Yielding the mind

Overcoming Fear (2)

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
The Holy Bible

There are lots of reasons to fear in our world today. In 2020 News updates about the COVID-19 pandemic, the wars happening right now, marriages worry and concern us, the pressures we face in our careers, education , finances, and health. The reason why faith then becomes the opposite of fear is because in reality, the natural man should be afraid. Adam and Eve fell, they became the natural man, they were afraid. The natural man has every reason to be afraid, the world is not looking good. Should there not be a difference between the natural man and the spiritual man who know there is a God in heaven to takes care of us? Why is the spiritual man also afraid? No faith.

What is fear? A spirit. What kind of spirit? What does it do? The AMPC version gives us a clearer idea of this ;

  1. It is the spirit of timidity.
  2. It is the spirit of cowardice
  3. It is the spirit that makes you cringe

God is saying to us, the source of this is not Me. I have not given it to you. I am not the reason why you feel the way you feel or behave the way you behave. He is clearly telling us, if you are afraid, the spirit came from demons. The opposite of God is not Satan. God has no opposition. The devil is a minion who uses tricks to fool us. Adam and Eve , tricked from an unguarded conversation to eat a fruit thereafter they start to feel strange. FEAR.
It came when they had a conversation with the serpent. “Why told you you’re naked?” Did you know? Fear also stems from subconscious conversations with the devil in our thoughts ? He comes and says “You have a right to be afraid, you just had a bad dream!” And you respond “Yes, I’m afraid. I will be afraid everytime I sleep.” Depression, anxiety , all come from conversation because the devil has no right to make you feel that way unless you agree with him. Who told you you will die? Probably a conversation going on in your head with the enemy. Do not talk to the enemy.

If God says He has not given it to you , why take things from other sources? Why eat from the enemy’s plate? Think of it. “I have not given you” let that sink in. A fearful person is a weak person. A fearful person lives in terror , in the bushes instead of Eden. Why’re you so afraid? What are you so afraid of? Who told you it will happen to you? Why did you believe them? What is God saying about the situation? What does His word say? It’s amazing how when we sit down and ask such questions we realise – the problem can be fixed.

God says, “ l have given you another spirit of power, love and a sound mind.” Do you believe this? That the antidote to what you feel is receiving the Spirit of God that empowers. One of the ways He empowers us is through His love. Love is not only for you to marry a man and have three children. The love of God drives away fear. If I’m afraid of losing my spouse and they reassure me that they love me, will that fear not vanish? Love settles the score. Believing that God loves you! He loves you too much to let you die! To let the demons come and harass you! He loves you too much to give up on you! Love empowers us! It gives us a sound mind meaning whenever we’re afraid we don’t have a sound mind. Lol we’re a bit crazy because we believe lies. Yho but there is a Spirit in man! What Spirit? He is the breath of the Almighty! The breath of the Almighty is in you. Say it over and over again. There’s no way you can be a weakling unless you choose to. You choose to be a coward. You choose to be timid. You can also choose to believe GOD!

We have a lot to cover on this topic family. We will continue as we go. Next we will discuss the process of fear. How does it get to that state. What do we learn today ;

  • Fear does not come from God
  • The devil is responsible for how you feel
  • You must agree with the devil to feel afraid . You have the power to say no. He can’t bully you
  • Your antidote is Gods love
  • A fearful person is a weakling . And a weakling is the devils playground
  • Fear makes you a slave. The Spirit of God makes you powerful. Choose today who you will submit under .
  • God loves you . His love is your shield. When the enemy tries to scare you – you tell yourself – GOD LOVES ME. Why?
  • Because we don’t converse with the devil. We fill ourselves with the word and that word casts him out!
  • Lastly, fear grows. From being afraid to sleep to being afraid to die. To being afraid to do anything.

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

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