Yielding the mind

Reflection Friday

Heys and hies!!! Everyweek, when we get to Friday I’m like ohhh we are really growing , you know, consistency is something that builds systems and learning to apply it takes a lot more than knowing what to write. It takes dedication, winning the battle of laziness , procrastination and just feeling like what if what I’m doing isn’t helping anyone ? What if this is just one other website that will eventually shush after a while? What if I’m not even writing things that make sense? It’s a whole lot of things to consider when taking up a new ministry or project but what stirs the gift and strengthens it is simply showing up!! I’m glad I’ve been showing up for a little over a month now! Praise Jesus! HAPPY NEW MONTH MY BELOVED FAM!

Since the first day of the March fell on a reflection Friday how’s about we reflect on the whole month of February. How was it for you? What things stood out for you? Any testimonies? What was the constant battle? Can you say for sure that your mind was yielded to Holy Spirit?

Looking back, what would you have done differently? Answer the questions below . These are not questions you answer with speed. Selah

This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.“
‭‭Haggai‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Yielding the mind

Guarding your eye gate

Yesssss! It is our chilled Thursday! On this day we grab our popcorn and watch some movies or sermons! Did you guys watch the Esther movie last week? I loved it! My top 2 is The Pilgrim Progress and Esther .. I love watching Christian content because I don’t have to worry about scenes that create a sinful images in my mind. My cousin was asking me why I don’t watch movies with them , it’s because part of my consecration is to keep away from things that disturb my eyes and end up sitting on my spirit like a heavy rock. It’s hard to pray after watching all that! That being said, I do not watch horror movies!

It’s not even about struggling with stuff, it’s about guarding your eyes such that even a seed of evil cannot be planted. If you always watch movies where people take off panties, you’ll take off your panties soon enough. There are vibrations in everything you listen to and watch! They create a spiritual energy or tension that demands expression in the life of the one who beholds it. Drug people listen to a certain kind of music, so do alcoholics, it creates a mood that goes with the habit.

As a believer, I’m intentional about watching movies. I never used to think it matters , but it does. Some friends of mine were wondering why I watch cartoons or animations, it’s because I will not hear one cuss word after another, it’s obvious, you become what you behold and that’s why we are taught to fix our gaze on Jesus so that we become like Him! You’re that sexually active because you even set your eyes in sexually arousing content. Guard your eyes! You’ve no business being entertained by all that as a believer! It may look exciting but it is a destiny killer because soon, you will act out everything they’re “faking” on tv . Their fake will become your reality! Okayyyyyy! Now that I’ve typed all that, I’ve given you time to prepare the popcorn!

Chilled Thursday!!!

Remember to share your reviews !! Let’s go! ❤️‍🔥

Yielding the mind

Worship Wednesday

Firstly, I just wanna remind you that God loves YOU!

Worship is how we communicate our love to God. It is done by GOD LOVERS! People of intimacy! The ones who aren’t in it for daily bread only but for His very heart. God cannot be found in the flesh and that’s why the bible says He is seeking, He desires, He is looking , He longs, for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Not everyone is doing it that’s why He is looking for such a people! Worship done in the flesh is a waste of time! This is how we sing songs, do all the “worship acts” of lifting hands but we never connect to the heart of God because we ignore the part of “Spirit and truth!” WE CANNOT WORSHIP GOD HOWEVER WE WANT, there is a template! There is a guideline, there is a way into the holy of holies , we don’t enter by singing emotional songs, we enter by worship in Spirit and truth! Ask Him today, “Lord teach me how to worship You!” Because there are things we will carry over to the other side, worship is one of them!!

”From now on, worshiping the Father will not be a matter of the right place but with a right heart. For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.”“
‭‭John‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Click the links below for today’s song suggestions 

Yielding the mind

Am l ugly?

”Every part of you is so beautiful, my darling. Perfect is your beauty, without flaw within.“
‭‭Song of Songs‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Some months ago my friends and l were watching a YouTube video of a lady who did a “Christian bbl” which is a surgery people do to be a number 8, get the hips, the breasts , the waist , all that. We had a conversation about it and l remember one of my friends asking this question, what is the purpose? What is the motive? Why? I believe many people don’t feel beautiful or handsome so deep down they struggle with confidence. While it’s something trivial to others , others are depressed because they don’t look a certain way.

The traditional stereotype is that young women are more concerned about their appearance than young men. Societal pressures, media images, and doting relatives saying how pretty a female child looks all have an impact. But how serious an impact can it have on our wellbeing and our mental health? And just how much does our body image trouble us as we get older? How much of the trends affect how we believe scripture when it says WE ARE ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

One in eight (13%) adults experienced suicidal thoughts or feelings because of concerns about their body image according to UK statistics. Globally, the prevalence of body shaming was found to be in the range of 25 to 35 percent. Some are either affected by bullying or inner conflict. This is why we need to yield our minds to the Holy Spirit because He brings truth to destroy the lies of the enemy, the devil says if your picture is not liked on Instagram you’re ugly! That is a lie! People’s likes on social media do not rate your beauty! People’s opinions do not override the what the Word of God says about you!

Away with the insecurities! Away with the mental prison of “you don’t look like Beyoncé so you’re ugly!” The account of creation does not say we were created to look like the models but GOD HIMSELF. Your mind must be reprogrammed, renewed, transformed because there are somethings you will miss out on simply because you are not confident enough! Walk like you’re a child of God! Show up as the fearfully and wonderfully made person you were created to be! So what if they think you’re too dark? Who are they anyway? God has already given us a five star review, everything else is a lie including what the silly boy said!

People who feel insecure about themselves usually project it on others. Don’t rub off your insecurities on other people. If you have a problem with your pimples don’t go to those who don’t have a problem with theirs and plant a seed of low self esteem. Best believe, they already know they have them. The mirror told them. If you are not confident about your weight don’t be saying stuff like “oh you’re fat” to people who are confident with their weight. The scale told them. They’re very much aware.
Don’t rub off your negativity on people. If you find people positive in whatever they do, respect that. Don’t tell people about things you’d crash if they told you! Words carry so much weight! They sow seeds of many wicked thoughts! Basically, stay in your lane. Focus on what matters, there’s no reason why you should be focusing on someone’s skin when you can focus on prayer. I used to be that person but Holy Spirit called me out saying , “You are making many people cry because of your careless words! Nobody wants to hear it from you that they are skinny, they know.


Remember, you are rated ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Yielding the mind

Your Image

”God surveyed all he had made and said, “I love it!” For it pleased him greatly. Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭31‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Happy Monday lovelies! As we are learning how to yield our minds to Holy Spirit, I want us to deal with the topic of depression that comes from how you value yourself – your image. Growing up, I was skinny, hated my nose and forehead, didn’t like the fact that my hair was a kinkier Afro and Valerie’s natural hair would fall on her shoulders so beautifully. I wasn’t happy about many things on my body, why do I look like this and not like that? Now because we had a lot of magazines at home, I always thought , l should look a certain way to be accepted by people – I didn’t know – all l needed to do was to accept myself why? because when He created me, He said , “this is good!” I love the TPT version that I quoted above, He said “I love it!”

Note that God said that after a survey! He looked closely at creation, at you and l and said, “I LOVE IT!” If God loves the way I look, how dare I dislike it? God placed value on His creation by giving His review so that kills every other societal review instantly! Do you believe you are beautiful? So beautiful you outshine the stars! That you are so handsome God is like WOW my son really is fearfully and wonderfully made? See, it’s either this truth or the lie that says , “I’m not that beautiful” According to what and whose standards? The answer is the – world not the WORD!

Beauty is created, value is placed. So that’s why wordly beauty standards seem to keep evolving because man is creative, man wants to keep manifesting ideas that are better than the last , it’s new edition of this, better than the last edition of that . When it comes to value, God has already placed it. Meaning even if one man arises and says man is nothing, he is already a liar! If one woman rises and says , mankind can be boxed in one with animals, they lie! Why? Because the value of man is not something anyone has the liberty to create, note, liberty not ability. We can be able to say but we are not at liberty , we do not have the right to say whatever we want , a review has already been passed . This means that all who devalue man-kind are already in direct conflict with God. Stay away from such people!

Many people commit suicide because someone passed a review on what they didn’t create. People are depressed because they don’t have the curves their friends have, they lock themselves up, cooking themselves in creams because they don’t match the standards of one silly boy! Can’t we see? Don’t we get it? We are already valued! We are already reviewed with 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ just like how you check for reviews when shopping online! You don’t have to scroll when it comes to me, the comment that matters is above, IT SAYS HE LOVED IT! Vanessa, God loves how you look! The greatness of that statement! God placed value on me when l was just but dust!

I am a loved product. So what if my nose is bigger than yours, we came from the same God! So what if you have a darker skin, it doesn’t mean you are excluded from the sacrifice of the cross! I had to learn to stop commenting on people’s looks because I was projecting my weak self image on them. Oh this topic is gonna be longish but we must change the mindset! Starting with your mindset towards you! If I catch you saying you’re ugly? I will call you out! If I hear you say you’re useless, I will really call you out! Your language! You cannot be depressed because of hips! They will not matter in heaven! They surely don’t matter to many people, people are too stressed about economy to worry about number 8 or whether you are yellow or pink!

Now Read the review again! Let’s meet tomorrow! Remember, you’re ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Yielding the mind

Mirror , Mirror, In the Word ..

Congratulations!! You made it to the end of the week!! I say this because I know some people are literally pulling weight this week and they feel like any moment they could just burst. Congratulations! As is our custom, we are going to reflect on the week: let’s us each take our mirrors and answer these questions;


  1. How do l feel about this week?
  2. How am I feeling ?Truly, how am l?
  3. What can l celebrate? Did I receive a testimony?
  4. What did l learn this week?
  5. What can l leave behind this week and move on from?
  6. Who offended me and who did l offend? Have l apologised?
  7. Did I yield my moments of sadness to God?
  8. What spiritual and physical battles did I fight and which ones did l win?
  9. Did l pray / read the bible?
  10. Who was there for me? Who helped me this week? In what ways can l give back to them? Send a verse? Prayer?
  11. Am l yielding my mind to Holy Spirit?
  12. Is there something l am avoiding to face because I’m not ready for the truth of the matter?

Self reflection is the only way we can go back and make corrections . People who never sit down to self introspect are people of many errors , no growth , no transformation. We shouldn’t be afraid to face our feelings, we shouldn’t be fearful of the outcome of that reflection because we can still take it to God and ask for help being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.“
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

You may not see it but the good work has already begun not next door , not with your friend but IN YOU! Yes I may have had a bad week but guess what there is a work being done! Yes, I had a lot of disappointments this week but the work is being done and it has begun, the results will show soon.

”Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.“
‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭23‬-‭25‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Make up May hide the blackheads but you’ll soon wash it off and you’ll face those blemishes again . The blemish remains unless the correct treatment is taken . The sadness, failure, same old week, remain a part of you unless and until you deal with it using a permanent fix – GOD.

Vanessa Moonkie

See you next week with another interesting topic. Have a glory filled weekend! ❤️

Yielding the mind

It’s our Chilled Thursday!

Hey family!!! You’ve no idea how much I love chilled Thursdays. I get to sit and wind down, watching a good Christian movie which for many is a replacement for the porn they used to watch, the movies with filth and unclean language. Understand that although prayer and fasting are important, so is your rest. You’re a custodian of that temple. Sit down for a few hours and chill. It doesn’t make you a bad Christian. If your consecration instructions from the Lord are against TV please do not jump on this ship because that would be disobedience, find something else to fit in today that will help you to lay back a bit and rest those muscles ..


Guyssss!! Don’t forget to send your feedback on these movies we have watched! Send suggestions too if you can!.. alsoooo someone needs to help me make my own caramel popcorn without as much caramel as they put in the ones from the store!! Just a twinsy bit of it will do!!!! Anyhoo, I love you guys! ❤️

When you’re ready to watch, CLICK the WATCH NOW button below ;

Yielding the mind

Worship Wednesday

”Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Holy Bible

It’s Worship Wednesday family!!! We know that on this day we dedicate ourselves to intentional praise and worship. However, it should be so everyday. The bible says in heaven they engage in worship day and night! Meaning worship is an every moment thing. It is not a Sunday service thing where we fall down and cry moved by songs but not necessarily worshiping Him. This is beyond “play my favourite song then I will worship” So today, take some time to really focus on Him! Saints, during worship we don’t bind and do warfare , WE FOCUS ON GOD! Many of us divert from worship to many other things during worship. “Lord remember the car I asked for” my brother, you’re not even one minute into worship. We rush through worship to get to the part where we either do warfare or start petitions for stuff we want. Am I saying God won’t answer? No. But teach yourself to love God beyond Him being a giver of blessings. Below are some song suggestions for this week, do share yours in the comment section!! Side note : I hope you’ve been joining the Hallelujah Challenge!!



Have a great day!!! May you receive your testimony as you worship and praise our Lord Jesus Christ!! I love you! ❤️‍🔥

Yielding the mind


The world has given us many ways to kill our pain for just a moment or maybe let’s call it, a temporary coping strategy. You sit in-front of the tv laugh for a few mins, the next minute you’re back in grief. You take some sleeping medicine to avoid the pain but you’ll still wake up and the pain is still there. You can even do food therapy, eat all you want, ice-cream , donuts for comfort but you’ll soon be full and that sting comes back. Our desire to be free from pain was put by God Himself . When Jesus was about to die He handed over His favourite disciple to His mom and vice versa why? Because He knew that kind of pain does not go unless there is a comforter to stand the gap.

I recently lost two friends about two weeks apart. I was at a conference in church, had just gotten off the stage when I got the news. I sat there trying to listen to the word and shut down all the pain because I couldn’t just break down. I was so heart broken. Then again, I lost another friend in the most brutal way , see, the pain of losing people is unbearable. Who helped me go through all that? The Holy Spirit. Who is He?

”But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.“
‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The Holy Bible

There must be someone to stand in the gap to comfort you. There is none better than the Holy Spirit. He is called the Comforter sent to help us with all our burdens. There are people who think they’ll never heal from losing someone, it is not true. The Holy Spirit does not comfort like ice-cream or donuts, no. He brings total and complete healing , something the world desperately needs but can’t get because it rejects Him. Holy Spirit has a way of wiping tears that when people see you they don’t believe you ever cried. No trace of grief.

As we conclude on this topic today, I want to say to you, there is a balm in Gilead who stitches the hearts of men. He will do the same for you if you desire it. Yes, it is painful , it still keeps you awake at night, it takes away your appetite but it has an expiration date! I pray that by this time next month you have a testimony of overcoming the depression that comes from grief. I do hope all l shared with you helped in one way or another. If not, please do see a Christian counsellor and get more help . Your joy is coming back in the healing and restoring Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are loved!

”Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them.“
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬a AMPC‬‬
Yielding the mind

A little detour

”His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”“
‭‭John‬ ‭2‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Good morning my beloved family. I hope that we are all doing well and excited about the new week! I want us to take a little detour from our topic , just for today , I have something I need us to talk about. What have you done about all you’ve read here? What actions have you taken? The reason I’m asking is because, we are a generation that compliments the food on the table although we are hungry and famished, we don’t eat. Our decision to not eat is the reason why we are hungry to death. Imagine if the servants did not follow Jesus’ instructions ? Imagine if the woman with the issue of blood did not touch His hem? The many things that happened in the bible show us how very important it is for us to not only clap for the word being taught but take it and DO!

There’s no time to sit with bibles we don’t read or Downloading Theophilus Sunday songs we don’t listen to . There’s no time to fold hands in battle. We do not have the luxury to not even have a sling and stone at the battle field. If you reject Saul’s armour atleast have your sling and stone. There must be something better to replace the old. Saints, we don’t have the time to doubt the power of deliverance knowledge brings. I’m really burdened by our generation! A generation super excited about godly things but not necessarily living it. I’m tired of us not walking our talk. Creation is still waiting for sons of God to manifest not slaves of the devil! I am tired of us teaching what we don’t live! So tired of the gospel being mocked because it is handled by dirty hands of people who seem to think God is blind! I will be honest with you, l told myself, I will never teach what makes me fit in, fitting in is for the world, standing out is for cities built upon a hill. It takes one thing, obedience. OBEY WHAT HE TELLS YOU!

If He says fast, my darling DO IT! If He says show up for service , GO TO CHURCH! There is nothing like worshipping God at home all your life, the bible is not joking about the gathering of believers. Let’s not create our own scripture that pats us on the back while we waste away, while our lives remain pitiful. If God says , GIVE, stop arguing about the fact that you gave last week, He is talking about now! Don’t argue and debate about the water pot being heavy when it’s full, HE SAYS FILL THEM UP! I want us to be determined this week! Why? Cos it’s pointless for us to add activity in the church when all we do is waste energy and never grow. Go back to the first post if need be but by all means BE A DOER!

The One who turns water into wine will most likely instruct you to fill the water pots with water. He won’t do both. There’s a breakthrough that needs your cooperation. All that is needed is for you TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS!

Vanessa Moonkie