Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.“
Deuteronomy 18:10-11 NIV
We live in a perverse society that seeks to find closure in wrong places. We are always looking for ways to help ourselves out of situations and we end up on the wrong side of the street . Since God is Alpha and Omega don’t we think He has all the closure we need? He is the Beginning and the End , the All-knowing God , does He not know how to give us the closure we seek? So why then do we leave God who knows it all to seek answers from the world? Let us continue from yesterday’s list;
4. Do not seek spiritist or ancestral readings – many people seek for “closure” by seeking for readings from spiritists and mediums. For example ; someone loses their mother and goes to a sangoma/ancestral reader to find out why the mother died or even try to raise the spirit of the deceased. The bible says people who do such things are detestable to the Lord. The word of God is clear on this issue. The living and the dead have nothing to do with each. That is not the way to deal with grief. Christians don’t deal with grief by using ungodly means. If it’s not Christ-like , it’s AntiChrist. Once you open that door, closing it will be a whole mission. Stay away from things that will not only fail to give you closure but destroy you completely.
5. Allow people to comfort you – some people say they deal with issues better when they are alone but when you’re only hearing your voice you’re bound to hear the wrong things. Shutting people out shuts their advice, wisdom, love, out as well. It is okay to have a trusted person who can be there for you. Loneliness often breeds depression .
6. Don’t fight God – how many of us got upset at God when we lost our loved ones? I was too. God why ? I’m not happy! You’re so unfair! Listen, God understands our pain . He knows we are hurting. Careful of speaking when you’re angry. Martha said to Jesus, “if you’d been here you’d have healed Lazarus, he’d still be alive!” That’s what many of us say . Lord you went MIA . Lord you are not trustworthy. Lord we could be talking a different story if you just showed up to save my sister, my brother, my wife, my child. And we allow those thoughts and words to make us forget, He is there. Right there with us. Death cannot be cheated, the living know they will die. Cutting Jesus off is not wise, you expose your vulnerable self to things that may hurt you further. Stay with Jesus!
7. Yield your mind – using the word of God, keep yourself fed. The emptiness we feel can only be filled by the Word of God. Reject all other opinions and keep feeding on the Word of God. It’s important that we always read the word because hard times reveal the amount of the word we have eaten. Don’t wait for hard times. Feast on the word of God.
8. Believe in the resurrection.
”Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”“
John 11:24 NIV
”The message we preach is Christ, who has been raised from the dead. So how could any of you possibly say there is no resurrection of the dead?“
1 Corinthians 15:12 TPT