I have been stuck on this image of wheat for a little over a week now. When I feel choked by the emotions stirred up from current trials , I remember this and I’m strengthened. One of the hardest things to do is to worship in the valley. To praise when your voice is toiling off. How did Zechariah still serve as a priest , interceding, serving when his own promise was not yet fulfilled? How did Abraham keep building altars of worship to a God who said “l will” when it felt like “He was not.” How do you tell Hannah “we’re going to Shiloh,” knowing she has been going there and coming back without the one thing she wanted, a child because my darling people will ask. I’m reminded of a scripture by David in the book of Psalms;
“Day and night my tears keep falling and my heart keeps crying for your help, while my enemies mock me over and over, saying, “Where is this God of yours? Why doesn’t he help you?””
Psalms 42:3 TPT
He says there are people who are not interested in asking how I am doing. They don’t want to know about any other thing. The only question they keep asking is “Where is this God of yours and why doesn’t He help you?” . In a time where you hang onto God not even knowing what is the cause of the storm , David says I have been hearing my enemies mock me. That these people are not only mocking David but they’re mocking the God of David. They did this to Jesus on the cross. “You have been healing people, why can’t you save yourself !” But He fixed His focus and attention on purpose – the cross.
Many believers stop worshipping in their waiting season because to us worship is not a commitment or lifestyle , it is a response to a testimony. People don’t show up for worship nights but call a warfare night , even the witch next door is there. Everyone wants to be where they “feel” they will benefit. When it comes to real commitment to praise, we ask why? “Why should l praise when my child is sick? Why should l praise when the person I married has turned me into a marah? Why should l bother myself dancing when life has given me lemons 😂 and the lemonade l tried to make tastes like poison?” If you think I’m bluffing, tell a Christian , “let’s praise God” their response would be “Why, what has He done?”.
Today I want to encourage my people who are in the season of transition from Moab to Bethlehem. Those like Naomi. The ones who had their hands full of beautiful things then they lost them and now it looks like you never had anything. Those who are in grief and are going through famine. How do you even cry? Or maybe Ruth’s. With an option to go back home and give up. With a choice to follow Orpah and maybe worship other gods or marry someone else but they stay and wait upon the Lord. The Ruth’s who choose God with no sight of a Boaz. They are walking by faith. They are not even focused on a man , theirs is to serve the God of Naomi. The people who have been a support system to others with nothing to gain! The Ruth who followed Naomi with no promise of a better future, not a vision, not a prophecy, nothing!
Ruth was not told that she would meet a whole Boaz in Bethlehem. She knew Naomi was old and couldn’t bear children yet she followed. Followers with no prophetic dream but they believe in God! Those who stand at cross roads and still choose the narrow path. After losing everything they still follow. After returning to Bethlehem with shame of not having a testimony after so many years, they don’t even care to lie to people. Listen, there is a purpose. If only we stay aligned, there is a purpose.
Take a look at that picture above. Does it look like it was once a dry field? Does it look like it was once all dusty with nothing that looks like wheat? But guess what? It started off as just land. Maybe people dumped their trash there. It probably rained or the ground was dried up by scorching sun. What if there was a time nobody took a second look at the land because there was nothing. Look at it now! I found it on the internet! Look at how healthy and beautiful and prosperous it looks! It looks ready to feed families and a whole city of more! It looks like the owner is very pleased! It sure looks nothing like how it was during the seeding time. The farmer must’ve been tired with the sowing and the whole process but what if he gave up?
I’m saying to you , stay in praise. Stay in worship. Stay locked in the ark. The rain will soon stop. The trials will soon come to an end. Esther losing your parents is not the end of life. There is a king that will favour you. Ruth , in a field of many candidates, there is a man of integrity called Boaz who will ask about you. Elijah arise and eat! Joseph interpret the dreams anyway, they may forget you but soooon! We don’t need a reason why, we are those who live a life of worship, NOMATTER WHAT! Find time to worship and praise Him today!
“Those who sow their tears as seeds will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee. They may weep as they go out carrying their seed to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing!”
Psalms 126:5-6 TPT
One reply on “Worship Wednesday”
I have had the worst of weeks, and I truly would sleep or distract myself with schoolwork and even though I prayed, the intensity was just not the same because my mind kept on reminding me of what had transpired and all the pain. I believe this is my word.