The Overcoming Believer

The Wound [2]

I greet you with a hug in the Name of Jesus. I trust that you are well and had a good weekend. This week l want us to wrap up this topic so we can look at an interesting topic that I’ve been studying. If you didn’t read the last two posts on this topic I encourage you to, as it will give you insight and understanding. If you did read, we don’t read to cram or to just get excited. We must be transformed by the renewal of the mind. The Word should fall on fertile ground otherwise we are just running with chained feet.

What happened to you?

You guys already know l write from pictures. If I come across a picture it inspires me to write. I found this on Pinterest and l just grabbed it for today’s blog. What happened to you? For many people the picture is a visual representation of the state of our hearts. Many wounds. Many bandages. We just patch where there’s bleeding and move onto our next fresh cut. The previous wound hasn’t healed but you’re now dealing with a fresh cut. The cycle continues and people die – broken people. People even die from this, I hope you know. People have died because the heart couldn’t take it anymore. How far do you think your heart can go with all those cuts and bandages suffocating it day and night?

The truth is this may sound harsh but it’s not of God for us as believers to have a wound that doesn’t heal. If that were true , why did Jesus heal everyone He came across? Why not leave them to suffer ? It means that some wounds don’t heal because we don’t want them to. We enjoy the attention we get from friends and the many people that come for our pity party. We sit by the pool 38 years. We have not purposed in our hearts like the woman with the issue of blood to get the healing we need. We have tied ourselves to the identity of “she’s so broken” or “life has been so hard for him” so much that we feel we cannot relate with any other identity. Is it Gods will for us to cry over one boyfriend for 10 years? No. Why is Israel still crying about Pharoah?

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭14‬:‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Why did they cry? Is it because they remembered the trauma of Egypt? Between a rock and a hard place we say? Have we ever thought about what those people actually went through in Egypt? How painful and hard their lives were. Let’s not forget that it’s in Egypt that people lost their sons , isn’t that how Moses was found in the river by Pharaoh’s daughter? It’s a place where the Hebrews cried and no neighbour had the strength to come over and comfort because they too were in mourning. What do we say about the Labour? This one that we work 9-5 and want to quit? No one is beating you o . The Israelites were working HARD! Toiling! And still got beaten. Isn’t that traumatic? Do you now understand why they cried? Wounds. Between death (drowning in the sea) and going back to the tyrannical government, both sound like death to me. Yet God hears them cry and He says , MOVE ON. Yho!

Wouldn’t you have cried too? We still cry about what someone said 5 years ago. We are still bleeding from the first relationship and we are 6 relationships in and the stench of blood is still on us – the heart is bleeding. Yes, brokenness is like joy, you can smell it off a person. Think of it, why haven’t we healed? Because some of us are lying to ourselves. We think we are healed yet when the triggers come the bandage falls off. On the previous posts I mentioned that people with scars don’t bleed, they testify in joy. Wounded people bleed and their testimony sounds like anger. I’m addressing two things today , What happened and When will you be ready to finally move on? I am sorry to say that whether you choose to heal or not, you are between Egypt and the Red Sea, cross the sea or become a slave forever. Freedom or comfort?

I went for counselling at church one day and Pastor KG said to me, “Part of deliverance is walking out of the situation.” I had never heard that before. I have only heard about the process, the gradual transition, just you know, the “kinder” way of dealing with things. God saying to Israel, “ My poor children, that’s so sad. Don’t worry , l will kill the Egyptians okay? Cry it out, breathe in and out. Did you eat? Awww. Let me see what l can do. Should l part the Red Sea? Aww I will. Shhhhh . Shhh my baby.” That’s it right? But sometimes that’s the mistake our friends make. Sometimes it’s the uncomfortable that drives us to move on! God in His perfectly loving self said to them “You better stop crying and move on!”. Ah! If I said that to anyone wouldn’t they hate me? We call the people who tell us the truth that we need “insensitive” but what if we needed to hear that to finally break out! I know many people who left me because I told the truth. They wanted people who validate their commitment to particular things. God says , move on!

Question is, did God know that Israel had never walked between the Sea before? Yes, He did. Does He know you have never known joy before? Yes He does. Is He aware that all you’ve known is Pharoah’s abuse and now that you see him coming you’re terrified, hurt, afraid, angry, feel defeated, because you’ve been there before and it took every ounce of your strength? He knows. Does He know you were raped? You were a child. You couldn’t fight. Does He know that you lost a child or a parent like the Israelites and yet others still have theirs like Moses’ mother? He knows. Is He aware that you gave your all to that man, that woman, you genuinely loved them but they took you for a spin in a car with no doors and you had no seat belt so you got bruised so much you can’t trust anyone anymore? He knows. Read what Ps KG said to me again!

”No that’s just what your pastor thinks!” Okay let’s read God’s response.

As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭14‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV

And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭14‬:‭15‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I have come to tell you. One of the ways you actually address the wound is by moving on. Walk now. He is with you. I know it is a hard thing to do. To step out of this cycle of pain that you may have known all your life but my darling, it’s time now. Remove the bandages. Arise and shake yourself from depression. He says to tell you, “It is time to go forward!”

I love you. ❤️

The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

Hey friends!

“When the bridegroom didn’t come when they expected, they all grew drowsy and fell asleep.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Today l woke up with a pressing message! I feel it really weighing on my heart to talk about this. By God it came on a reflection Friday because that’s what we need to do. I need us to take this as serious as l believe it is. As l woke up today l suddenly began to think about the end times. A friend of mine and my pastor had the exact same dream and I couldn’t help but think about them. I realised nah, the church is really not ready. Individuals aren’t ready, families, prayer groups, ministries, people are not ready! Listen, all of us! Even those who are standing! Many have lamps and they’re chilling without oil. Our mindset is, “We will get it tomorrow, later, soon!” But what guarantee do we have that we will have the chance to?

We don’t want to talk about death because “it’s scary” or whoever “talks about it” could be “dying” Relax, I am yet to win souls so l’m here l am believing for the 120 o but let’s talk about it. All those people we started the year with who have passed away, did they know? Did we know? They probably thought “not me” like I am but who has the dates for when it will actually be them? Who has the timetable? Nobody. It’s all nice &games living like you’ll be there to repent in December. My friend, fix it now. Stay with the oil in the lamp.The delay of the bridegroom doesn’t mean He’s not coming. It’s not an excuse to chill without oil.

We team up with those with oil and fool ourselves into believing it’s “team work” that proximity to those who are ready automatically makes us like them? I live with a pastor “we” are going to heaven? I’m married to a praying woman, “we” are going to heaven. My sister is a prophetess “we” will make it? In the group, in the mix , let me burst your bubble to say when the bridegroom comes, everyone will mind their own story! Everyone will act as if y’all were never together! People will act like you never had “virgin” conversations, probably laughed the whole night together, waiting for the groom to show up! The problem is some laugh with their things in order, some are giggling while destiny wastes away! Proximity to anointing doesn’t mean we are exempted from meeting the requirements for heaven! OH BOY and this generation with “we this” “we that” totally love our unity and harmony, very good but my beloved family, it’s an individual deal. Your lamp is yours, their lamp is theirs.

Can we see that “borrowing” is not a thing in the kingdom of God? The world borrows a lot. They thought they could “borrow” but they didn’t realise that The Kingdom doesn’t operate like Absa or FNB , nah the Kingdom doesn’t operate like a loan shark organisation or MTN when you don’t have airtime , the Kingdom is a “what do you have in your hands” place. Hmm! We cannot bring our mindset of borrowing money and clothes and wigs and everything to the kingdom! Oil cannot be borrowed! Apostle Felix cannot borrow me his oil to go preach in Zambia, l must work out my own salvation with fear and trembling. You have a lamp that has no oil? Go get the oil! Stop thinking about how you can hold onto the skirts of your granny for more prayers. Stop depending on short clips on TikTok and Instagram to help you keep your faith in tune! Snoring the night away depending on when things go bad “l will call Apostle” my darling .. we are not entering as teams.

Didn’t Esther make a couple of friends during the beauty treatments? 6 months is a long time to not make friends especially if you’re in one place but when the day finally came to meet the King, we are not told that Esther said “King please can l come with my friend?” There’s a place for that. Encouraging each other to take the treatments on time, etcetera but when it was time to meet the King? Esther had no business tag teaming! This was her presentation, her profile, her show! The problem is we assume we will always face God as “the world” no! A day is coming when it will be a face to face encounter and not even your friends can “support you” because files will be opened that are more exact than your friend’s testimony of your “godliness”

I love this scripture in Haggai 1:7 , it says , this is what the Lord your God says , “Give careful thought to YOUR ways.” We are so busy giving careful and serious thought to other people’s ways but what about me? What about you? While we are busy calling out sin on TikTok which is a GREAT thing to do by the way, let’s not forget ourselves. We are still part of the recipients of the gospel. We are not exempted. Blogging here doesn’t exclude me from the congregation/audience. What are we actually busy doing? How are we still the same as when we received Christ five years ago? How are we warming ourselves with the fires in the court like Peter and when we’re asked of the Man we boldly said we love, we change our speech to “l don’t know what you’re talking about!” They asked who, you responded what?! Is that all He is to us? A secret lover?

Posting verses we don’t live by. Singing songs whose meanings we don’t understand. Attending services and conferences hearing messages we will not obey. Serving and being too busy in public when the secret place is as cold as this July. Chasing shadows of the past because we have attachment problems. Depending on youversion bible verse notifications to remind me of a Saviour I “chose”. But creation is groaning! The sons are prostituting themselves with other gods! Our nakedness must be covered!

And lastly, why are we seeking validation from those whose hearts have turned from God? Did we think they’d agree with us? Does the blind man agree with the seeing man on a colour? How does the know the difference between baby blue and navy blue? And we want the world’s opinion? The world is BLIND! We are scared to stand up for our faith because people will call us names? Just names? The apostles went though worse! We’re scared of being called “pastor” we fear family so we do what they do, we fear friends so we play for two teams .. is the gospel shameful? Is life shameful? Listen, jokes aside, choose today! Even worse if you read this because God will remind you!

Please hear my heart on this, the gates are slowly closing & the sons are still modelling between two kingdoms. Samson is on Delilah’s lap fooling himself into thinking “we are in love.” It is only a matter of time Samson. The delusion will go away when the Philistines arrive. We need to WAKE UP and GET RRADY!


Yielding the mind

Chilled Thursday

Ms Grace Maplanka

Hey everyone! Welcome to our chilled Thursday. I started off my day with a bad migraine but l had to show up here anyways. I’ve learnt that about consistency , it puts a system in place. Where there’s no order, there’s no consistency. I have an amazing movie for us to watch today but first let me say something about the lady on the photo above.

Grace and l met on WhatsApp through a friend. We have never met physically before yet the kind of heart she has towards me is God standard. Everyday of her life she pushes yielded blogs , she has carried this vision like her own child and so yes!! I must give honour where it is due. Grace, I celebrate you on your birthday. You are a destiny helper. I couldn’t think of any way to make this special but to put it on what you call your “favourite blog”. As the founder of yielded, together with Holy Spirit, we say happy birthday! Thank you for your support. Thank you for being you! Happy new year ! Please help me celebrate her!! 🎂❤️

Okay now, click on the link below to watch the movie! You better not miss this one!!! You’ll love it, I know!

And hey … l love you. 🩵

The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

Hey guys! I am wowed by the feedback I got from yesterday’s post. It’s so amazing how God spoke to people in so many different parts of the world about one thing. It is truly the gospel of power. We all have had different life experiences but one word from God is able to meet us all at our various points of need. I am so glad! One of the things that make me happy is knowing that people’s lives are changing from this ministry. It just makes everything worth it! When l realise I’ve not posted here I panic 😂 because I know some of you will dm me and ask. That’s good pressure! Good panic if there’s something like that. To just know that people are expectant and are willing to put in atleast 5 minutes of their time to go through the blog posts. You bless my heart!

This is a visual representation of what Holy Spirit did yesterday. One net, the word = many different fish. The net has been pulled into the boat and the fish are getting cleaned. God is stitching every heart. The rape, the abuse, the grief, the rejection , everything!

“For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

The word is effective! Ah I want us to praise Him today for HIS WORD! His word has changed my life l don’t know about you. What God speaks is what l long to hear. What He says is what l desire to live by. It is not inspiration or motivation , it is life! We are here because of His word! How else would we be saved had we not heard!!!

“When they heard this they were crushed and realized what they had done to Jesus. Deeply moved, they said to Peter and the other apostles, “What do we need to do, brothers?””
‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭37‬ ‭TPT‬‬

WHEN THEY HEARD! They decided to do something about it! Listen, we can write a million blogs, listen to a million sermons, hear the truth and still remain the same unless we decide to do something about it! What do we need to do Holy Spirit? What is it that we need to do to get that healing? This is not the season to hear and just be excited. Excitement for a word is good but it doesn’t necessarily mean transformation.

I want us to thank God for His word! This is not Shakespeare or a fictional novel written to get you through chilled Thursday, this is LIFE! You don’t need to have heard a prophecy to praise Him, the word in itself is prophetic! On this worship Wednesday say thank You! Thank You Abba for this treasure that we call the Bible! Worth more than gold! We have more than stacks of money in the Bible! It is the gospel that leads to life eternal! What a gift to us! Even in the beginning was the WORD!!!!!! Asher!

The Overcoming Believer

The wounded heart

While l was in prayer the other day, God gave me a new book title. l like to pray and when I’m done, I remain still in the presence of God and wait to hear Him speak. This is what He said to me; The Wound. I quickly wrote it on a piece of paper. He said, “Many people have ignored wounds and that’s why they keep losing. Attend to the wound.” This is how many of us are right now;

There’s no getting around it: healing is going to take some time and effort. There’s no pressure to become like your friend who bounced back quickly, or fictional characters in movies and books who heal and are back with tidy endings in two hours. Your wound is your wound. It is best known by you. You know what happened and how long you’ve been bleeding. If you have healed l bless God for your sake but if you know that deep down that you put a bandage and never checked if the bleeding stopped, this is for you.

Why would God say this? Is it that He has seen how we are on the field stretching hearts that are barely surviving? I have shared my story before , many times; l grew up a very broken girl. I was the kind of child that would isolate in the toilet because my family is big so you can’t “cry in your own space” because you don’t even have your own space. I would stay in the toilet and weep. My relationship with God also grew from those moments. Without healing I became an angry child, always fighting. I am saying to you, I know what a wound can do to a good person. I know how a wounded soul can change a once-was-sweet person.

You are not the same person you was before. No. The wound changes you. Just as physical wounds need to be treated in a physical way, so heart wounds – with hidden symptoms that often go unrecognized – need to be treated in a heart (emotion-centric) way. You look fine but you are limping emotionally. Infact you are on life support. The biggest lie ever told on this is, “I’m okay.” We get used to the pain and we embrace the wound as part of us. We then fool ourselves to believe that we have scars when we have wounds. Scars don’t hurt. Wounds do. You’re still hurting because you never healed. They’re not “your scars” they’re “your wounds”

The question is not necessarily whether we come from broken homes or not‚ as a large majority of people do. It’s not whether we fell in love and got burnt or not, most of us have. Eh l have shame, big big burn. More suitable questions are…did those experiences damage us? Change us? And‚ if so‚ how has the emotional damage become a part of us, and does it still manifest itself in our daily lives? Wounded hearts breed wounded hearts. Dysfunctional homes breed dysfunctional homes. If we do not choose to accept and work through our wounds‚ even though the wounds were not our fault‚ it is very likely we will repeat the very behaviours‚ in some form or another‚ that wounded us. Pain can be recycled and oh boy does it breed itself in the most horrific ways! Someone can become a serial killer because they watched their father beat their mom. You ever watch the crime channel? The wounds that never heal create a numb person .. numb people are dangerous people. Out of touch with reality, out of touch with God, out of touch with everything.

Denying the reality doesn’t change it. If you need help sweetheart, get it. What does it help to be a wounded soldier ? If an arrow is shot at you right now you could die. You can’t compete with healthy soldiers who seem to have their footing , fit and ready to conquer. You don’t have to. The wound needs your attention . I’m not saying drown in a pool of pity or depression, I’m saying address it.

I probably would play better football than a fractured Ronaldo. They even remove them from the field and replace them with other players who are in good condition. Even if the new player can’t play as good as Ronaldo, the reality is, Ronaldo cannot be in the field . However, the fact that he got a fracture and couldn’t finish the game doesn’t mean you won’t see him in the field again. Best believe he will be back like he never left. If he forces himself and plays anyways with that kind of leg, he risks never being able to play again. Not only does he play ineffectively, he will cause the whole team to lose.

The wound cannot go into marriage. You cannot keep playing games that poke the wound. Remove the bandage , it is giving you false belief of healing, let’s get that stitched instead. And beloved , give it time. God is saying to us, “Inorder to live effective lives we need to deal with what’s causing us to be ineffective.” The good news is, the wounds heal eventually.

“He heals the wounds of every shattered heart.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭147‬:‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Tell Abba today , “Help. My heart is broken.”