”Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always.“
Philippians 4:8 TPT
Apostle Paul is writing to all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons. (Philippians 1:1 NIV) In chapter 4, he addresses the mind. He begins to teach about the kind of a mindset Christians should have, pastor or not, deacon or not, everyone! He says on this issue, keep your thoughts continually FIXED! Keep them locked into something. Keep them rooted in something, continually! What this means is, you choose to focus your mind on things, there’s no room for careless thinking! Everyday, intentionally decide to fix your thoughts, to reject confusion, a fixed mind does not suffer confusion! A mind that is not continually fixed on something leads a person astray . It becomes the devil’s playground and his door to the person’s life!
Do you know why the spirit of depression seems to keep preying on people? It is because the devil has discovered that man is careless in his thinking patterns . Man guards his money, his house, his property but leaves his mind to wander off, to wander around like loose tap of water. Man would rather protect his car “insure” it than do anything about his mind why? Because we do not realise the dangers of unintentional thinking. We remain locked into anxiety and depression because our minds have become a seesaw for demons to ride on whenever they please.
There are people the devil does not need to attack by giving them diseases , he can just confuse them and that’s it. Many mad people aren’t physically sick, the problem is there’s a spirit playing different channels in their minds. While there’s an action movie playing , the devil switches it to channel O, then horror scene, then ama piano. A whole lot of crazy! Such people are already defeated. Defeat the mind , defeat the person, defeat his purpose , defeat his plans, defeat his vision. Apostle Paul says CONTINUALLY FIX YOUR THOUGHTS . Keep on doing the self introspection, be aware of what goes on in your mind because it’s easy to be absent minded or distracted. Your mind is your treasure. Nobody wants to be friends with someone whose mind is scattered not to talk of marriage why? Because you’ll be the door way to problems in people’s lives.
Head to MPG Instagram page to participate in the 40 day challenge of mindset shift. Remember to do all you can to work on your mind. It’ll be a long topic but the Lord will help us until we finally yield our minds to Holy Spirit.
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