Yielding the mind

Reflection Friday

I am sorry!

Greetings my beloved family! My apologies for not showing up for our Thursday blog! Best believe I really felt awkward the whole day. Although l did not forget to post [was just tied up with important work] It was as if I forgot to switch off the iron or did not put on my earrings… something was just off.. I’m quite big on consistency so yeah , it was THE day. My apologies once again, The bible says forgive others ooo🤣

To show that I’m sorry, l decided to just double dose it today! We are doing reflection Friday together with our Thursday chill day. Our reflection method is a bit different today. Answer the questions below using any of the listed answers. If you’re comfortable , comment with your two colours. Be honest, there’s no transformation or help for pretenders .


🟢I am doing well, peaceful & joyful !

⚪️I’m doing just ok

🔵I am struggling to come to a conclusion 

🟡I am getting better by the day

🔴I am struggling.. I need help 

Sometimes we really need help but sometimes we like the pity bubble. Identify which is which.


🟢It was fruitful .. had a good one

🔵It was long and tiring 

🔴It was the worst, l couldn’t yield my mind

🟡It was somewhat hard but I pushed through 

⚪️It was just okay

If you are in a dark space please check last week Friday exercise and do it however , if you need to talk scroll to the bottom of the page, find my email address and send me an Email. Please use my email for yielded talks . I will respond as soon as possibly can ❤️

As promised, here’s our Thursday activity. Let’s watch a movie together; grab your EATS!! If you’re still on a fast my dear, put the food away ..  Click the WATCH NOW button and tell me what you think about it on the comment section ; 

As you already know GOD LOVES YOU, I love you. See you on Monday as we continue with the topic Yielding the mind – Dealing with depression .


All images courtesy of Pinterest and their respective owners.

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Just a girlie who loves Jesus, totally smitten and obsessed with our Lord. I’m here to help you with having a consistent, fruitful, intimate life with God aided by Holy Spirit. Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞

8 replies on “Reflection Friday”

Another good watch!
Why am I crying at the end🫣🙏🏾.
The way the church joined efforts to search for Naomi!

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