Yielding the mind

Fix your thoughts

”Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always.“
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Apostle Paul is writing to all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons. (Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬ ‭NIV) In chapter 4, he addresses the mind. He begins to teach about the kind of a mindset Christians should have, pastor or not, deacon or not, everyone! He says on this issue, keep your thoughts continually FIXED! Keep them locked into something. Keep them rooted in something, continually! What this means is, you choose to focus your mind on things, there’s no room for careless thinking! Everyday, intentionally decide to fix your thoughts, to reject confusion, a fixed mind does not suffer confusion! A mind that is not continually fixed on something leads a person astray . It becomes the devil’s playground and his door to the person’s life!

Do you know why the spirit of depression seems to keep preying on people? It is because the devil has discovered that man is careless in his thinking patterns . Man guards his money, his house, his property but leaves his mind to wander off, to wander around like loose tap of water. Man would rather protect his car “insure” it than do anything about his mind why? Because we do not realise the dangers of unintentional thinking. We remain locked into anxiety and depression because our minds have become a seesaw for demons to ride on whenever they please.

There are people the devil does not need to attack by giving them diseases , he can just confuse them and that’s it. Many mad people aren’t physically sick, the problem is there’s a spirit playing different channels in their minds. While there’s an action movie playing , the devil switches it to channel O, then horror scene, then ama piano. A whole lot of crazy! Such people are already defeated. Defeat the mind , defeat the person, defeat his purpose , defeat his plans, defeat his vision. Apostle Paul says CONTINUALLY FIX YOUR THOUGHTS . Keep on doing the self introspection, be aware of what goes on in your mind because it’s easy to be absent minded or distracted. Your mind is your treasure. Nobody wants to be friends with someone whose mind is scattered not to talk of marriage why? Because you’ll be the door way to problems in people’s lives.

Head to MPG Instagram page to participate in the 40 day challenge of mindset shift. Remember to do all you can to work on your mind. It’ll be a long topic but the Lord will help us until we finally yield our minds to Holy Spirit.

Click the image below to be redirected to MPG 40 day challenge ;

Yielding the mind

Yielding my thoughts

Happy Monday beloved. I hope you had a beautiful weekend. I was at a music work shop on Saturday then attended church on Sunday, l had a good time. Don’t downplay the power of a church community. Apostle Paul beseeches us to not forsake the gathering of believers, to not get into the habit of not attending church by following trends or feelings or people who say “worship alone at home”. With all that we go through throughout the week, knowing I have a family in Christ that loves me is so comforting. Let me take this opportunity to invite you to House of Treasures Ministries if you’re looking for a place to fellowship. Here’s the link to our website:

This week we are dealing with thoughts. Thoughts are the process of using your mind to consider something. I believe that all the living creatures think but they don’t think the same. For example, a dog does not think like a human being . A man does not think like a woman. A child does not think like an adult. A student or graduate does not think like one who has never attended school. A believer does not think like an atheist. As a matter of fact, we’re differentiated by our mindsets – how we think.

We cannot talk about yielding the mind and not talk about thoughts. Thoughts have so much power that who and what you are now Is a reflection of your thoughts. The mind of man is like a womb, it takes a seed either through what the eyes see or what the ears hear and begins to create images, ideologies, conclusions which affect the person as a whole.

”For as he thinks within himself, so is he.
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭23‬:‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬a

On this topic we will discuss the following in no particular order :

  • Distracting thoughts
  • Lustful thoughts
  • Wicked thoughts
  • Depressive/ Suicidal Thoughts
  • Confusion
  • The unfruitful mind /Dullness
  • Strongholds and Patterns
  • The renewal of the mind
  • How the devil uses you against you
  • How what you see and hear connects to your mind (environmental influence)
  • Wisdom and Understanding
  • How to yield the mind

Today please watch this sermon as our foundational guide. If you don’t watch it, it’s a decision you make in your mind to remain uninformed about what’s important. That’s what makes people different. Choose to fill your mind with wisdom and knowledge daily.
Click on the link below;

You’re loved dearly 🩵

Yielding the mind

Our Week review

My new favourite day of the week apart from Sunday is Friday. I get to rest from books and reports and just give my full attention to more prayer, to myself , to reflect on my week and my decisions. With my personal life, serving in church, leading the prayer group, I often have no time to figure out how I truly feel, how I am, every moment has its allocated to-do. If I’m not doing this, I’m doing that. It’s tiring and sometimes all l need is someone to check up on me. This has been such a difficult week for me because even my health was attacked , spiritual attacks, felt low in some moments, just a whole lot of drama and I know that the devil was attention seeking. Thankful to Abba and for my sister Valerie who helped me go through the week. I don’t think she knew how much I needed to laugh like that . I’m so grateful for her . God sent one beautiful young lady to also check up on me a few days ago, she said , “I felt the urge to ask you how you are”, yho bazalwane there’s no way God is not mindful of me.

You learn more from endings than from beginnings. Endings carry a track record of every moment, every decision, every memory, and that’s why in order to reflect effectively we wait for the end of the week. Answer these questions;

I read a comment recently, someone said “ Is it normal to miss sadness or pain when it’s gone?!” The truth is no . You should not miss pain. You only do if you have not replaced that with joy. Once you have the joy of the Lord there’s nothing that feels better. Many of us refuse to take in the joy of the Lord because we are addicted to pain. Ironically Your lowest moments are your happiest moments because at least then you can feel something . It’s paradoxish and it is not a good thing. Answer me truthfully, how are you? Are you pretending to be okay? Are you tired and worn out? Are you peaceful? Happy? I always ask this when I see people because I’ve realised people carry a lot and sometimes need one person to ask , to check up, to love on them. Respond by commenting;

❤️ I’m doing alright , I’m happy!

🧡 I feel physically exhausted but I’m okay

🤎 I’m numb so I dunno how l feel

🩵 I feel heavy emotionally & physically

🖤 I need a big hug

🩷 I’m in between but I could be better

Comment on your chair and how you feel;

Please do me a favour? Buy yourself something nice today, even if it’s ice-cream, get yourself something for making it to the end of the week in one piece! You know l love you! God loves you better! See you on Monday ❤️

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,“
‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Yielding the mind

Chilled / Not-so-chilled Thursday ..

Hey family. I just want to start by reminding you that God loves you. It’s easy to doubt this because the first thing that we question when we go through life’s ups and downs is God’s love for us. The devil whispers lies to us and we find ourselves asking Jesus like the disciples , “Lord carest thou not that we perish?” I have doubted God’s love for me many times and had to intentionally listen to sermons that would drill that truth in my head and tattoo it on my heart to keep me rooted. God loves you!

When l think back into my life, l remember going through depression, applying for jobs every day only to be rejected , I remember crying so much because the person l thought would marry me changed lanes, I remember looking at the last meal in the house and asking myself where will the next one come from . There were times when I’d use my last money to show up and serve in church, to give to someone else, eh! Moments of loneliness , seasons of feeling defeated, many years of stagnation and suffering. I remember when l used to compromise my walk with God, fornicating, drinking, prostituting myself with the gods of this world, boy did l not live a riotous life!!! All this and more has led me to one conclusion ; man is nothing without God. Try living life without God? You’re already in your grave. I’m sharing this with you because of the video you’re about to watch.

Yesterday l watched a live stream by one of my good friends, Life-changing!! There’s such an urgency in the spirit this particular season. You know Thursday we chill with popcorn and watch some good Christian movies but today I’m not sure if the popcorn will be needed. Just take water 😂. If you’re on Mpg don’t even try popping anything my friend, FOCUS! This message will change your life. It will give you the answers to the many questions you ask. Do yourself a favour and watch it when you get an opportunity to.

Click the button to watch

May God help you as you watch this. Your life will never be the same again. I love you! See you tomorrow ❤️

Yielding the mind

Worship Wednesday


”From now on, worshiping the Father will not be a matter of the right place but with a right heart. For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.”“
‭‭John‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Lift up a great shout of joy to Yahweh! Go ahead and do it—everyone, everywhere!“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100‬:‭1‬ ‭TPT‬‬