comes from boxing the devil, although I encourage warfare, I’m a war girl, I don’t play games with Satan! l was never born to give the devil peace oh no!! When I fight , I fight to scatter! But you know, breakthroughs can come from the stillness in worship, where you are the prayer point, the sacrifice, you become heavens sound of worship!

I’m sharing this with you because I’ve seen how many of us only have energy for warfare but during worship we are so rigid and stiff, no sensitivity to what God is doing. This is because we are not aware of the power of worship. We perish because of lack of knowledge! We think it’s all about music, all about the notes, we look for things that don’t matter, if the moment is about self , it is no longer worship. Today, l encourage you to worship the Lord your God. Those who despise worship are proud people and they should not expect any help from God. He opposes the proud. I will not add a song suggestion today, I want you to find one yourself, you can even do it without music. Be intentional about spending intimate time with God today. Again, I’m sending you my love and big big hugs! Can’t wait to hear your testimony!

Yielding the mind

Lustful thoughts(1)

”Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm.“
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Lust : The dictionary definition of lust is "1. intense or unrestrained sexual craving or 2. an overwhelming desire or craving." Lust is essentially to crave something, usually associated with worldly desires of sexual intent or material possessions.

I have been thinking about how to tackle this one! It has been such a mind-eating worm. Lust has caused so much damage in the world and because of its crafty nature, it is rarely seen as bad or called out. Lust has settled in communities and keeps brainwashing people to think , “It’s normal. There’s nothing wrong, everyone is the same!” I wrote on my Instagram note yesterday, Not all Christians are compromising ; in other words, Not everyone is living a life of untamed desires. Don’t let the Devil fool you.

While lust isn’t a dirty word, it is a strong word. You don’t have lust for something you don’t really care about. Lust is a strong, powerful desire, whether it’s a noun or verb: you lust for things you deeply crave. Someone greedy lusts for money. Someone gluttonous lusts for food. The most basic meaning of lust is an unquenchable desire for sex, but people lust for all sorts of things.

We will start with the lust for material possessions. The first sin was a result of lust for power and position. We can attest to the fact that most of the people who join cults, fraudsters, gangsters, drug lords (etc) are people who lust after something. Lust is one of the causes of crime. If you didn’t lust after money which is not even yours, you’d not be a robber. If you didn’t lust after cars and houses, you’d not be selling drugs destroying the lives of people. People’s wicked nature is cultivated by lusts. What is your lust? It is often revealed in your thoughts. It all starts in the mind.

A mind that is not filled with the Word of God will most likely create evil thoughts. The more we diligently study and meditate on the Bible we extinguish the thoughts. The mind is a place of decision making. If we don’t carefully guard our minds we will live according to the flesh and miss out on the beauty of being Spirit~led. Apostle Paul says “Fill your thoughts with heaven realities” meaning – your mind is your responsibility. You must be intentional about what goes on in there.

Lusting for material things has destroyed relationships, marriages, churches, companies. Today, many refuse to go back to church because they saw what a strong craving for money can do. Others are divorcing because even the foundation of the relationship was lust. “You have a nice car and house so I will marry you!” Then after two years, all that seemed to glitter like gold vanishes, that day you’ll cry 677 times. Why do you want what you want? Why are you asking God for this and that? What is the motive? The motive usually reveals the genuineness or the lust.

Lust, in all of its forms and expressions, is without exception sinful and, therefore, represents a sort of direct fight against God. Lust deserves our aggressive opposition, Lust is bad for us the way all sin is bad for us because it tells us that poison is sweet .We then need to understand how the mind works. It cannot stop itself if there’s no new information to change the old information. My darling, as you seek for God, all other things will be added unto you.

Put to death the strong desire for money because it will drive you to evil. Put to death the thoughts of lust , they will enslave you in the prison of the flesh . Put to death the desire to get possessions “no matter what it takes even if I’ve to kill someone” because one day, like Eve, It will look good to act upon. Don’t envy people’s testimonies, yours is coming. FOCUS🚀

Yielding the mind


Happy new week! I pray you are doing well.
Last week we discussed about fixed/fixing thoughts, I’d like us to continue with the topic this week.

When we talk about focus or fixed thoughts, we talk about the ability to keep your attention on a particular thing, to pay attention to, to have a clear vision , to be organised, to be disciplined. Many of us struggle with this and that’s how we find ourselves unproductive or doing everything all at once being ineffective in everything. I am currently teaching myself to stick to schedule, to keep my vision as clear as day. My mind is quite a factory, there can be a lot of noise, so many things to do, so many thoughts but I’ve realised, I’m more efficient and effective when I fix my mind on a particular project, finish it and move on to the next one.

A no routine life is a distracted life. If I don’t plan to do anything at 10am, it means anything can happen at 10am, TV , Cell phone use (talking, texting, gaming, social media use) mind wandering, or extreme agitation of the mind. While you’re on TikTok you switch to Bible app for ten mins, you get a text on WhatsApp, there you go, someone dms you on Instagram, you move from one thing to another and after 5hrs you realise, you’ve been dealing with a distracted mind and you have wasted so much time.

Imagine if Jesus was always so distracted? He would have ended up not making it to the cross. Many people tried to distract Him by their words! You’re not the only one! What did a distraction of women do to Samson? We think it’s just all fun and games until our eyes are opened up to see the real danger of not having a clear mind. Be clear about your day, be clear about what you want to do and with who, be clear about your convictions! Nobody ever grows in distracted environments, it’s too chaotic . God is not found in such places but most definitely, The devil is. As you distract yourself from school or work with social media, you find yourself looking at lustful triggers & evil scenes , more thoughts start to pop up. Of course there are people who suffer from ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a medical condition. A person with ADHD has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to sit still, and self-control. However, like any other condition , this too bows before the Name of Jesus and should not be an issue in the life of a believer .

Careless thinking has brought many people to ruin and to stagnation. Your mind can be trained to focus on bible study , to focus at work, at school, IN CHURCH! People go to church and all they’re thinking about is silly things. People fast and all they think about is food and Netflix . During prayer people are thinking about the craziest of things. My friends, the truth is, you’re going nowhere with that mind. It’s too busy to carry you to destiny. It’s too occupied to help you birth your Samuel. Hannah was not thinking about the priest, she was locked into the prayer; body , soul and mind . Lock into whatever you do. Fixed thoughts. Clear vision. Schedule. Discipline. RID YOURSELF OF DISTRACTIONS!

”So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬ ‭TPT‬‬