You are more than just a worm. More than just a boy. More than just a girl. More than just someone’s mother or father. In each of us is greatness , deeply embedded, not defined by anyone but God. Your perception of yourself may be the reason for your limitations. Your performance does not equate to your value. Your failures do not decrease your value to God. I bet the woman caught in adultery felt she was less important, less worthy than everyone else around her . People who gathered around her came to mock her , came to kill her, because of her actions , she must’ve felt like she was the worst person alive. People’s Condemnation does not lower Gods love for you. Infact nothing can separate you from His love. Your self reflection or introspection today can remind you of how you were caught in the act but may you see deeper, you were also saved by Jesus. The one who was meant to stone you, the one who had every right to, did not.
Today let’s learn from our past mistakes. The mistakes we made this week including the intentional sins. Shall we go on sinning because grace abounds? Shall we go on living like worms when we are butterflies? Shall we go on living like pigs when we have a beautiful home we could go to if we stopped being prodigal? The gifts entrusted to you, the talents, what did you do with them this week? Oh how about reading the Bible? Did you pray? You see, that’s living like a pig why? Because you have been consuming the dirt from the world and social media all week, nothing clean and pure has entered your system. Reflect on the teachings of your pastor, what have you done since Sunday to show that you learnt something?
Lastly, HOW ARE YOU? How was your week? May God cause you to laugh today. Just hug you and give you strength . I love you. See you on Monday . ❤️
One reply on “Reflection Friday”
I love this weeks reflection! It’s causing me to think about whether or not I am living in my true identity in Christ, that is in sonship, an heir and an adopted one in Him🤔am I living in a manner worthy of the calling that has been put upon my life🤔what about the talents? Have I hidden them or am I being fruitful and multiplying with them? What am I feeding my mind and soul? Does it allow for the renewal of my mind and transformation of my life?🤔