Yielding the mind

Worship Wednesday

You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, Yahweh, invincible in every way!“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24‬:‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I’m filled with joy today because MPG (The Midnight Prayer Group) is 3 years old !! My praise mode is on levels! Three long years of God’s consistent and constant provision of His grace for the work He has given to us! It’s easy to think “l did this!” Moses warns Israel about this many times!! When you see the vision becoming more and more Beautiful, when you get the car, when the man of God finds you, when you find a godly woman who is worth more than rubies, when they hire you, do not forget that it was never you! It’s always been GOD! Do not ever think this is your show! “I” is not the testimony . “He” is . In as much as I receive so much love and appreciation from the people I’ve led for the past three years, l know who the glory belongs to! The glory of God , His praises, His worship, is poison to man. I mean; when man give you the glory due to the Lord , it is like a trigger pulled on a gun and placed on your head , the bullet blow your brains! Remember Nebuchadnezzar; the Assyrian king who was after Hezekiah, Jezebel, all these people who thought they could take God’s glory! Ooo what about the devil? Literally became a lowlife!!

”At its conclusion the people gave him a round of applause. The crowd shouted, “These are the words of a god, not a man!” Immediately, an angel of the Lord struck Herod with a sickness, an infestation of worms, because he accepted the people’s worship and didn’t give the glory to God, and he died.“
‭‭Acts‬ ‭12‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Today as we worship Him, let us also repent for the times we have enjoyed human worship that should’ve been directed to God. Remember the Lord your God when His promise is fulfilled. Dare not say , “I did this!”


It is surely not you and l.

Yielding the mind

Do not look back!

But Lot’s wife turned and gazed longingly on the city and turned into a pillar of salt.“
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭19‬:‭26‬ ‭TPT

I love you………We are continuing with the study on Lot and his family. Imagine being in danger and you’re given a chance of salvation but you choose to die instead. Foolishness right? That is Lot’s wife. That is the world today. Being given a chance to live again but we keep running back to the place of danger thinking that because grace abounds we will still make it to heaven. The foolish virgins thought they could borrow oil at the last minute. What they didn’t realise , like Lot’s wife is that disobedience to instructions has consequences. God is a loving Father but He is not our puppet. Do not by any chance think that God jokes with His word.

Lot’s wife packed her bags, said goodbye to her friends (if she had the time) , left the city physically but because the heart was still glued to the past, she couldn’t silence the noise of the inner man. Baptised only for lust to scream and say feed me. Physically going to church but the mind is stuck on the life of the world. Leaving a place physically is not as effective as detaching from it emotionally. Ever heard of the saying “You can take me out of the ghetto but you cannot take the ghetto out of me?” Did we just physically leave the old place? Have we detached from it?

The bible says she longed to see what was happening behind. That we can be so curious only to find out things that put us in harms way. If you’re a virgin , don’t be curious about sex. Keep yourself. If you’ve never drank alcohol, don’t be curious about the taste, I can tell you for free it’s a waste of money! Curious about how it feels to take drugs? All the things we are to know are in the Bible, curiosity if usually fed by demonic spirits that want to lock you up in a cycle.

This woman was told one thing: “Don’t look back,” and the one thing she was told not to do is the one thing she did. Furthermore, I found that understanding how she looked back quite possibly held a clue as to why she looked back: “But Lot’s wife, from behind him, [foolishly, longingly] looked [back toward Sodom in an act of disobedience], and she became a pillar of salt. What is it about the past that has kept you lingering in that place? Is it a relationship? A job? Money that you lost? We may not have turned to a pillar of salt but we could be stuck on

Our emotions, 
our thoughts, 
our attitudes, 
our opinions, 
our possessions, 
our plans, 
our desires, 
our habits, 
our comfort, 
our pain, 
our wounds, 
our relationships, 
our past, 
our present, 
or even our future hopes.

Equally, it is often difficult to move on when we have experienced deep trauma, pain, or suffering, and feel utterly hopeless and helpless. Moving on is something we know we should do, what we often want to do, and at times what we actually refuse to do, but it remains something God eagerly wants for us. I pray that you identify places that have kept you stuck and make every effort to move on. Don’t look back! Don’t entertain the questions that dig up the scar! Allow yourself to detach. You don’t need to hold onto what was. My pastor, Ps KG taught me this , “Another way of deliverance is simply walking out of the trauma!” Darling get your bags and get out! Pace up and go! You have a family that needs you! You have a promise from God! You have angels around you, LEAVE THE CITY QUICKLY AND DO NOT LOOK BACK ! Why? Because the Lord has destroyed it for a reason! It is no more! The glories are gone! The future awaits you!

Don’t always be asking, “Where are the good old days?” Wise folks don’t ask questions like that.“
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭7‬:‭10‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Yielding the mind

Lot’s wife

”Don’t forget the example of Lot’s wife and what happened to her when she turned back.“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭17‬:‭32‬ ‭TPT‬

The Holy Bible

Greetings my Yielded people, I missed you . I really did. I hope you are well. You’re still very special to me. My week off was really a time of revival for me. I had a buffet of the Bread of Life. Our God is truly good. This week I want us to look at Lot’s wife. I believe this is a very sensitive time in the spiritual realm and many are becoming or have become Lot’s wife. It is a fearful thing for one to die quietly in his bed, get into an accident or get shot, but to die suddenly in a moment, in the very act of a sin, by God’s direct imposition is dreadful indeed. There’s something different about her death.

So this woman is a wife and assumingly a mother of two based on Lot’s words to the men who wanted to sleep with the angels and the two sons in law pledged to marry his daughters. They were city people. Wealthy. This means that they had a lot to leave behind. It reminds me of the rich young ruler. So much material things to leave behind and of Abraham, a family to leave behind . The bible has many examples of people who had to leave something behind to pursue the new thing or instructions that God has given them. As a matter of fact, believers are to leave their old life behind to embrace the new life in Christ. Remember Lot’s wife.

”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!“
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Lot’s wife’s name has not been recorded in the bible but her story is one of the strangest stories in the bible. By strange I mean, it happened to her only, what a consequence of disobedience. No one shot her. She didn’t commit suicide. Her husband did not beat her to death . She did not fall sick . She died because she turned back to look at the burning cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. She didn’t run back physically but her eyes and mind were still locked onto the past, she turned to look. As she was running with her family, her mind was creating the urge to turn back. Just like your mind can sometimes create the urge to go back to sin. Many people lose the battle of the mind like Lot’s wife and they find themselves stagnated . There’s no way Lot and his daughters could carry the pillar of salt. She was left there, stagnated because of a decision to look back.

I can imagine her, debating within herself, “Should l, should l not? Should l just be strong and follow my husband? What will happen if I turn? I won’t die, certainly not! God would not save us to kill us. Maybe my husband will also turn. It’s in the nature of all of us to turn, I’m not alone. Someone feels the same way, someone somewhere is turning back as well. I will surely have another chance . God is merciful. I will repent after this,” Doesn’t this sound like us? Debating disobedience and scheduling repentance. Lot’s wife may have thought like you. Little did she know, there was a consequence to that act of disobedience that would leave her husband a widower and her children motherless.

Remember Lot’s wife. Don’t easily forget her memory. Don’t be so quick to think it was a meaningless death. Many people died in the bible but we are not warned to remember them. What is it about this woman that Jesus says remember? A woman whose name we don’t know? This is a warning!! Remember to get rid of the old, the past, what’s behind, yesterday and its glory , you cannot carry Sodom and Gomorrah in you or with you, leave it behind. What this means is, the future needs new tools, a new mind, an obedience to the new. If all you’re thinking about is the old, you’re not ready to walk with God. Think about Lot’s wife and what happened to her when she looked back.

See you tomorrow! I love you. God loves you!

Yielding the mind

It’s time to eat!

The Holy Bible

Hey family. Happy new week. I am so grateful for your love and support. It’s been such a great experience for me because I know that this is part of my purpose. As any vision, a time comes when winds blow and if your feet are not rooted deep enough, you are fanned away. When the Angel of the Lord spoke to Elijah , he said “Arise and eat!” He was addressing his hunger and how it affected his ability to arise. I love that heaven did not expect him to arise and keep moving on an empty stomach. What this means is that, God knows that the vision you carry, your purpose, your stand, is at the mercy of your diet. One who eats anyhow , will die anyhow. Therefore, Elijah, arise and eat. Why? Because there is a journey ahead of you. You cannot journey on a stomach of noodles. You cannot travel on a stomach of porridge! You must eat!!!

If you are pregnant with vision, you ought to feed it or else it dies. Imagine a pregnant woman who does not eat for the entire 9 months? Will she be alive to tell the story? Certainly not. The vision must be fed. This is what has destroyed this generation, people who run with no water, race on an empty stomach, start ministry with no word, marry with no preparation, date with no purpose, just impulsive decision making with no plan to keep the vision alive.

The Holy Bible

If you read from the beginning of the chapter you discover that Elijah had given up on living. He said to God ,”l have had enough of this! I’m ready to die!” This is a prophet ! Saying he is no longer interested in life! Why? Because the journey of life had exhausted him. We seem to think there’s a group of people who don’t feel the pressures of life, don’t be fooled! The day of adversity comes for every believer. The strength of yesterday is not enough for todays troubles. The bible says when he ate he was nourished for 40 days! It wasn’t depression, it was hunger. He wasn’t truly ready to die, the exhaustion and hunger influenced his words. You are not tired of life, deep down you know you want to be alive tomorrow , you just need to feed on the Word! You are hungry.

“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This leads me to this notice. I will be taking a break this whole week to EAT. I’m not stopping neither am l giving up, l am hungry. I want to arise and eat so I can be nourished and strengthened for many days like Elijah. This is the only post we will get this week. We will resume on Monday. You cannot tell someone about how Chinese food tastes if you’ve never eaten Chinese food. I must first eat the word to be able to blog it to you. I believe God is leading me to a season of feeding and as l feed I will show up here and tell you all about it. Yielded stands at the mercy of my diet. Just like an unborn child depends on its mother’s diet.

If you’ve been feeling exhausted , this is your answer , arise and eat. Take retreats if you need to. Seek Him . Soak in worship and sermons. Find out what it takes to stand this season. Eat the scroll, eat books, study! Meditate! Go back to school and learn about how to carry that vision full term. All I’m saying is, eat something! The journey is great! The journey is not for a slice of bread. The journey may require a whole loaf! Prepare. Pack your lunch tin and water. We are about to walk to Canaan!

You know l love you! See you on Monday. I will take my leave for the buffet! ❤️

Yielding the mind

Reflection Friday

Face the inner man

Many of us have been living a life of piling up experiences . Some have scarred us, some have changed us, some have changed the perspective of how we view things and make decisions and so we go in and out of new seasons with the old version of ourselves. We update our apps a lot why? Because the new version is compatible with the new factory/system settings that the manufacturers of the phone or the app have put as a way of “improving” our experience with their product. It is the same with God. You must be upgraded to be compatible with the blessing coming. If we hold on to the old version of WhatsApp, unfortunately we will not enjoy the new experience of a new edition/addition. WhatsApp itself will not suffer, it is the WhatsApp user who suffers.

Why are we so afraid to face the inner man? Do we threaten ourselves? You will carry the old version of yourself into a 7 new seasons and keep coming out with nothing. God is so very particular about new seasons, He says behold! See! Look! Because many of us have been in new seasons and couldn’t BEHOLD, the main reason being the fact that we carry so much of the past. The past and the present cannot co-exist. The bible is clear about this. You can’t step into the new with shoes of the past! Moses , take off your shoes!

”And have clothed yourselves with the new [spiritual self], which is [ever in the process of being] renewed and remolded into [fuller and more perfect knowledge upon] knowledge after the image (the likeness) of Him Who created it. [Gen. 1:26.]“
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

Apostle Paul says this is an everyday process. Intentionally putting off the old self . Another way of doing this is to seek counsel from people who are sound and are filled with the Holy Spirit. Sit down with someone and get counselling. You never know how much of you has been lost in the experiences of yesterday. Your inner man is crying out for freedom. For help. For liberty. But you keep imprisoning yourself in “I’m okay” statements that are lies! Statements like “I don’t need help” LIES! Statements like “I will figure it out” Big lies. You’ve said this for 5 years and what have you figured out? Seek help! If you’ve failed to look into the mirror , maybe you need someone to stand there with you. You need an updated version of you to be activated.

As you reflect on this week, I hope you’ll answer this truthfully,

How are you dear friend? ❤️