This is a picture of a key: a key hole on a door. Obviously this means the door is locked because nobody uses a key on an unlocked door. Surely most of us , if not all of us, have done this action before. To get access into our house l have to use a key and unlock the door – only then can l enter. It doesn’t matter how rainy it is, how hot it is, how cold it is; the door cannot open if ;
- you don’t have a key
- you don’t have the right key
- you’re not in close proximity to insert and turn the key
One time my niece and l were coming back from the airport and it was such a cold cold night ; we got to our place and discovered none of us had the key. It started off as a joke , “”You have it don’t you?” – “No you are the one who has it,” until it wasn’t looking funny anymore. We were cold, hungry and needed to get into the house because it was getting darker outside. To make things worse, we had a spare key but guess where it was? Yup- IN the house. The door remained closed and we stood there – panicking. Where would we sleep? How long were we gonna hold out on such a cold day? Even if it is your house and for sure all that is inside is yours, if the door is locked and you have no key , you are as good as a street person who has no house. Only difference is – you probably have cleaner clothes.
We stood there for a while, had our neighbours come and try to climb onto our balcony but even that door was locked from the inside. I was commanding the door to Ephphataaaaa 😂 but the door never Ephphoot (there’s no word like that so don’t carry it and start using it to pray) Also my faith was smaller than a mustard seed so vele eh! Guys! We had to pay lots of money for a locksmith to come and open the door for us. A stranger came to open OUR door for us ( Selah) It took him a few minutes and we were phakathi inside. Eh but we paid yho!
The locksmith did not have our key. He had other tools that can open the door by force. This means he didn’t need the key because he had discovered other ways to deal with the situation which would give the same desired end. Imagine if we just stood there and cried all night, was the door going to open up? Does the door have feelings? Could we beg the door to open? No. What about reminding the door that we own the house? Or telling the door we have a key but it’s inside? No. This is what happens with most of us in life, we stand before doors and we don’t have a key or a plan. We then sit and cry. How many years have we cried standing by opportunities simply because we refused to unlock the potential in us? What about what’s beyond the door?
Psalm 24:9-10NLT
9 Open up, ancient gates!
Open up, ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter.
10 Who is the King of glory?
The Lord of Heaven’s Armies—
he is the King of glory.
Think about it. The opportunities on the other side of “school” . The greatness on the other side of “investing in prayer” . The beauty that comes when we “unlock the ignorance” by studying the word. Many of us have the key! We are just not desperate enough to “take a shower in the house” or get a “proper meal”. My niece and l were desperate that’s why we paid money to get into the house. My darling sometimes the key is money. Paying your fees. Tithing. I know we hate talking about money but sometimes only having an idea of how the door can open doesn’t necessarily mean the door will open.
How about the key to your joy being you confronting your fears? So will you lock up your heart and refuse to love again because the last time it didn’t end well? Will you stop trying to get into the market place because you’ve tried to unlock the door for years and you’re still outside? What if you have the key and you’re suffering outside because you’re not desperate enough to find out what’s behind the door? Oh l have a lot to say on today’s reflection post but let’s continue next Friday.
Do you have the key? What are you doing about it?
Are you like us? No key? Make a plan like we did.
Bottom line is ; the door must open. (That really is the bottom line – literally) 😂