Yielding the mind

Reflection Friday

Don’t be afraid to correct your young ones; a spanking won’t kill them. A good spanking, in fact, might save them from something worse than death.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭23‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Hey my loves. What comes to your mind when you read this scripture? I bet you thought of a naughty child being spanked by their parent. I bet you thought of how your parents used to spank you in your childhood. My Dad only hit me once and that was it but my mom? My mom read that scripture and soaked in it LOL! It was her rhema. I was a stubborn child. Strong willed. Always fighting with Valerie. My mom just knew the way with me was the highway. She’s a sweet lady but you fold on her, you get the belt. Now the bible clearly tells us that God is Our Father, has He given you a spank this week?

I have had a couple of spanks and correction from God this week – well at least it felt like God was rebuking me for somethings. It was hard but I accepted it because it is proof of His love for His princess ( me) . I had to sit down and selah. I realised, the correction God brought to me through a friend was actually right. A need. My darlings, if you refuse correction, you literally refuse life. Are you the kind of person that hates being told you’re wrong? It bruises our pride but it is necessary. There are certain things I liked but had to let go of because with growth comes decisions or vice versa. A little spanking to get you in order does not kill you, it builds you.

I believe that God is both a gentle parent and a strict one. “Do not steal” is a commandment not a suggestion. The devil will make you feel like you are being bullied but that is not true. As we reflect on our week, what decisions did you make that you need to correct? What needs a fix? Is it your attitude? Your words? Your character? Pride? Is it impoliteness to yourself and to others? Is it laziness? Procrastination? A child that repeats the same mistake 20 times is an abnormal child. His/her growth is stunted. Do we have stunted growth , only growing physically but mentally and emotionally still on milk? If your boss says “Please redo this document it’s not done correctly,” do not say “They don’t even pay me much. I won’t do it.” You are stunting your own growth. Go back and check if really you did well and work on it.

If God told you what you’re doing is wrong would you change it or would you try to run from it by creating excuses or reasons why you’re right. I have done that a lot of times and it kept me on one level for many years. Nobody could correct me. You try it you become an enemy. What do l do now? l want to finish the race which I am running, l reflect, I accept the correction, have it bruise my ego because the process is not to kill me but to make me. If we reject correction we must accept the consequences. Face it now or it will destroy you later. The world is a mess now because nobody wants to be corrected, not the government, not students; our greatest enemy is our pride. Let’s work on that today . I assure you we will never go wrong . There are things I can’t ever dream of doing now because my Mom has already fixed that problem 🤣😬 hallelujah!

The Lord said to Cain, watch out! If you do not, sin is crouching at your door. Did he listen to correction? No. We all know how that story ended. [Gen 4;6-7]

I love you 💞

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Just a girlie who loves Jesus, totally smitten and obsessed with our Lord. I’m here to help you with having a consistent, fruitful, intimate life with God aided by Holy Spirit. Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞

One reply on “Reflection Friday”

Thank you for this offering. It is beautiful to hear God or when God sends people to help us get back on track. The hardest thing is being corrected on things we think we have worked on but they still find their way in our hearts.

God bless you Moonkie, I love you too much.

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