The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

I love this song. I love how it reminds me that even before l was born God already knew who l would become. He knew my name, He knew my yesterday, and He knows my future. Many of the lies of the enemy are shadowed in the fact that people think that God knows nothing about the future. God is not trying to figure it out. He is not putting together a last minute “What to do with Vanessa” plan. No. He has always had a clear vision about you and l.

Before a baby is born, they are such a wonderful mystery. Though we can get a “peek” at them through ultrasound images, hear their heartbeat with a doppler, and speculate about what they might look like by forming images in our imaginations of their mom and dad’s features, we can’t really know them until they are born. And even then, though we may have dreams about what they could do and who they could be, we can’t accurately predict their futures. The bible says God already knows in exactness how the child looks.

When a pregnant woman is about to put to bed, the couple buys what is called, preparation. They buy things like nappies, new baby clothes, baby wrapper, etcetera. Infact, some are given the list at the hospital. When the baby is born you don’t see the mother running out of the Labour room to buy the nappies, no. They prepared for the baby’s arrival and have all they need for the baby. It’s like that with God. What you needed from birth till you die has already been prepared for you! God is not overthinking about your future.

It is comforting to know our lives are held and known by a God who is infinitely Great and eternal. Are you unable to pray or worship because you are worried about the future? Receive the peace of God. Your Father already knows what you need before you need it..

Finally, our tickets are live. Click on the link to get yours, please do share the poster. Take some time to worship today.

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By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

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