”And then a little later, God-of-the-Angel-Armies spoke out again: “Take a good, hard look at your life. Think it over.”
Haggai 1:7MSG
If you are not yielding to God you’re yielding to the Devil. There’s no in between. If you are not of God you’re of Satan. He says today, “Give careful thought to your ways” .. What and Who have you been yielding to?
It’s not too late to consider your ways.

- It is through salvation that we yield to Christ
- Yielded people are dead people, only alive in Christ
- Yielded people are obedient
- Yielded people are not feelers. They walk by the Spirit not by feelings
- Yielded people are irritated by what irritates God and grieved by what grieves Holy Spirit
- Yielded people don’t follow trends they follow the Word
- Yielded people seek God first
- Yielded people are not ashamed of the gospel
- Yielded people serve God and man
- Yielded people do not contradict the Bible to suit their fantasies
- Yielded people do not crave fame or to fit into the world
- Yielded people do not follow their hearts. They follow Christ
- Yielded people are flexible to be used of God. They’re His battle axe
- Yielded people do not serve God and other gods.
- Yielded people do not have appetites for Egypt delicacies.
- Yielded people subject their flesh to the Spirit
- Yielded people are not stiff necked or stubborn , they’re not complainers
- Yielded people enjoy the presence of God
- Yielded people are …….