Yielding the mind

Lustful thoughts(1)

”Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm.“
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Lust : The dictionary definition of lust is "1. intense or unrestrained sexual craving or 2. an overwhelming desire or craving." Lust is essentially to crave something, usually associated with worldly desires of sexual intent or material possessions.

I have been thinking about how to tackle this one! It has been such a mind-eating worm. Lust has caused so much damage in the world and because of its crafty nature, it is rarely seen as bad or called out. Lust has settled in communities and keeps brainwashing people to think , “It’s normal. There’s nothing wrong, everyone is the same!” I wrote on my Instagram note yesterday, Not all Christians are compromising ; in other words, Not everyone is living a life of untamed desires. Don’t let the Devil fool you.

While lust isn’t a dirty word, it is a strong word. You don’t have lust for something you don’t really care about. Lust is a strong, powerful desire, whether it’s a noun or verb: you lust for things you deeply crave. Someone greedy lusts for money. Someone gluttonous lusts for food. The most basic meaning of lust is an unquenchable desire for sex, but people lust for all sorts of things.

We will start with the lust for material possessions. The first sin was a result of lust for power and position. We can attest to the fact that most of the people who join cults, fraudsters, gangsters, drug lords (etc) are people who lust after something. Lust is one of the causes of crime. If you didn’t lust after money which is not even yours, you’d not be a robber. If you didn’t lust after cars and houses, you’d not be selling drugs destroying the lives of people. People’s wicked nature is cultivated by lusts. What is your lust? It is often revealed in your thoughts. It all starts in the mind.

A mind that is not filled with the Word of God will most likely create evil thoughts. The more we diligently study and meditate on the Bible we extinguish the thoughts. The mind is a place of decision making. If we don’t carefully guard our minds we will live according to the flesh and miss out on the beauty of being Spirit~led. Apostle Paul says “Fill your thoughts with heaven realities” meaning – your mind is your responsibility. You must be intentional about what goes on in there.

Lusting for material things has destroyed relationships, marriages, churches, companies. Today, many refuse to go back to church because they saw what a strong craving for money can do. Others are divorcing because even the foundation of the relationship was lust. “You have a nice car and house so I will marry you!” Then after two years, all that seemed to glitter like gold vanishes, that day you’ll cry 677 times. Why do you want what you want? Why are you asking God for this and that? What is the motive? The motive usually reveals the genuineness or the lust.

Lust, in all of its forms and expressions, is without exception sinful and, therefore, represents a sort of direct fight against God. Lust deserves our aggressive opposition, Lust is bad for us the way all sin is bad for us because it tells us that poison is sweet .We then need to understand how the mind works. It cannot stop itself if there’s no new information to change the old information. My darling, as you seek for God, all other things will be added unto you.

Put to death the strong desire for money because it will drive you to evil. Put to death the thoughts of lust , they will enslave you in the prison of the flesh . Put to death the desire to get possessions “no matter what it takes even if I’ve to kill someone” because one day, like Eve, It will look good to act upon. Don’t envy people’s testimonies, yours is coming. FOCUS🚀

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

2 replies on “Lustful thoughts(1)”

Lust for money almost destroyed my life but because our God is a redeemer and restorer He pulled me through. He saw me out. And I thank God for Him. It is a journey that needs God because there’s times where the devil will try to throw the thought at you but you have to be ready with your full armour and ready to take on with the Word of God.

Yoh Jesus! we’re burning this week😫
Why do I ask God for what I ask Him? What is my motive? That part hit me 🔥😭

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