Yielding the mind

I question the love…

”When he returned again to his disciples, he awoke them, saying, “Are you still sleeping? Don’t you know the hour has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to the authority of sinful men? Get up and let’s go, for the betrayer has arrived.”“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26‬:‭45‬-‭46‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Hey family. I’m sending  you my love on this Good Friday. ❤️

I just came from a power packed service. I really really thank God for Apostle Felix Okoh. One of the things I always give thanks for is that surely there are true men and women of God left in this wicked world. The times may be evil but good and godly people still exist. In the Name of Jesus May all those who preach and preserve the truth of this gospel of Life live long. It’s a prayer we must be very serious about . We need more truth on the pulpit. The world has become a place where many ministers look for trending topics forgetting that the true word of God is about Spirit and life. I can’t get over today’s service , I’m just filled!! Let’s get into todays topic – Reflecting on the cross.

First of all, I want you to know that God loves you. It’s something we say “we know” but not necessarily something we “believe”. One thing I’ve learned about love is that love cannot be muted. I mean, love is a loud feeling. It wants to express itself. It wants to act. It wants to DO. It is not the kind of feeling that just sits still in you and is okay with not showing up for those we love. I question love that is on mute. I really do. How do you love and you fold hands? Not evangelising? Not serving? Not giving? Not taking care of others? Loving only your two friends? Which love do you have and who taught it to you? What manner of love is that? The print of true love is JOHN 3:16 , it says God loved everyone in this whole world that He couldn’t just sit and watch us die, He gave! I question love that does not GIVE. You never give anything all you do is take? You’ve taken from your friends and people more than you’ve ever given? That’s not love. That’s lust. That’s selfishness. God loved so much that He gave not just a Son but His Only ! I question love that waits for abundance to give!! Give where you are, what you have. Those who truly love you, receive it with gladness . If my mom gives me a lollipop and that’s all she has, it means the world to me why? Because love is not in the abundance of the gifts, it’s the heart of the giver that’s important. One JESUS , salvation of many. Don’t be fooled to think God needed 10 sons to save us. One was enough and still is. I’m saying to you, love doesn’t need to count many to give.
Selfish people will never give their last or their only.

I’m teaching you about LOVE! Love has one skirt and sees a lady with a torn skirt, what does love do? It gives even the only. Why? Because love puts itself in someone else’s shoes. I question love that doesn’t care about how other people feel! We cannot follow Him if we still do things however we want! The world teaches us to withhold, my darling, love does not care if it’s the last money, LOVE GIVES. Many people argue that there’s an extent to which you can love someone, I argue back. My argument is there’s nothing like that. Love is extreme. Love cannot be toned down. If there was an extent to which someone can be loved, a limit maybe, surely God would’ve stopped when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, in agony, in grief, God would’ve stopped it right there! Saying “My Son , you’ve loved them enough to feed them, heal them and teach them. That’s enough. Drop out!” But no! It was love that made Him stick to Gods plan till the end.

He said to the disciples, “The betrayer is here!” . All along as He prayed, He knew the footsteps of death were getting closer. He could hear in the spirit, 5km away , 3km away , Judas is a km away. Would you have stayed in prayer ? Would you have gone through with the plan? Knowing the time of death is tomorrow, how would you feel? Love. The Love of God. I dunno about you but I’ve had enough of the gospel that teaches people that “hate is okay , you can’t love everyone!” That’s a demonic thing! Love people! Love people! Love people! You can be a person who extends God’s love to people. When they see you they know, there comes someone who loves us not there comes the betrayer! Do you know how many people need that? We will continue with this topic I just wanted to show up here and remind you

THE TEMPLATE OF LOVE IS CHRIST-LIKE. You are loved. I dunno who said what to you, but you are loved. I’m not talking the on and off love, I’m talking real love! Love that has evidence! Love that has been proven! Can you see? That we are a very special people. Can you understand now? You were never hated by God. Never.
See you on Monday. I love you. ❤️

Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday

One of my fav yielded days is Chilled Thursday. Today l came with a double dose (don’t use this as an excuse to not read your Bible today!) Yielded cinema is coming through 🤣 Get your popcorn 🍿 I love you guys! ❤️

The Life Of Jesus Christ

The Jesus Film is a Christian movie is based on the Four Gospels of the Bible – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Messengers

This movie is about early Christian believers as they boldly proclaim Christ and His message in the face of great opposition resulting in the growth of the church and the unexpected conversion of its most zealous enemy.

Yielding the mind

It’s Worship Wednesday

I love the Lord. I remember growing up in a big family and most of my intimate moments with Holy Spirit were on the bathroom floor. I’d kneel there and confess my love for my Abba. I can’t imagine my life without God. I’d die , literally. Spiritual and physical death. He is my everything. He is my heart , my heartbeat , my all in all. This is the same Lord whose robes were torn for me. Imagine that! Public shame! If someone was to come to me and tear my dress in public, eh 🤣🤣. The Holy Spirit would have to push me out of that place by all means Incase the old man tries to come alive. But the bible records that HE DID NOT FIGHT BACK. How is it possible that a man is humiliated like that and keeps quiet? John answers this question;

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.“
‭‭1 John‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The urge to want to type in venec😂. The apostle says “Listen you need to behold this! There’s a type of love that we have been given that has moved us from not being a people, not having identity, from being orphans to being sons! Not sons of the President or a celebrity, no! Far better! SONS OF GOD!!!” He says but what manner of love is this? This suggests that even he had never seen or heard of such a thing! Behold it! It’s a different kind of love! How did God show us this love?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.“
‭‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The first line has me in my feelings! For GOD , this love did not come from neighbours, or a boyfriend, the source has always been GOD! He loved! He loves! And this is the manner in which He loved, He gave His only Son, The best of heaven, He gave the One that He loves to save the ones that He loves. He GAVE! He didn’t withhold , He didn’t shorten His saving arm ! He loved us at our darkest. My darkest was my past. I have not always been like this but even in that 😭 even in that mess, even in that drunkenness, even THERE! He loved. Today I don’t have to really say much, you know how much He has loved you! Is He then not worthy of our praises? Is this how we say thank you? By folding hands, showing up with attitude in His presence? With weak opinions derived from the doctrines of the world? Is this how we say thank you? We need to really catch this, worship is not a programme , it is your decision to ascribe to the Lord, the glory due to His name.

Here are today’s songs;




Neon Adejo-Eze Ebube II/Grace found me (LIVE)

Yielding the mind

Controlling the mind

”“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”“
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Holy Hugs 🫂. Let’s get to it!!

I have been in the church literally all my life but a great part of my life I had to deal with masturbation. It is something that The Lord has since delivered me from , praise Him !! I would like to help someone with what I know so they can also experience the joys of a holy life! Living a holy and pure life is possible!! I would rise and fall, l cannot say for sure it was an addiction but it was definitely something I did at times. IT was the battle of the mind!!! The truth is, this is such a sexually driven world, 80% of the time what is before you (especially on social media) is lust. My testimony is not an uncommon one, masturbation is not something that cannot be overcome. Infact, life is more beautiful from this side – of liberty – freedom indeed. We will deal with the topic in a broader context when we study yielding the body but let’s touch on it a bit because it is an action that comes from a thought.

Where is this battle for purity being fought? Is it in the courtroom, or on the WWE ring?, Where do you think that the battle for purity is being fought? Is it fought in the boxing ring? No! It is fought in your mind! Your heart! That is where the real battle is. Where no one else can see its intensity but you! Can’t you see? That your mind is a battle field. Whatever defeats you there , defeats you physically and in all you ever do thereafter. You may feel like no other Christian has these struggles and that you will never have lasting victory over it. I want to tell you today that both assumptions are incorrect. The truth is that other Christians do struggle with the same temptations as you but not everyone falls for the devil’s tricks .

Many people who have broken free from masturbation or are still addicted to it can attest to the fact that, it all started with a thought. The thought then triggers feelings , and the feelings lead to the lustful act. This is why, thoughts are not just thoughts. Thoughts are the channel that both Holy Spirit and the Devil use to influence your life. The actions of a person reveal to us who is influencing their thoughts. Let’s be clear, masturbation is an act of instant, self-gratification. It is quite the opposite of self-control that we are constantly reminded of in the Bible. Self-control is an act of obedience to our Holy God and a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) an act that requires restraint, sober-mindedness, and devotion to God. A sober mind can detect the tricks of the enemy.

God says He examines the mind! Imagine this! Every time a thought pops up , God examines it. Your thoughts are not – a – secret. I will type that again, your thoughts are not a secret. We often think “this is hidden” no, it is not. God has already tested your mind! Sin thrives in secret and so the devil wants you to think that it’s between you and the walls! But God has long known it. Your thoughts are on the table -daily! Every moment.

”In fact, the mind-set focused on the flesh fights God’s plan and refuses to submit to his direction, because it cannot!“
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

What is your mind set on? What kind of thoughts dominate your mind? In order for us to yield our minds to God we need to be intentional about rebuking every flesh focused thought. Thoughts cannot be fought by thoughts! They’re fought by words. When the thoughts comes, you open your mouth and say “Devil l rebuke you!” Every battle has a strategy! The battle of the mind is fought by utterance of the word! It is fought on a different field, the field of words! That is how I won! That’s how I keep winning!

If you’re struggling with fighting thoughts, feed yourself with the Word, stay, stick , with the Word! Fast and pray!! If you slack in battle, you lose the battle. Family , we can yield. We must yield to Holy Spirit. Wake up and smell the coffee, or atleast smell the devil, he is not a sleeping enemy!

So how can we?

Yielding the mind

Lustful thoughts(2)

”Let me emphasize this: As you yield to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life.“
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Holy Bible

I greet you all in the Name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. My apologies for the late post.Last week we looked at the topic of lust – materially, this week I want us to focus on the one that you’ve been waiting for 😂 – sexual lust.
Take a look at what I found as I was studying for this week. This is from Psychologists ;

Anti-porn women and the sex addiction industry are mistaken. Self-sexing is normal, natural, healthy, stress-relieving, and great fun. It’s the foundation of satisfying partner lovemaking. Sex therapists recommend it as part of treatment programs for premature ejaculation, arousal difficulties, trouble working up to orgasm, and recovery from childhood sexual abuse. If you have trouble enjoying sex with yourself, it’s very difficult to enjoy it with anyone else.

I bet the last line made you go “eh” if you’re a serious Christian. That whole statement is a lie from the pit of hell! I mean this is what the world is all about, gratifying SELF, feeding the flesh! If you’re expecting to live a spiritually balanced life while feeding on such information from the world, you are mistaken. All these things they’re addressing above are driven by the spirit of lust. On Friday I said, the mind feeds on information, that information can come in visual images or words. Thoughts on the other hand, wait for the mind to capture a moment. You usually think about what your mind has conceived. This simply means, to have dominion over the thoughts you must first have dominion over your mind.

Apostle Paul in his many letters addresses the subject of lust. I encourage you to further study this topic. Solomon teaches us to be careful how we think, because the quality of our thoughts will always determine the quality of our life. Whatever our minds focus on is what will play out in our lives and eventually shape who we are. Our thoughts turn into feelings that have the power to control our lives, gradually steering us and possibly our faith, in a direction we do not want to go. King Solomon knew this to be true, and counsels us to be careful about what we think and feel. He knew it’s often our thoughts, not our circumstances, which cause us to sink.

Our thoughts have power and can easily begin to run our lives, controlling our words and actions, feelings and emotions — even our peace and happiness. You masturbate first in your mind and then your body follows. The first point of lust is the thoughts and it then slows devours you, just when you think you’re breaking free, there you are , thinking about it again. There you are, falling again. Scripture says Yield! Yield to the power of the Spirit and will abandon the thoughts! The thoughts are there because you yield to pornography not the Word. You yield to silly pictures of people on Instagram .. your thoughts are your own enemy. It’s you against you!

When I intentionally changed my thoughts, my life changed as well. And so can yours.
Now that we have laid the foundation, let’s get practical tomorrow. ❤️

Yielding the mind

Reflection Friday

””Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Hey family. It’s time to reflect on our week. The Word of God says give careful thought to the paths for your feet meaning we cannot be careless about anything that pertains to our lives. Be as intentional about Monday as you are about Saturday. Be serious about your Tuesday as you are about your Sunday. The truth is we cannot go back to last Wednesday we can only go back by thoughts. Let’s look at the picture above; (I love trying to interpret pictures btw!)

The old lady is seeing a reflection of herself as a little girl. The little girl looks quite simple, probably thinking fairytales , “I will be a Cinderella or A Barbie, have all the toys l want and stuff them in a pink room!” At that age in a normal household you know nothing about life really, all you know as hardship is your mom saying you can’t eat sweets after 6pm. It’s quite different in underprivileged households. By the time you’re 8, you know how to hustle for a meal, you are on the streets making a living ..

We have no idea the quality of life the lady in the picture lived but the image gives us the impression that there’s something that happened in her childhood that even as old as she is, in the mirror all she sees is the little girl in her .. the little girl has been standing there in the mirror all these years, waiting for the old lady to confront her. I’ve realised that the passing of days or years does not necessarily mean we move from certain happenings. Right now someone is still stuck on what happened on Sunday at 7am. We never truly know where we stopped living until we reflect. There’s many people stuck on things that happened ten years ago and they wonder why there’s no results in the now, it is because you have not confronted the 2014 issue. The past will always wait for confrontation. Confront it and move on.

The reason why l really want us to intentionally reflect week by week is because the once a year reflection is not enough. Life carries so many memories and they can’t be dealt with by the few days of a December retreat. Is there a little kid in the reflection of your mirror saying I’m still here , I didn’t grow up? Is there a teenager in your mirror saying please forgive me for not having the wisdom to make better choices? Is there an older you saying I know I messed up on Tuesday, those words were rude , I will do better? Who is in your mirror? Is it you? Do you even recognise yourself?

Okay… how are you? How’s your heart? Clean up the mirror, let’s face the clear facts. How do we make sure next week is better? Reflect on the wins too!! Did you celebrate the testimony? Are you improving your work ethic? What about your prayer life? What instructions did God give you? Please don’t just read and move forward without taking any measures , you don’t want to stand in the mirror one day and all you’re seeing is what could’ve been .. a man who could’ve been great. A woman who could’ve made better choices.

Don’t be afraid.. it takes bravery to confront self.
See you on Monday ❤️

Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday

Guyssss! I need a retreat. I don’t know if you’re also feeling tired already in 2024. I’m like no but I’m too young to be feeling this much fatigue. I can’t say I’m ineffective when I’m tired, maybe when I’m hungry but chewdren of God, I can’t redbull it anymore (I’ve tried 80% of the flavours). I used to love the original flavour until it started reminding me of some Smirnoff that I used to drink when l was still in a relationship with the world so I dropped it. So yeah, I need to lay before God and just be in my baby era.

Anyhoo, hey everyone 🤣. Today’s blog is all over the place. It’s not giving a woman of order because on Thursdays I am a chilled girl. I will wear my big girl jacket tomorrow please. I just want to recommend some books today , try by all means to get them. Reading is how we get information that many times, pushes us into new dimensions. An ignorant person will always be limited. You can’t depend on Instagram for information, they wear almost nothing there, shaking their behind and just whatever. Read books!

We are in a time where you can download books online -FOR FREE! We have no excuse honestly. Get you a book, get some nice coffee and feed your mind. The mind feeds on anything it is exposed to. Expose it to education- it will be educated. Expose it to the Word of God – it will be renewed. Expose it to science – the person becomes a scientist. You become what your brain carries. (SIDE NOTE: thinkers are attractive. I personally don’t want to marry someone whose mind retires after every 5mins. I’m giving you free advice. Brains are top tier!)” Short prayer: “Oh Lord May my husband be a man of sharp brains 🧠 abeg! May l also be a wife of wisdom! Glory! Labrosssa! AMEN!” Because I will cry eh😂😂, Here’s some books to read ; I’ve read them before and they have changed my life forever. You can dm me on Instagram @vanessa_moonkie I will help you place your order directly with the authors.

Popcorn? Yes!! Here’s a short clip to watch ! I love you

Watch now :

Yielding the mind

It’s Worship Wednesday

My Testimony

At each and every sunrise we will be thanking you for your kindness and your love. As the sun sets and all through the night, we will keep proclaiming, “You are so faithful!”“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭92‬:‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Hey family. I’m sending you my love today. I truly appreciate you showing up to read these blogs every week. The statistics are really overwhelming. I would not have imagined that Yielded blogs would be read in so many countries by people l have never met yet you trust that I’m writing by the Spirit of God! That is huge! I can’t thank you enough for being an encouragement on the comments, sharing the links around, you’re so special! ❤️Thank you ! Welcome to Worship Wednesday!!

My testimony is of the encounter that I had during worship that changed my life forever. The Vanessa l am now is a product of worship. I used to lead worship in church and when l got home the Holy Spirit would call me back into the secret place, so much happened there. The wounds of many many years were healed (I’m talking serious brokenness) my body was healed of severe headaches, palpitations, womb pain, I started understanding scripture better, my life began to change. I used to be so mean and didn’t like people , now I can’t stop myself from loving and loving and loving some more. I learnt how to give , to genuinely smile, to serve diligently, to die to self. It was during worship that the spirit of depression got off my back! Things that people think need intense warfare came through worship. Not every breakthrough comes from boxing the devil, although I encourage warfare, I’m a war girl, I don’t play games with Satan! l was never born to give the devil peace oh no!! When I fight , I fight to scatter! But you know, breakthroughs can come from the stillness in worship, where you are the prayer point, the sacrifice, you become heavens sound of worship!

I’m sharing this with you because I’ve seen how many of us only have energy for warfare but during worship we are so rigid and stiff, no sensitivity to what God is doing. This is because we are not aware of the power of worship. We perish because of lack of knowledge! We think it’s all about music, all about the notes, we look for things that don’t matter, if the moment is about self , it is no longer worship. Today, l encourage you to worship the Lord your God. Those who despise worship are proud people and they should not expect any help from God. He opposes the proud. I will not add a song suggestion today, I want you to find one yourself, you can even do it without music. Be intentional about spending intimate time with God today. Again, I’m sending you my love and big big hugs! Can’t wait to hear your testimony!

Yielding the mind

Lustful thoughts(1)

”Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm.“
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Lust : The dictionary definition of lust is "1. intense or unrestrained sexual craving or 2. an overwhelming desire or craving." Lust is essentially to crave something, usually associated with worldly desires of sexual intent or material possessions.

I have been thinking about how to tackle this one! It has been such a mind-eating worm. Lust has caused so much damage in the world and because of its crafty nature, it is rarely seen as bad or called out. Lust has settled in communities and keeps brainwashing people to think , “It’s normal. There’s nothing wrong, everyone is the same!” I wrote on my Instagram note yesterday, Not all Christians are compromising ; in other words, Not everyone is living a life of untamed desires. Don’t let the Devil fool you.

While lust isn’t a dirty word, it is a strong word. You don’t have lust for something you don’t really care about. Lust is a strong, powerful desire, whether it’s a noun or verb: you lust for things you deeply crave. Someone greedy lusts for money. Someone gluttonous lusts for food. The most basic meaning of lust is an unquenchable desire for sex, but people lust for all sorts of things.

We will start with the lust for material possessions. The first sin was a result of lust for power and position. We can attest to the fact that most of the people who join cults, fraudsters, gangsters, drug lords (etc) are people who lust after something. Lust is one of the causes of crime. If you didn’t lust after money which is not even yours, you’d not be a robber. If you didn’t lust after cars and houses, you’d not be selling drugs destroying the lives of people. People’s wicked nature is cultivated by lusts. What is your lust? It is often revealed in your thoughts. It all starts in the mind.

A mind that is not filled with the Word of God will most likely create evil thoughts. The more we diligently study and meditate on the Bible we extinguish the thoughts. The mind is a place of decision making. If we don’t carefully guard our minds we will live according to the flesh and miss out on the beauty of being Spirit~led. Apostle Paul says “Fill your thoughts with heaven realities” meaning – your mind is your responsibility. You must be intentional about what goes on in there.

Lusting for material things has destroyed relationships, marriages, churches, companies. Today, many refuse to go back to church because they saw what a strong craving for money can do. Others are divorcing because even the foundation of the relationship was lust. “You have a nice car and house so I will marry you!” Then after two years, all that seemed to glitter like gold vanishes, that day you’ll cry 677 times. Why do you want what you want? Why are you asking God for this and that? What is the motive? The motive usually reveals the genuineness or the lust.

Lust, in all of its forms and expressions, is without exception sinful and, therefore, represents a sort of direct fight against God. Lust deserves our aggressive opposition, Lust is bad for us the way all sin is bad for us because it tells us that poison is sweet .We then need to understand how the mind works. It cannot stop itself if there’s no new information to change the old information. My darling, as you seek for God, all other things will be added unto you.

Put to death the strong desire for money because it will drive you to evil. Put to death the thoughts of lust , they will enslave you in the prison of the flesh . Put to death the desire to get possessions “no matter what it takes even if I’ve to kill someone” because one day, like Eve, It will look good to act upon. Don’t envy people’s testimonies, yours is coming. FOCUS🚀

Yielding the mind


Happy new week! I pray you are doing well.
Last week we discussed about fixed/fixing thoughts, I’d like us to continue with the topic this week.

When we talk about focus or fixed thoughts, we talk about the ability to keep your attention on a particular thing, to pay attention to, to have a clear vision , to be organised, to be disciplined. Many of us struggle with this and that’s how we find ourselves unproductive or doing everything all at once being ineffective in everything. I am currently teaching myself to stick to schedule, to keep my vision as clear as day. My mind is quite a factory, there can be a lot of noise, so many things to do, so many thoughts but I’ve realised, I’m more efficient and effective when I fix my mind on a particular project, finish it and move on to the next one.

A no routine life is a distracted life. If I don’t plan to do anything at 10am, it means anything can happen at 10am, TV , Cell phone use (talking, texting, gaming, social media use) mind wandering, or extreme agitation of the mind. While you’re on TikTok you switch to Bible app for ten mins, you get a text on WhatsApp, there you go, someone dms you on Instagram, you move from one thing to another and after 5hrs you realise, you’ve been dealing with a distracted mind and you have wasted so much time.

Imagine if Jesus was always so distracted? He would have ended up not making it to the cross. Many people tried to distract Him by their words! You’re not the only one! What did a distraction of women do to Samson? We think it’s just all fun and games until our eyes are opened up to see the real danger of not having a clear mind. Be clear about your day, be clear about what you want to do and with who, be clear about your convictions! Nobody ever grows in distracted environments, it’s too chaotic . God is not found in such places but most definitely, The devil is. As you distract yourself from school or work with social media, you find yourself looking at lustful triggers & evil scenes , more thoughts start to pop up. Of course there are people who suffer from ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a medical condition. A person with ADHD has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to sit still, and self-control. However, like any other condition , this too bows before the Name of Jesus and should not be an issue in the life of a believer .

Careless thinking has brought many people to ruin and to stagnation. Your mind can be trained to focus on bible study , to focus at work, at school, IN CHURCH! People go to church and all they’re thinking about is silly things. People fast and all they think about is food and Netflix . During prayer people are thinking about the craziest of things. My friends, the truth is, you’re going nowhere with that mind. It’s too busy to carry you to destiny. It’s too occupied to help you birth your Samuel. Hannah was not thinking about the priest, she was locked into the prayer; body , soul and mind . Lock into whatever you do. Fixed thoughts. Clear vision. Schedule. Discipline. RID YOURSELF OF DISTRACTIONS!

”So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬ ‭TPT‬‬