Yielding the mind

Reflection Friday

Do you remember the time when you prayed for what you have now? You fasted. You consecrated yourself. You sought God in His word. You tied your belt of prayer. You got a prophecy . You waited. Then finally you received. Do you remember? There’s a woman in the Book of Luke chapter 2 called Prophetess Anna. This woman prayed for the coming of the Messiah literally all her life. She spent her time in the temple – praying. After she lost her husband she stayed on the altar , praying for fulfilment of prophecy. Many people don’t know about her but she prayed and prayed, waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem for over 80 years. And then finally , the Messiah was born.

Does Israel remember the days when the sun was scorching and the labour was body wrecking and they cried unto God for deliverance? Do they remember now that they’re finally out of Egypt? Israel forgot. She forgot that she cried unto God and that is why God sent Moses to Pharoah. Do you remember when you were so broken you wanted to die? How God showed up and saved you from the hands of the enemy dear Job? There’s a song that says, “ Count your blessings NAME them ONE BY ONE!” ..

The psalmist says count them and name them! Jog your memory on what God has done. “Oh l don’t have the car yet!” But don’t you recall the time you prayed for good health? When the sickness wouldn’t let you go? Reflection Friday is also for us to remember!! Remember!!! “I once was lost” .. we used to sing amazing grace as just a hymn but the psalmist says, “ l remember that I once was lost. I once was blind!” Then he says BUT NOW! The power of our reflection on testimonies is also a fuel of our praise and worship.

Many of us could’ve been swallowed by the world BUT thank God for salvation. We used to backslide every season BUT NOW! They used to be mere fishermen BUT when Jesus showed up! As we look into the mirror today, look into the many blessings you have. Don’t make the mistake of Israel. When they were set free they stopped complaining about the bricks and straw, they started complaining against God about mere things like garlic and onion.

Remember that you prayed for what you have now.
Always remember , your yesterday is definitely not your today. Have a beautiful Friday!

“They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭78‬:‭35‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday

Hey family. I hope you’re doing well today .

It’s chilled Thursday but this week we are plugging into Hallelujah Challenge. If you missed the live be sure to catch up on YouTube.

I was blessed by this message last week, I know it will bless you too. Take time to watch it today and let’s meet tonight on Hallelujah Challenge . You know l love and appreciate every one of you that shows up here consistently to read all that God has written for you through me.

God loves you. God is mindful of you. God will strengthen you. God will walk the journey with you. God will shield you. God is taking care of you. God is with you; calm down; be kinder to yourself; do not worry .. Have a beautiful day . 💞

“Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭7‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Click on the link to watch ..

Yielding the mind

Worship Wednesday

This is what worship does to my soul. Sometimes it feels like I’ve been burnt out on life, on the path that seems to be getting hotter and hotter, the pressure getting worser but when l begin to be intimate with Abba in worship , it feels like there’s refreshing waters poured down from my head to every part of my soul. I feel alive again!

Isn’t it amazing?! The woman at the well was seeking for water but Jesus also addressed worship. Jesus begins to address the topic of worshippers and how they are to worship. She needed water! She got both the living water and a strategy of worship! Worship is to us, what water is to the body. Can we survive without water? No. She had to go fetch water even though it was in the evening. She needed it. Beloved that’s how we need the atmosphere of worship. We can’t go a day without it!

I love the women of old in the Bible. They were praisers. If you read carefully you’ll find, Hannah’s song, Mary’s song, Elizabeth’s song.. These women could compose and sing songs unto God! They knew who the glory belongs to. We have a generation of people who don’t know who the glory belongs to. We crave for the glory of God, we desire it, we lust after what belongs to God. It is very poisonous to man! The glory of God poisoned an Angel! A whole Angel of light suddenly became darker and darker and darker and now is the father of all evil and dark spirits! When you get time to give God glory? All the glory? Do it. Hallelujah challenge is starting today, SHOW UP! If you can dance on TikTok surely you can do the most in God’s presence.

“From now on, worshiping the Father will not be a matter of the right place but with a right heart. For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.””
‭‭John‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭TPT‬‬

From now, it’s no longer about who’s been at church the longest. It’s not about who has a blog site and who is an usher. It is about having the right heart. Can your heart connect when we worship? Can you surely say I’m worshipping Him from my heart? Are we just singing? Is it all just dance for show? Is it all just crocodile tears? Is it all just to mark register that oh l can also fall and cry? What is it for? Who is it for? FROM NOW ON! It is no more a matter of having the songs that give goosebumps! Your playlist is not for goosebumps. That’s to trivial . That’s too small. We cannot belittle the time of worship like that. From now on … do it from the heart. From today , yield all of you. Break the alabaster box, the perfume is expensive , that’s okay, worship is expensive. It takes seriously yielded people to participate.

See youse at Hallelujah Challenge! Remember to prepare your heart. Prepare the dance moves but remember from now on … it’s an issue of having the right heart! Have a build up till that time. Be soaking in worship, in the word, in His presence. Let His fresh living waters cascade over you and bring life to your soul.. Friends, we need Him. We need Him.!

I love you guys and I’m sorry I posted late. Below are June dates for intercession and counselling with me. Book on time. Bye!❤️

Yielding the mind

The instruction

[Text taken from my book – A Ticket To Tarshish]

Jonah 1v2b, “Announce my judgement against it.”

The most powerful ministry is one where the judgement of the Lord is always proclaimed. One where the instructions of God are carried out. Obedience to God is obedience to His Word. We are sent to announce HIS judgement. Announce His word. Tell them exactly what HE said. Announce the truth,”. Whose judgement is to be announced? God’s. It reads “My judgement” not “Your opinion”.

Christians do not announce opinions or judgements based on their feelings, no. We stick to the scripture. Christians do not shy away from speaking the truth by creating their own truth. We do not nurse the feelings of the world by compromising the truth. We cannot be called ambassadors of Christ if are carrying out our own agendas on kingdom mission. When we prepare teachings aimed at those we are in conflict with; when we come up with prayer points directed to brothers and sisters we no longer see eye to eye with, is that what you’ve been sent to do?

God’s instruction has not been given to you to think over. “I will go to Nineveh instead,” It has not been given to you to add your own three dollars to enhance it, it is already perfect as it is. Go and announce it! I like the obedience of the servants at the wedding of Cana.

John 2;5 But his mother told the servants, ‘Do whatever her tells you.”

This means you obey whether it makes sense or not. You also do not obey at your own terms. A good friend of mine once said,” The gospel is not a platform for self-advertisement. When we see you we should be able to see Jesus as well. For we do not only gaze at Him, we live like Him.” We are not at liberty to choose how we will follow and when we will follow.

For l have come down from heaven not to do my own will and purpose but to do the will and purpose of Him who sent me.

Do our messages reflect the will and purpose of Him who sent us? What we announce on the pulpit, on the streets, on social media, on the television, on the radio, in our homes, schools and work places, does it echo the judgement of God? Announcing may also be in conduct. How we conduct ourselves as children of God announces Him to the world. This means we are to carefully examine ourselves lest we are announcing the wrong things to the world which is populating hell instead of depopulating it. It is possible my dear brothers and sister that we are the reason why many refuse to believe.
When we open our mouths to speak, when we dress up, preach, sing, who is influencing us? Is it God or self? Are you doing what you’ve been sent to do or are you caught up in meaningless talk?

 1 John 2;6tpt Not just by saying,” l am intimate with God,” but by walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Luke 9;23, Then he said to the crowd,” If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.’

We imitate Him. We do not cook up our own way of doing things. This means we don’t start churches we haven’t been sent to start. We don’t seek to make a name for ourselves using the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many Christian influencers on TikTok and all over social media are using the gospel to create a name for themselves. We are not sent to bring glory to ourselves. We don’t just marry. We don’t just move to Canada. We don’t just do things because we “feel” like it. We follow the instructions . We follow the instructions. We follow the instructions.

Exodus 3;10,” Now go, for l am sending you to Pharoah. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt”

When you get to Egypt tell Pharoah what God said. Do not change the message. Do what you’ve been sent to do.

Follow the instructions. And if you have lost your way, If you have been disobedient. I have good news for you;

See you tomorrow ❤️

Yielding the mind

I have no man

“The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I know many people can reasonate with this man. If you were to ask a minimum of 5 people about their life experiences, I bet 4/5 if not 5/5 will say “I wanted to do this and that but I had no man to help me. My wealthy relative didn’t show up. My friends let me down. So and so could’ve but didn’t. I have no man to take me to the pool.” I remember some years ago that was my tune. I couldn’t understand why people didn’t show up and I learned a little later in life that I had locked myself into an “entitlement” mindset. I had limited God’s ability to help me without using particular people whom l thought had the solutions. The bible says he was an invalid for 38 years because there was no man to help him. Perhaps for some, it is not a matter of wanting or not wanting to be well. It is a matter of having the community needed in order to be made well.

The right people to open the door refusing to unlock it for you. Painful isn’t it? I am sure he had tried to crawl to the pool many times and just didn’t make it on “time”. Timing is important as well. Not only having people who can help but who can help on time. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if he tried to crawl or not, what matters is did he get in? The world can give leniency for a period of time after which your complaint becomes an excuse. At 50 you can’t still be saying “l didn’t finish school because of my parents” no. An 18 year old can make that statement but not a 40 year old. You cannot sit and wallow in self pity forever. No matter how painful it may feel to not have anyone to help, excuses don’t bring healing.

Healing only comes for those who want it. This man wanted to be healed and he was patiently waiting by the pool. Evidently the man could get around to some degree, but was not fast enough to be the first into the pool. I love that it showed the man had character in his persistence. He kept trying and did not give up. As difficult as the task was in getting up and getting into the pool, he was not deterred. The man could have said, “It is no use. I will go home and die.” God had a plan for this man. He stayed, in position. He didn’t throw away the cv and stop applying for jobs. She doesn’t stop building character because no man has said “marry me”. We do not stop. We persist. We stay positioned.

Not having people to help you doesn’t mean you won’t get the help. I know it’s been too long and it feels like you’ll die on the mat. Those who came to Bethesda after you seem have gotten their healing, they’re living their best life now. Those who came with you have left, they can no longer associate with invalids. You’ve been an invalid too long even your mind has been affected. I came to say today; you are never alone. Help is coming. It comes unexpectedly. It locates you. Despite the numbers of people at the pool, when help comes, it will handpick YOU! God will not confuse me with anyone, He will come to me and help me!

Your attitude during this time matters. It’s not only about staying in position or having the desire to breakthrough – your attitude matters. Many people have chased away destiny helpers, good friends, people sent to help them. Many people have stinking attitude and they wonder why they’re alone at the pool. Nobody sticks around invalids, what more a rude invalid. Am I saying you should be a walk over because you’re in need? Certainly not! I’m saying don’t be on a high horse when you don’t have feet to get you down. I know many gifted people who crashed because of how they treated destiny helpers. “Do you want to get well?” … “Sir, do you think I’d be here if I didn’t want to? Do you think I am not serious about life? In my situation, would you not want to be well? I have no one to help me, so stop asking questions!” That’s how some of us have treated destiny helpers. We wonder why it’s been 38 years! How do you treat people?! Nobody wants to help entitled rude people not even God! He says humble yourself in-order to get your lifting..

Lose the pride! Lose the entitlement mentality! No your pastor shouldn’t run to your house every-time you have problems because he’s scared you’ll say “pastors aren’t nice people!” I’m sorry but people won’t always be there to nurse your feelings. Get it from me – people will not always be there. When are you going to stand on your own feet? Lose the short lived faith! Stay in position! Look unto Jesus – you’re fixated on people too much! Lose the anger at people who didn’t put you in that position – do not take out your temper on people who did nothing to you. Lose the bitterness- marah is not your name! Lose the spirit that makes you give up after just one trial! You may not win at the first trial so keep on keeping on! Lose the “l don’t care about life anymore” at the face of problems – those who do know their God shall be strong! And when help comes , LOSE THE MAT! Get up and go! Many people are still sitting on mats they have been told to get up from years ago. You sit because your mind is the invalid. When help comes my darling, receive it and walk.

Meditate on this passage today. Ask God to give you understanding. Have a good day 💜