At the beginning of the year my friend Andile had us create our vision boards. We also did a challenge where you introduce yourself as the future you. That whole challenge challenged me. I had to get over the “it’s too big a dream!” thing and create a vision board that was faith based from the first picture to the last. If you haven’t done yours , do it today. There are apps like Canva that have the templates. My advice? Dream big and fuel it by faith.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
Luke 5:4-5 NIV
Past negative experiences can make people feel worried that the same series of events will line up allowing the past to recreate itself. The disciples failing to catch fish all night could’ve been their excuse to say “No! We won’t cast the net again. We keep on failing ! We have tried 20 times and all we got was zero. We are tired of failing. We are going back home!” But they were still positive after toiling all night for NOTHING! Many of us have toiled over the years and caught nothing . God has sent a prophetic word but we did not mix it with faith because “Lord, I will fail again so NO!”
We fear another dose of heartbreak so we reject everyone. We fear the email saying we are not the preferred candidate so we stop applying. We fear that we will crush when the net is pulled and there’s nothing so we stay home and stop fishing. Fear. We look at the past and we assume that the future will be the same. That is not correct. Why are we afraid of a future that God says , will not bring us harm. I can’t help but conclude, we don’t necessarily fear the future, we just don’t have faith in God’s promises. We fear our own idea of the future. What lies behind the door at the other end of the room?
“Here’s what Yahweh says to you: “I know all about the marvelous destiny I have in store for you, a future planned out in detail. My intention is not to harm you but to surround you with peace and prosperity and to give you a beautiful future, glistening with hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11 TPT
A future planned out in detail. The fear of the future can paralyse our daily lives. It can even take away your mental stability. Many people are depressed because of this. They lost a job and started spiralling in thoughts thinking about what will happen to them. What does the future hold for me now that I’ve lost my father? How many more years till Isaac is born? I’m running out of time; everyone around me is progressing. He still says, the future is planned out in detail? Every moment! So break free from the never-ending chain of worry that can give rise to feelings of hopelessness. Your future is sorted!
You are having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, can’t eat, you don’t laugh anymore, you have changed . These symptoms can weigh heavy on your mental and emotional wellbeing, robbing you of the joy of the present moment. Abraham waited, he did not question God, He trusted in Gods integrity even when he was told to slay Isaac , he didn’t fear what the future would look like between him and his wife. He didn’t sit and start thinking about how Sarah would respond to the fact that a father has killed his own son. In overthinking lies many weapons that demoralise. In overthinking lies seeds of doubt. In overthinking lies triggers of fear.
In the African society (and maybe other societies as well) parents are also another reason why young people fear the future. In the shouts and the complaints, fearful young people find themselves compromising to find relief . Girls are busy with older men , young men are busy with older women. The fraud. The back door deals. Sarah ‘s way out of barrenness because she fears dying without hearing the word “Mom” is still a foolish way out. The fear of the future will leave our society if we go back to the One who has already detailed it. And whatever He tells us to do .. we do it!
And hey… He is not a man that He should lie.
“Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”
Psalms 34:5 NIV