Hey family! It’s chilled Thursday! You know, having harmless godly fun, relaxing, being intentional about rest is something many Christians have to learn. Going for a holiday is okay, taking yourself out for coffee or dinner is okay. I’m not saying do all this and stop praying NO! I’m saying do it while praying. I started off my year with a retreat at a remote place. No fancy things, no city buzz, no tv or all these cute little things you find in Joburg, just myself and my friends flogging our destiny. It was also my time of just getting into my thoughts. Many of us can’t even find direction because we don’t sit down to think. We think on the train. Think on our way to work. Think while driving. We rarely sit and take him to reflect or make sober decisions. I want to encourage you today, if you’ve been really working hard, don’t feel bad for resting. Don’t feel bad for spoiling yourself with a new shoe (if you’re like me) , a fresh set of manicure, new suit. Don’t feel bad for resting. Jesus rested on the boat.
That’s us at prayer retreat camp!! I had even gone offline sometimes it’s the phone that doesn’t allow us to rest! I have planned to go for another one. BE INTENTIONAL about your well-being . Rest is biblical. You need that body to push heaven’s purpose for you. Anyhoo, I know some of you don’t like spending your money on anything.. eh I dunno how else to help you 😂 !! So here’s a free movie! Grab your popcorn and let’s chill!
Abraham and Sarah
A beloved Bible story of love, obedience, and sacrifice. Click below to watch.
Hey family. I’m so sorry for posting late but I’m sure the family knows what what!! It’s Worship Wednesday. Here’s todays song suggestions !! You know, I love you so much! ❤️
Simply click the link … see you tomorrow for our chilled Thursday!!!❤️
”Isaac said to Abraham his father, “Father?” “Yes, my son.” “We have flint and wood, but where’s the sheep for the burnt offering?” Abraham said, “Son, God will see to it that there’s a sheep for the burnt offering.” And they kept on walking together.“ Genesis 22:7-8 MSG
The Holy Bible
This is our week of marathon prayers on MPG and so as we were travailing last night this scripture popped up in my head. Isaac. The boy who followed his father to a mountain where he would be the sacrifice. I couldn’t help but sob because while we are looking for money to sacrifice, time to sacrifice, we could be the sacrifice. While we are trying to gather firewood to sacrifice other things , God says YOU ARE THE SACRIFICE. That as you think others will be on the altar, the Lord says, “ You are the one to lay on it.” I know as you’re reading you’re still thinking this is for others but it is actually for you .. Isaac.
Isaac was asking his father where the sheep of the offering was because everything used for the sacrifice was there except for the sheep. All along Abraham knew that the sheep was Isaac but Isaac expected to see the sheep they usually used for their sacrifices. Just like you’re expecting to see your Pastor as the sheep. The ones that are always in the spotlight, the ones that are always serving , but the Father says , “We have everything we need for the sacrifice because we have you.” Isaac.
You are the one to complete this sacrifice. We don’t need any sheep. We have you. That’s why we are here on yielded , so that we learn how to die to self, how to follow God wholeheartedly so that when He asks for and of us we lay on the altar like Isaac without debates or arguments. Things like lust must be dealt with, sin , all you could think of that will stop you from devoting yourself to God, get rid of it! I could hear God clearly saying, He is raising men and women of sacrifice. Why? Because this is a generation that looks for sheep elsewhere, sacrificing others, not understanding that; you are the one to lay on the altar .. Isaac
What I’m saying to you today is look no further. Holiness and purity is not for a certain group people. Look no further, the sheep is you. Look within. The Father is taking you to the mountain when He has so many sheep at home, He still leaves them behind and trusts that the sacrifice will be complete because YOU are there. Do you think Abraham could not afford one sheep? He had plenty! He left them at home. “Isaac we did not forget the sheep at home, we have the sheep right here..” lt is you.
Isaac yielded. He didn’t know how it would turn out but he walked with his father. Step by step. Closer and closer to the mountain. Leaving everyone behind they journeyed. Because many times when time for the sacrifice to be done comes, everyone else stays behind. It becomes an intimate transaction. A secret encounter. Where Peter James and John remain somewhere and Jesus is in the garden alone. Where the servants remain and Abraham takes Isaac to the mountain alone. The time of separation could be the time of the walk to the altar of sacrifice.. Don’t wonder why you’re all alone Isaac , there’s usually not audience to witness the secret encounters God has with His chosen sheep. Moses was alone. Jesus was alone. Hannah. Samson’s mother. Mary. In your time of separation remember, do not go looking for other sheep. “ Isaac , stay right there. Don’t leave the place of encounter. Don’t untie yourself from the altar. He is working on you!”
What if you are the sacrifice? Would you yield? Selah .
”“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”“ Luke 22:42 NIV
The Holy Bible
Good morning family. I hope you’ve had a great Easter weekend. I got to really understand many things about the death and resurrection of Christ that I never paid much attention to before. The obedience of Christ. The yieldedness of Christ. The selflessness of Christ. Christ is the perfect example of a yielded Son. Come to think of it, Isaac was too. He was a prefiguration of Jesus Christ . There’s a striking resemblance between Isaac and Jesus to the point where both Isaac and Christ carried their own wood for the sacrifice.
Looking at the cross, it is evident that Jesus died twice. First at the garden, where He died to self, and secondly, at the cross where He physically died. He says to the Father , “l wish that this cup will pass me, that I would not have to drink from it BUT I’m not seeking after my own will. I’m not trying to have my own way. I’m not adamant on doing things however l so desire, I don’t want my will to be done but Yours!” He was in simpler terms saying ,” l give up my will to take up Yours. I Yield.”
Family, the truth is, if you don’t yield to God you’ll yield to the devil. There’s no in between. What is not the will of the Father should not be our will. The devil is always seeking for an opportunity to push us towards our own will , knowing that many many times, man’s will is derived from flesh and lusts. My own will is not good enough for me. Your own will will destroy you . The devil knows this that’s why he says “follow your heart” . He is aware of the deceptions of the heart. Why follow what is deceitful above all things?
Jesus yielded. He did not consider feelings and emotions. We cannot yield if we refuse to be led by the Holy Spirit. The opposite of not being led by Holy Spirit is being led by the flesh. How did Isaac lay on the altar that day? He was still a young boy, did not expect his father to raise a knife at him yet he still yielded . You need to get to a point where yielding is not an argument or a debate, you yield without having all answers. You yield when you don’t understand. You submit to the leading of Holy Spirit even when it doesn’t make sense.You yield when you don’t feel like it. You yield like Isaac , “I will be the sacrifice”.
What has God required of you that you have refused to yield to because you simply want to follow your heart? What instructions have you been given concerning the altar ? Has God called you to yield to serving? Giving up deciding on your own who to marry? Letting go of the desire to live on your own terms ? Yielding means you die to self.
“Not my will but yours be done Lord!” The mandate is big. The instructions are hard. What you’re asking me to do seems difficult but l will never say NO to your will. So yes Lord! Yes a thousand times! Yes to your command.
We never just yield for nothing. There is a great reward. The obedient always bear fruit . Always remember, He didn’t yield to die forever because on the third day the grave could not hold him anymore. There is a reward .. ❤️
”When he returned again to his disciples, he awoke them, saying, “Are you still sleeping? Don’t you know the hour has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to the authority of sinful men? Get up and let’s go, for the betrayer has arrived.”“
Matthew 26:45-46 TPT
Hey family. I’m sending you my love on this Good Friday. ❤️
I just came from a power packed service. I really really thank God for Apostle Felix Okoh. One of the things I always give thanks for is that surely there are true men and women of God left in this wicked world. The times may be evil but good and godly people still exist. In the Name of Jesus May all those who preach and preserve the truth of this gospel of Life live long. It’s a prayer we must be very serious about . We need more truth on the pulpit. The world has become a place where many ministers look for trending topics forgetting that the true word of God is about Spirit and life. I can’t get over today’s service , I’m just filled!! Let’s get into todays topic – Reflecting on the cross.
First of all, I want you to know that God loves you. It’s something we say “we know” but not necessarily something we “believe”. One thing I’ve learned about love is that love cannot be muted. I mean, love is a loud feeling. It wants to express itself. It wants to act. It wants to DO. It is not the kind of feeling that just sits still in you and is okay with not showing up for those we love. I question love that is on mute. I really do. How do you love and you fold hands? Not evangelising? Not serving? Not giving? Not taking care of others? Loving only your two friends? Which love do you have and who taught it to you? What manner of love is that? The print of true love is JOHN 3:16 , it says God loved everyone in this whole world that He couldn’t just sit and watch us die, He gave! I question love that does not GIVE. You never give anything all you do is take? You’ve taken from your friends and people more than you’ve ever given? That’s not love. That’s lust. That’s selfishness. God loved so much that He gave not just a Son but His Only ! I question love that waits for abundance to give!! Give where you are, what you have. Those who truly love you, receive it with gladness . If my mom gives me a lollipop and that’s all she has, it means the world to me why? Because love is not in the abundance of the gifts, it’s the heart of the giver that’s important. One JESUS , salvation of many. Don’t be fooled to think God needed 10 sons to save us. One was enough and still is. I’m saying to you, love doesn’t need to count many to give. Selfish people will never give their last or their only.
I’m teaching you about LOVE! Love has one skirt and sees a lady with a torn skirt, what does love do? It gives even the only. Why? Because love puts itself in someone else’s shoes. I question love that doesn’t care about how other people feel! We cannot follow Him if we still do things however we want! The world teaches us to withhold, my darling, love does not care if it’s the last money, LOVE GIVES. Many people argue that there’s an extent to which you can love someone, I argue back. My argument is there’s nothing like that. Love is extreme. Love cannot be toned down. If there was an extent to which someone can be loved, a limit maybe, surely God would’ve stopped when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, in agony, in grief, God would’ve stopped it right there! Saying “My Son , you’ve loved them enough to feed them, heal them and teach them. That’s enough. Drop out!” But no! It was love that made Him stick to Gods plan till the end.
He said to the disciples, “The betrayer is here!” . All along as He prayed, He knew the footsteps of death were getting closer. He could hear in the spirit, 5km away , 3km away , Judas is a km away. Would you have stayed in prayer ? Would you have gone through with the plan? Knowing the time of death is tomorrow, how would you feel? Love. The Love of God. I dunno about you but I’ve had enough of the gospel that teaches people that “hate is okay , you can’t love everyone!” That’s a demonic thing! Love people! Love people! Love people! You can be a person who extends God’s love to people. When they see you they know, there comes someone who loves us not there comes the betrayer! Do you know how many people need that? We will continue with this topic I just wanted to show up here and remind you
THE TEMPLATE OF LOVE IS CHRIST-LIKE. You are loved. I dunno who said what to you, but you are loved. I’m not talking the on and off love, I’m talking real love! Love that has evidence! Love that has been proven! Can you see? That we are a very special people. Can you understand now? You were never hated by God. Never. See you on Monday. I love you. ❤️