The Overcoming Believer

Chilled Thursday

“Consistency in anything is hard.”

The topic of consistency cannot be separated from discipline. Consistency is a principle of priority. It is a fundamental concept of growth. Anything you’re consistently doing builds a strong system with almost an unbreakable foundation. I learned consistency through leading the Prayer Band back in 2019-2020. I learned that in building a structure, you may get sick, you may feel tired, you may not feel as motivated as you did when you started, you may want to give up and you may even feel like you can be like everyone else , “inconsistent and unreliable” but consistency demands that you show up anyways. Consistency “demands” it is like a law. You MUST.

A sister of mine just got back to the gym. She has been showing up consistently to work out not stopping until she sees the results she wants. What does that tell us? She is committed. Likewise, consistency and commitment are sisters. You commit to be consistent. An inconsistent person is an uncommitted person. If you’re not committed to your spouse you’ll be inconsistent in showing up in the relationship. This goes for all things including our relationship with God. {Side note; I didn’t plan this blog today I’m just flowing , let’s see where that gets us lol}

When l started writing on Yielded l committed to posting Monday-Friday except when l have conference at church or I’m really unwell. Believe it or not, I’ve showed up to write even when l myself needed the encouragement. I got to understand that our commitment to our dreams benefits others too. People can drink from your well and be quenched simply because you committed to a consistent prayer life, business, to education. How consistent are you in anything at all? Are you unreliable? Can we trust you to show up at 15:00hrs to do what you promised to do or you’ll call at 15:30 saying you forgot? How do we miss opportunities? By being unprepared. We are unprepared because we never committed to training while we wait.

How committed are you to God? Since the beginning of the year till now someone has to motivate you to pray? You’re unserious. You’re not committed and it’s not entirely the devil’s fault, we are just not committed because we don’t want to. Read the line at the top. It is very difficult to be consistent but shall we dodge it to stay with what’s easy? What’s easy rarely lasts. It has no impact or lasting results. Sooner or later that building will crumble. Well sooner rather than later. How committed are you to ensuring that you’re in good health? (As for me , Lord help me on this one) To your mental advancement? Do you read? Good mind transforming materials not books that teach you 100% that all your mind can grasp is novels. How about commitment to church? Or the weather determines whether you show up or not? How consistent are we in business? (I need to be serious)

On this chilled Thursday, l need us to think. To really sit and ponder. To Selah. What am l doing inconsistently that could be great if I just committed to it? In what ways can l better myself and am l willing to pay the price to get the results l want? Do l need to be babied through life or am l ready to grow up and break ground. Remember as you chill today, that you are sometimes the weapon fashioned against yourself or the mountain threatening your destiny. Nobody is coming to save you again, you’re already saved. Stop being reluctant, hesitant and cowardly.

Find a book. Pray. Study. Enrol in free courses if need be. Commit to eating healthy food and drinking water. Commit to listening to sermons. Push your business. Anything you need to do , build consistency through commitment.

There is day and night daily yes? See consistency? Exactly. ❤️

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

One reply on “Chilled Thursday”

Smiled all through out whilest reading this im just sooo wowed by how God uses people to address certain things in my life. I have learnt to yield to the holy spirit sooo much to an extent that when God communicates i have no doubt at all. Thank you sooo much for this whole writeup because what😭 the very moment im demotivated to do certain thing and completely losing the grip God used someone to address it.

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