“One day Samson went to Gaza, where he saw a prostitute. He went in to spend the night with her.”
Judges 16:1 NIV
The life story of Samson has so many interesting details. Most of us only know about Delilah but she was the last woman he was with ; there were others before. He was a strong man. Physically strong. He could go to war alone. He never needed a back up army like Goliath. I often imagine him as one with a six pack or double , tall, muscular like the men who go to gym but studies say otherwise. Because of this, nobody could actually guess the source of his strength. Nobody asked his parents because there was nothing unsual about him. They , like us, may have thought , it all lies in the obvious but l tell you, God is quite mysterious.
Samson’s life was mostly lived as a fighter. This means that he was a threat to many. He never had army training yet he had an impeccable skill to fight and win. All this wrestling you see on tv, the boxing, all those men put together would still be no match for Samson. Since Samson had all this might, isn’t God mightier? Why do we think God needs our help to fight? Why do we think God never goes to war? A dimension of God is revealed in most characters of the bible. In this story we see God as Yahweh Sabaoth! The bible further goes on to say there was war in heaven. It wasn’t a fight. It was a war. You don’t war with a friend, you may fight but a war has to do with governments. It’s a bigger scale of conflict. The God of Samson is surely, the God of War.
In all that Samson did , the Philistines inevitably became his enemies. His enemies tried all they could to get Samson but they failed because the Lord was with him and he kept his consecration. We seem to be losing battles because we have stopped living in consecration. If you watch porn you’ll definitely lose to the Philistines, why? Because you compromised your consecration. If you drink like there’s no tomorrow like Noah guess what? The Philistines will come and destroy you! The Philistine looks for an opportunity to defile. An opportunity of vulnerability. An opportunity of weakness. The bible says, they tried to find Samson’s weakness to kill him but failed because Samson had committed himself to consecration which was his locks until he started following his lusts. Consecration and Holiness are to protect YOU! A friend of mine said , “Purity is power.” You keep yourself from so much trouble by protecting the secret of your strength.
There’s so much to discuss🥹 not sure lf l will be able to wrap it up in this post. Anyhoo, if you read carefully you’ll realise that Samson’s physical strength was not an equal measure of his inner strength. He had a series of disappointments. His wife was given to his friend. The Philistines then burnt the lady and her father. He had a wound. He had a bleeding heart that was not attended to yet he thought he could just move on. He often found solace in women. He found himself having sexual intercourse with a prostitute he had just met just like many people run to sex , to alcohol, to weed to try and ease pain. Sex does not cure a broken heart. It just feeds our lusts. Let’s not lie to ourselves. Sex will not cure the wound of rape, abuse, divorce, losing a loved one, l am sorry to say. It won’t even cure grief. There’s nothing in sex that heals a broken heart.
What’s more? It puts us in vulnerable situations because the bible says the Philistines tried to kill him even then (please read Judges16) . While you’re compromising the devil has a strategy on how the one time sex can get you pregnant, sick or emotionally attached. There is a plan! The same way God has plans for us, the devil also has his plans. Samson physically looks fine and very strong. I bet many girls liked him, l know l would have. On top of being wounded, he had a lustrous lifestyle. Ever heard of people who have emotional sex? They just want it done to escape from reality for a few minutes. Does the devil have that mercy to allow you chill out with no consequences?
We will have to continue with this topic as l mentioned there’s a lot to talk about. Many people look strong but there’s unstable emotions within that scream “drink one sip” or “go fornicate” or “masturbate , science says it helps” or “cut yourself, feel physical pain to cover up for emotional pain” . There is a place where there’s a balance between physical strength and emotional strength and most people struggle with that – even men. We have men who look like they’re Batista but inside there’s a hole that has been unattended too long and so instead of marrying someone, they womanise and feel absolutely nothing about it! No remorse. Listen, womanising, man’ising (if there’s a word like that) is evidence that we have a lot of problems within. No man of God does that! No woman of God does that! No child of God does that! Why aren’t you content with one partner? There’s a problem within. Why is casual sex nothing to you? Yes I’m also speaking to the brothers who say “it meant nothing to me.” It surely was a win for the devil. You’re the one who lost but just gained a new number of how many women or men you’ve taken to bed.
Samson, in as much as you’re strong and are famous. The inner man is wasting away. Fame is another reason why people end up living carelessly. The likes , the comments, the attention. Be careful. As we continue with this topic I need us to reflect on our lives. Am l weak and vulnerable but often covering it up with “fighting” , with the outer layers? Am l an easy target to the Philistines because I have a habit of compromising my consecration? Am l known as a warrior but many times my weaknesses war against me and win? Does the mighty Samson become a toddler in the face of lusts? I urge us again to consider these things. Let’s meet again tomorrow ❤️