Hey family. It’s Worship Wednesday! Comment with your current fav worship song or verse and let us plug each other with a new playlist. I have been stuck on one medley for two months now. Here it is;
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Oh here’s a praise song. As you praise have faith that the words you’re uttering are true!
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What is worship Wednesday without scripture???
“Let the word of Christ live in you richly, flooding you with all wisdom. Apply the Scriptures as you teach and instruct one another with the Psalms, and with festive praises, and with prophetic songs given to you spontaneously by the Spirit, so sing to God with all your hearts!” Colossians 3:16 TPT
Today’s word is “Come back to the secret place.” It is not a secret place if it always involves the public. Just You and God. Building that friendship with Him. Intimacy. Getting to know Him. Today’s word is come back. Come back to the commitment. We all go through the fatigue and tiredness but we cannot get refreshed anywhere else BUT His presence. Go on, He’s waiting for you. 🩷
“When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.” Luke 5:6-7 NIV
This story reminds me of the verse that says the race is not to the swift . It shows how our best can still be almost nothing without the mercy of God. At this point Jesus had used Peter’s boat to teach. Peter could’ve said ,”I’m tired please get off my boat.” Or “Use someone else’s boat to teach because the God you’re teaching about didn’t give me fish.” He didn’t give up his boat after he saw fish . Peter allowed himself to be used even without what he wanted – fish. How many of us still allow God to use us, to use our gifts, resources when we still have unanswered prayers? People pull out of church commitments because after sowing the seed , the change didn’t come immediately but Peter even with empty nets, gave his boat for ministry.
I think most of our time, energy and money is wasted on our self- inspired efforts. We see a task that we “want” done. We sit down and figure out what would be the best way to accomplish this task. We develop our programs, and then we team up with people who are interested in the same initiative . And then we set up the project plans , then we implement. Then we fail. Dismally at that. There is a contrast between your plans and Gods plan. Man’s plans fail. God’s plans never fail. I’ve never seen a plan of man that brings abundance until the nets break. Unless they have partnered with a spirit or Holy Spirit. No man has that kind of ability.
When Peter saw the abundance , he invited others to partake. Imagine how many people would not be toiling anymore if those who have been lifted also choose to lift others? I love Peter’s heart. Success did not change Peter. Success should not make you rude and mean to people . Success should make you want to help others. There are successful Christians who changed the minute a door opened. They shut the doors for those trying to make it. Peter surely knew the struggle at sea. He knew how hard they all worked. He did not leave his friends in lack with the means to help them. Many people are standing outside locked doors and guess who’s behind the door, with the key? Someone they know.
Let’s look at how Peter handled success ;
He did not start a “how to be successful YouTube channel” for all the Galilean fishermen. Hmmm. While taking advice from those who have gone ahead of you is important, very important; it is also crucial that we are careful to not drive people’s eyes away from the miracle worker. People are teaching “success” without talking about the One who made them so. Peter could’ve made money “mentoring” people without telling them “it was at His word”
Success humbled him . The bible says he fell at his feet. It’s amazing how success creates pride. All of a sudden , they don’t sit there anymore. They don’t greet anymore. They don’t even talk about God anymore . They don’t even kneel to worship as they did before the money came. Listen, God opposes the proud.
He left it all to follow Jesus. Peter! People usually leave Jesus to follow success. “I can’t come to church anymore, I’m tired from a seminar” but Peter! I thought he toiled all night for success! I thought he wanted it so bad he invested time and effort into it. I thought he would open a fish shop and be the famous fisherman. How do you leave your boat, nets, friends, and the fish to follow Jesus whom you had no idea was the Son of God? You can leave the relationship for Jesus. You can park the boat for Jesus. He is the epitome of success. I’ve heard testimonies of men of God who had to leave a profitable business to follow their calling. How? How do you leave the millions you’ve been praying for to serve people who may slander and disrespect you?
We will have so much success this September! Get ready for Success September! I pray that we take the steps of obedience. Obey!
Hello my yielded family. I hope we have all been doing well. Welcome to the month of September. By all means, command your month! Pray and declare things you want to see in September. I really love this picture. The moment they decided to act on their faith, they didn’t know the fish were already waiting for the net. The fish brought themselves to position. How did all those fish come together to be positioned where the net would be cast? Faith In Action.
I’m pretty sure most of us know how it feels to toil for hourssss for nothing. Eiii I was once employed at some company, worked all day , with every bit of energy in my body ; come monthend ; there’s nothing! No evidence that there was some work done! Even when you meet people and you tell them you are a fishermen , you must not only smell like the sea, you must show them the fish. Here are the disciples, known as fishermen, arriving at work at the right time. They had the skill. They had the health (you must be healthy to be able to work all night). They had a boat. They had a net. They had the drive and zeal. They had colleagues who could encourage them to keep casting the net maybe until dawn. Maybe things would change. Hardworking men who didn’t sit on their abilities but the bible says, even with all this going on, the net that was supposed to catch fish, caught nothing.
The degree that was supposed to get you the job got you nothing. The skill and talent that was supposed to bring you before great men, is almost a blunt knife. You were so sure the beauty would get you the husband, but not even one man says hie. You had imagined that the business idea would work out, the business plan is perfect but it’s been years and all you have is the net. Its not an issue of laziness. It not an issue of unpreparedness. It’s not that you don’t seize the opportunities on time. It’s not that you don’t invest time in your craft and maybe right now it’s almost dawn and you’re about to quit … “Maybe not now. I should look for another plan. Another course. Another job. Another this. Another that.”
Peter had toiled all night without any catch. It was not an assumption but a reality. I have a problem with people who “assume” others aren’t working hard to get jobs or become productive because they aren’t seeing results. Before you call someone lazy, find out what they do. Know their routine. Jesus did not assume that the men did nothing that’s why they have no fish. He simply brought a solution. Bring solutions or keep quiet. See something, the fish did not fall from the sky! The word spoken by the Master of the universe called them all into order! The solution is there! The problem is number one, you don’t have the word from the Master, and you have not learnt how to operate like the Master. Fish will not come because you have a degree! You must have some dominion and the dominion given to man is dependant on the WORD OF GOD!
Today, l want us to understand this. We are nothing without God. I don’t care the titles the world has given us and what we think we have. Even the intelligence of man is foolishness to God. We need the mercy of God. We need God to help us! Man I know people who toil. All night, all morning, all day but look at their lives and it seems as if they’re lazy. There are people who have spoken against those who toil because they saw no fish. “They don’t want to do something with their lives. They are not zealous.” Eiii! But they shouldn’t have! Imagine slandering Peter because you saw no fish but Peter was really out at night WORKING!. Friends, there are times of fruitless toil. We continue to Labour in cycles until we meet the Master! And guess what, the word they received and acted on, did not come from one of their fishermen friends.. it came from Jesus.
This September, listen to Jesus. I know there’s many advices. People are saying study this instead. Go to UK instead. Try bitcoin. Invest in this and that. Why don’t you start this business? Or join this team. Apply for this job. In all this, as good as it is to receive advice, hear what Jesus has to say. Hear what Jesus has to say about September. The fruitless night can change to something beyond your imagination, if only you, hear what Jesus has to say! Let’s continue tomorrow.❤️
Good morning my beloved family. Happy Friday . It’s time for us to look into the mirror. So if you know me you know I’ve lost some weight. So my arms went down and even my cheeks. However , when l look into the mirror , l still see Vanessa. On the picture , I’m wearing a wig, but when I look into the mirror, I don’t see a white woman or an Indian , I see Vanessa. You may cut your hair today , look into the mirror tomorrow and guess what? You’ll still see you. The changes around us do not change our identity.
We often look at our reflections and choose to see the what we “think” which may not be the truth. We choose to see what the world has told us to see. You choose to see the man who raped you, the abusive partner, the reports written “You failed” , we see the sickness, we see the singleness, we see the joblessness, the poverty and in all this, we fail to see ourselves. When you look at yourself do you see you or you see others. You compare yourself so much with others that you’re lost in their world because their world was never altered to accommodate your destiny.
Growing up , from childhood to my teens to my 20s, l felt unseen. I often felt like I had accompanied others to the earth. I would see people leave me so easily, I’d then conclude, I’m not worth fighting for. While l thought all this was “done” to me; I didn’t realise, lt had started with me. I didn’t “see” myself. I didn’t “fight” for myself. I “left” myself to chase others. We call it selflessness yes? But even Jesus would withdraw alone to pray. Was there no one He could go and pray for? There was. I’m not encouraging selflessness, I’m encouraging self awareness.
How much of you you know depends on how much of God you know. I never thought I could speak to people , I am just like Moses. I wouldn’t be chosen to make “speeches”. Someone I know said ,”If I was the one to choose, I wouldn’t choose me.” The One who chose us SAW US. I’m reminded of Hagah , eeei the bible says she made a statement;
“She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”” Genesis 16:13 NIV
What about Gideon? Or Mary? Did they see themselves in the same light that God did? Do you? When you look in the mirror, when you check your heart, are you sure your conclusion about yourself is what God has said? Or are we confused by the wigs and make up and the bulking up in the gym? Are you who God says you are or are you living in different identities in different moments because in all truth, you’re not sure where you fit in? Gideon thought he fit in with the weak. His mirror had WEAK MAN FROM THE LEAST OF THE TRIBES written on it. Hagah’s mirror was written NOBODY SEES ME ! But God!!!!!!!!!
Let me greet you the way God sees you, Hello mighty man/woman of varlour! Happy Friday fearfully and wonderfully created one! Lily among the thorns! Image of God! Royal priesthood! The chosen one! How’s it up there where you’re seated with Christ? Do you know what He said about you even at creation? This is good! Do you know what He is saying right now? I will never leave you nor forsake you! And so, when you take a closer look at yourself, through the lenses of God, all you will see will contradict most of what we have been seeing al along. You think you can’t do it? According to God, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
If you take an iPhone and put it in a Samsung cover, it doesn’t make it a Samsung. People might be fooled a little . Some may even ask you where you bought your Samsung and if they can get the same phone because it looks good. People will ask about its functions. Some will say, is this a new model or what until it’s time to charge the phone. The only charger that will work, is the iPhone charger. Until it’s time to charge up, people may believe the identity you want them to believe. The time for the true identity to come out will come and then, even you , will know, you are who God says you are not what you “think”. Remember God sees you! You’re not lost in the crowd. You’re not seen through a blurred vision. He SEES YOU!
Can you share the story of how you found out you were pregnant and how you felt at that moment? I found out I was pregnant on a choir tour in San Diego, I remember I was supposed to get my period on the day we arrived but they never came ; right then I knew l messed up lol. That moment for me was overwhelming, my emotions were all over the place . I just can’t explain how I felt at that time.
How did your family and friends react when you told them about your pregnancy? My family’s reaction was very calm. It’s something i never expected especially from my mom because I mean she’s a mom. I was shocked because she was very supportive together with my sister and grandmother. My friends were not judgmental . They were there for me.
What has been the most challenging part of becoming a mom at a young age? Well since I am still pregnant I would say staying at home and doing absolutely nothing is very much stressful and challenging.
Did you experience any judgment or stigma from others because of your situation? How did you deal with it? Thankfully i haven’t experienced any judgments from anyone.
What kind of support system do you have in place now (e.g., family, church, friends)? I have the most heart warming support from my family and friends.
Has this new journey affected your relationship with God? No, and i am grateful for that.
What are your hopes and dreams for the future, both for yourself and your child? I’d love to continue with my education and be able to do what’s best for me and my baby. My hope is for my child to grow up and make better decisions.
What advice would you give to other teenage moms who are struggling with their faith? Honestly there’s no greater love than God’s love. Prayer is the way!! Also surround yourself with people who believe and pray.
Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently? Yes. I should’ve prevented all this from happening.
How do you see God’s hand in your journey so far? I see God’s hand in my life through the people he’s brought into my journey like my family, friends, and partner. I’ve also experienced unexpected blessings and opportunities that helped me overcome the challenges of being pregnant at a young age… Even in difficult times and days I’ve felt unexplainable peace and comfort that I believe it’s God’s presence in my life..
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience as a Christian teenage mom? I don’t have much more to share just gratitude.
What scripture or prayer has been particularly meaningful to you during this time? The book of 1samuel 17v32-50 the story of David.Trusting God with everything you’re facing and having to experience the outcome of your trust in Him. It carries me so much.
Editor’s note
What a beautiful month we have had on The Yielded Center. The way people showed up to the task really made me see the importance of having people around you who believe in your dream. There are the “Here comes the dreamer people,” and there’s “I know a dreamer who can interpret this,” people. I am so grateful to each andevery lady who shared their story on this platform. We added more countries to our statistics. The number of readers we had is mindblowing!!!!! Thank you for saying yes . Thank you for allowing yourselves to change lives through your stories. This was life changing.
If you have a chance to make an impact even if it’s for a second, DO IT! Don’t hesitate. Don’t count the stars. Someone could be waiting for you to speak , for them to even find their own voice. I honour you ladies. Yielded Family, this concludes our month of Yielded Women stories and interviews. Thank you for your love, support and prayers. What’s good? You can always come back here to be encouraged. I love you always. ❤️