I hope you have been joining the hallelujah challenge, if not here’s the link to the Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/nathanielblow?igsh=NjMyMDEwZ2k2eHV6 , look out for the notifications. I love dancing for Jesus. Once I get into my room and you can’t hear me blasting in the Spirit but you can hear some hot praise just know I’m doing a mighty David dance. One thing I’ve come to realise? We are too loud with prayer requests but too quiet with our praise and worship. It’s like we only ever want anything to do with God if it’s for “Give us this day our daily bread” we forget that it starts with “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name.” Yes. In that order. His heart more than His hand. Click on the buttons below for today song suggestions, add yours on the comment section. I love you. God loves you.❤️
”Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing.“ Exodus 15:20 NIV
”From now on, worshiping the Father will not be a matter of the right place but with a right heart. For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.”“ John 4:23-24 TPT
In this lifetime, we will all cry because of death. You will cry for others and they too, will cry for you. Because the living know, a day will come when they will die.
Vanessa Moonkie
Death is alikened to a scorpion sting . The pain is unbearable. It almost feels like a movie, so unreal that someone was right next to you in one moment and in the next they’re only found in pictures. It baffles the mind and breaks the heart that the person you spent so much time with does not exist anymore anywhere in the world.
The bible records two sisters who lost their brother [Ref John 11] after they had notified Jesus. The word of God says even mourners gathered at their home, like they do wherever there’s a funeral , to comfort them. The one Jesus loved died. The ones you love will die too. I only shared the story about my Daddy but he’s not the only one l lost to the scorpion of death, people I loved dearly, whom I cannot ring right now. We will lose each other just like someday, others will lose you.
Jesus grieved for Lazarus. He wept. ”Jesus wept.“ John 11:35 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/jhn.11.35.NIV WHY? Because the heart responds to pain through tears. People who don’t cry are only building up a bomb inside. The day it explodes it will have turned to more than pain but anger and bitterness. We cry when we are hurt. “Men don’t cry” is a wordly statement that has destroyed many people emotionally. Jesus , cried. Tears streamed down his face, he felt the pain , he expressed the pain. Not expressing the pain doesn’t mean you’re strong. Not crying doesn’t mean you are healing, it may mean you are afraid, to face your feelings.
I am so sorry you lost a parent, family, a friend, a spouse, a colleague . I am so sorry they had to leave so soon. I am sorry for the pain you’ve had to carry inside, the tears you’ve cried, the panic attacks because suddenly you remembered they’re not there anymore, the battle to stay in faith after all that. I am sorry. It will not heal you or stitch your brokenness but May it feel like a hug. Many of us have died with the people we loved. The day we buried them, we also buried ourselves. We have refused to grieve and let go. This leads to depression. This has led to suicide. This has stagnated many people, why? Because if we choose to stop, God cannot force us to move. He will raise Lazarus if they show him the grave. And maybe we refuse to heal because we feel we would have betrayed the dead, they will feel like we didn’t love them if we forgot. The truth is, the dead know and feel nothing. They cannot even see that you’re crying, if they did, would they not wake up from the coffin? This is harsh truth but my darling, they are gone. ”For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten.“ Ecclesiastes 9:5 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/ecc.9.5.NIV
I have so much to say on this topic so we will continue with it. Today I want you to understand three things
[1] they are gone
[2] face the facts, cry, express yourself, don’t bottle up the pain
[3] you must move on, choosing to stay by the grave is not showing them loyalty, it is stagnating us .
God knows. God understands. Job lost all his children, he grieved. How could it be? Why? God why we ask! But the answer is, all men will one day leave this world. Them, you and myself. We fool ourselves if we ignore this truth. If you’d like to talk to me about your experience and you need help, please do send me an email . For now, approach our Lord, cry if need be , be intentional about your healing. It is possible to be healed from grief.
”Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.“
1 Thessalonians 4:13, 16 NIV
Blessed Monday family❤️ . This week we are looking at causes of depression.
My story
Some years ago l lost my father. He had a heart problem therefore he lived a life of medication until his body couldn’t handle all that . At the time, I was already serving on God’s altar and so when it happened it was on a Tuesday, I was on my knees, at altar, alone, praying for him and my uncle who was also sick. I declared God’s word, got up and checked my phone. My aunt called and said to me, “Come home quickly.” Another called saying,”Where are you?” . These are people who rarely called me so I started feeling uneasy but I did not think something had happened to my Daddy, I mean, l had just prayed. So obviously he’d be healed right? Wrong.
I decided to not stay for choir rehearsal and just head back home. While I was crossing the road, a friend called me, with my earphones on, l answered and she said, “I’m so sorry about your dad!” Beloved l was in the middle of the road. My feet became numb. A truck was coming, the driver called out, “MOVE!” I got off the road and thought to myself ,”Nah. It’s probably all in my head.” I walked to the taxis, got home, as l was by the corner, I saw many cars by my house. I said “Lord please help me walk to the gate” , l was literally shaking. When l got home, l saw my Mommy, sitting on a mattress. I saw my sisters crying!! And I thought, “Valerie! Where is Valerie?” Valerie is the one I come after, I thought something happened to her. I was confused. Everyone was looking at me, probably waiting for me to start crying. I asked, “What happened? Why is Everyone calling me?” One of the grannies from the neighbourhood said it , “Sorry. Your father passed away this morning!” My heart. My mind. My body. Everything in me was numb. I felt betrayed. I felt let down why? Why did he die when l was on my knees praying? I prayedddd!! Did l pray too late? Did l pray amiss?
My mommy said, “It’s true. Go to Valerie in the room.” My other sisters were on the floor wailing. Valerie was in the room. In bed. With blankets. In that heat. When she saw me, we both broke down . “ Daddy please don’t let this be true. “ I cried so much. I loved my Dad in a way that I can’t explain. I didn’t know how much that would change my life. Losing my Dad changed the next 6-7 years of my life. I was depressed. I was wounded. I was limping . Every birthday felt like mockery from hell because we shared the same birthday. I was constantly thinking of my sweet Daddy laying in the coffin. Lifeless. I wouldn’t be able to see him again reading his newspaper, hear him singing, no more teddy bear hugs or funny faces. No more.
So l understand. I wanted to share this story so that you know, I understand. I know the crippling pain of seeing your loved one with their eyes closed , no response and in that moment, no answers from heaven. Maybe you think you’re the only one. But there’s been a funeral in every family and the closest person to the deceased feels/felt like you feel. Death is a visitor that goes to every house , knows everyone, eats anyone.
Let us look at how to move on from that experience tomorrow. This was just to start our week. My friend, we will deal with all those things! GOD IS HELPING US! I love you, God loves you. [Refer to the verse at the top]
”So death, tell me, where is your victory? Tell me death, where is your sting?“ 1 Corinthians 15:55 TPT
Greetingsmy beloved family! My apologies for not showing up for our Thursday blog! Best believe I really felt awkward the whole day. Although l did not forget to post [was just tied up with important work] It was as if I forgot to switch off the iron or did not put on my earrings… something was just off.. I’m quite big on consistency so yeah , itwas THE day. My apologies once again, The bible says forgive others ooo🤣
To show that I’m sorry, l decided to just double dose it today! We are doing reflection Friday together with our Thursday chill day. Our reflection method is a bit different today. Answer the questions below using any of the listed answers. If you’re comfortable , comment with your two colours. Be honest, there’s no transformation or help for pretenders .
🟢I am doing well, peaceful & joyful !
⚪️I’m doing just ok
🔵I am struggling to come to a conclusion
🟡I am getting better by the day
🔴I am struggling.. I need help
Sometimes we really need help but sometimes we like the pity bubble. Identify which is which.
🟢It was fruitful .. had a good one
🔵It was long and tiring
🔴It was the worst, l couldn’t yield my mind
🟡It was somewhat hard but I pushed through
⚪️It was just okay
If you are in a dark space please check last week Friday exercise and do it however , if you need to talk scroll to the bottom of the page, find my email address and send me an Email. Please use my email for yielded talks . I will respond as soon as possibly can ❤️
As promised, here’s our Thursday activity. Let’s watch a movie together; grab your EATS!! If you’re still on a fast my dear, put the food away .. Click the WATCH NOW button and tell me what you think about it on the comment section ;
As you already know GOD LOVES YOU, I love you. See you on Monday as we continue with the topic Yielding the mind – Dealing with depression .
”The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.“
Isaiah 29:13 NIV
Hey friends! It’s that time of the week! I love love love the songs you have been suggesting for our Worship Wednesdays! I love how we are slowly catching the hang of this together. Honestly, I didn’t expect it to be like this, I was “trying out” stuff but now I am certain God is with us here. I want us to worship God today, remembering even the smallest of things He’s done. Cured your flu? Thank Him. Paid your fees? Gave you strength? Put food on your table? Do you have clothes to wear and shoes on your feet? Let’s thank Him. Well, I thank Him for you! Showing up here to read these long blogs LOL! You’re celebrated today! Remember to share what you’re listening to today on the comments? Let’s gooo🚀 .. SIMPLY CLICK the buttons below to access my song suggestions.