The foundation

2024 , is there no better strategy ?

Hey family ! If you are new here big hugs to you 💞

Today I want us to look at the unfamiliar strategies of the Lord to bring us to a point of breakthrough. Shoooo!! Many times l thought the breakthrough would come from me doing ABC but nope, it would actually come from God doing 123 . Then I’m like, “Lord but my way is shorter and simpler and you know, it’s my way, I know what’s best for me, just bless me so I can go my way please!” Have you ever felt like if you had a chance to deal with something your way you’d be faster than God? Oh if it were up to me I’d have married Jack? He was available and cute yet, God says no , Jude is coming in 5 years! YHO JEHOVAHHHHHH! ( and in obedience you still follow) While I’m on that here’s a song to blast as you wait my friend 🤣

The blind man had to get a mud paste to see while Naaman had to dip in a particular river to be cleansed. The strategy for your breakthrough in 2024 may be different and unsual but remember, our God has already seen the future. Sarah’s strategy to give Abraham a son came with many problems that she as the strategist🤣 suffered. Careful to not write resolutions that are not backed by God. Careful to ask God for the best way to take this season. Be sure to follow precisely as Noah when he built the ark because therein lies your joy, peace and protection. Heish, I’m still thinking of the 5 years ( God didn’t say it to me though🤣) Abeg my Lord. 😂

Anyhoo, till next time. You are special. God loves you , I love you!! 💞

The foundation

Let’s get started! 🤗

I’m so excited to share that doors are officially open for YIELDED CHRISTIAN BLOGSITE (insert a little dance for Jesus) l know you didn’t dance! 🥱

I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
My name is Vanessa and l am saved . Wellllllll there’s a lot l will share about myself as we journey together but this first post is to welcome you to a space where we will share our faith, our diverse life experiences , as well as discovering our purposes and how we can impact the world as believers.

Kindly help me share the link with your besties and get them here for our next post. 🤩

You are special. God loves you. I love you!