The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

If the mirror could project hearts, what would yours look like?

When you get a couple of pimples on your face , you may quickly try and find new products to give you a clearer and smoother skin. “Perhaps,” we say, “the ones we got before don’t work”. When a hairstyle is over three weeks and it looks like you are a bushman , you get a new hairstyle then you suddenly feel alive again. Why do we do all this? To ensure that our physical appearance is good. How many times do we intentionally check the conditions of our hearts?

It is not uncommon to hear people say, “I don’t believe in therapy” or “Therapy doesn’t work for me,” and these are all valid claims. I went for therapy too. It didn’t work for me. It was later that l realised, the issue isn’t therapy, it is where you go for therapy. Nobody can fix the heart better than the One who created it – that is – GOD. Psychologists play a huge role in our communities and have been able to help many people , we salute and honour them but they can only offer coping strategies not complete healing. Complete healing is found in Christ alone.

Often, we use something external to help us cope with what is internal, like a glass of wine or your favourite snack. Some use sex and binge watching tv series to cope. Eventually it starts influencing your day-to-day functioning. The people of the world don’t see anything wrong with this. As a matter of fact, they encourage you to do what you can to “cope” while the Bible encourages us to come to Jehovah Rapha. One brings short lived relief, the other brings total and complete deliverance.

There is no checklist or quiz that can tell you, “Hey! It’s time to consider counseling!” but there are some red flags that might tip you off like answering the question above. If mirrors could reflect the heart and mind, what would yours look like? As a survivor of mental health issues, l speak based on experiences which led me to The Balm in Gilead and left me with encounters. Look at what Hebrews 4:12 says: 

 The Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”

Our first event , which will be a mass counselling session will be held on the 19th of October. We have limited tickets so get yours as soon as you can. Share this with a friend and show up! You can even buy for your parents (yes parents have held onto so much for so long)! Remember, whatever we need is found in God. Sometimes looking in the mirror is not fun but if we want to fix the creases, the hair, we have no choice but to first find out where the problem is by looking into the mirror.

If I have counselled you before, please do share how you have been helped and how it has affected your day to day life. To get your ticket, click on the link below;

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” – Romans 8:18 

The Overcoming Believer

Chilled Thursday

Hey my loves.
Please help me share our event poster and link for tickets . ❤️

Today l woke up late. I felt too tired to face the day. I felt guilty even worse l read this verse last night;

“How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest— and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Eiiiii !! It hit me in my sleepiness. Although the right amount of sleep can be beneficial physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, too much sleep can be harmful if it detracts from work. There is a difference between reasonable self-care and being irresponsible. I felt irresponsible because of the amount of school work I have to cover inorder to be able to teach at the event. Chilled Thursday is not an excuse for us to not do anything at all. Anyhoo, I’m in school rn as l also juggle it with yielded. In my ant era 🐜 😩

May you have a productive day. I will try and create a weekly chart for us to help us achieve our weekly goals. I love you. ❤️

Here’s an interesting book to read. It will help you in building relationship with others.

The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

I love this song. I love how it reminds me that even before l was born God already knew who l would become. He knew my name, He knew my yesterday, and He knows my future. Many of the lies of the enemy are shadowed in the fact that people think that God knows nothing about the future. God is not trying to figure it out. He is not putting together a last minute “What to do with Vanessa” plan. No. He has always had a clear vision about you and l.

Before a baby is born, they are such a wonderful mystery. Though we can get a “peek” at them through ultrasound images, hear their heartbeat with a doppler, and speculate about what they might look like by forming images in our imaginations of their mom and dad’s features, we can’t really know them until they are born. And even then, though we may have dreams about what they could do and who they could be, we can’t accurately predict their futures. The bible says God already knows in exactness how the child looks.

When a pregnant woman is about to put to bed, the couple buys what is called, preparation. They buy things like nappies, new baby clothes, baby wrapper, etcetera. Infact, some are given the list at the hospital. When the baby is born you don’t see the mother running out of the Labour room to buy the nappies, no. They prepared for the baby’s arrival and have all they need for the baby. It’s like that with God. What you needed from birth till you die has already been prepared for you! God is not overthinking about your future.

It is comforting to know our lives are held and known by a God who is infinitely Great and eternal. Are you unable to pray or worship because you are worried about the future? Receive the peace of God. Your Father already knows what you need before you need it..

Finally, our tickets are live. Click on the link to get yours, please do share the poster. Take some time to worship today.

Get your ticket

The Overcoming Believer


I missed you! I am so sorry to those that didn’t get the memo. I had to attend a conference and I couldn’t show up here because it was sooooo busy. Yesterday I tried to write something but l was super exhausted but I’m back! We are back – with exciting news!

The date of our first online event has changed to the 19th. Please refer to this new poster .

This will be a zoom event to cater for all those who cannot attend physically. It is a paid event BUT very affordable. The meeting has been put together to help us explore the intersection of mental health and biblical teachings. This gathering aims to provide support, share experiences, and discover how scripture can offer guidance and comfort in challenging times. Together, we will foster a sense of community while addressing mental health concerns through the lens of faith. Is it only for those going through difficult situations? Certainly not. Many people struggle with regulating their emotions even on a daily basis.

Please do invite a friend . We have limited tickets and they will be live from tomorrow 💃💃💃 .

Today l just want to say God loves you. He will not disappoint you. He will not begin a thing and leave it halfway. He will not just give up on you! As you step into this new month, have confidence in God. Wake up and remind yourself, God is on my side! Tell it to the storms! Tell it to the world! God is on my side. Family it matters who is on your side. It really does. If all you have on your side are human beings, you’ll lose. Apostle Paul writes in the book of Romans to enlighten us about what it really means to have God on our side,

“So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us?”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭31‬ ‭TPT‬‬

As you step into a new season, always remember, He is on your side. You cannot fail because He is not a failure. You cannot lose because He is not a loser. You cannot be defeated because He knows no defeat! Let’s go! ❤️‍🔥

The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

Heyyyy YIELDED FAMILY! I hope you’ve had a beautiful week so far. I am super excited about our upcoming event. I hope to see you there !!! Okaaay …Let’s get to it!

How has your week been? WERE YOU KIND TO YOURSELF?

Many times we seek to understand others, to make them feel heard and loved. Over-functioning and codependent behaviour will eventually lead to feeling empty and bitter because at the end of the day there is nothing left for you. I hope you understand, I am not teaching selfishness but rather self awareness where – you are conscious of the fact that you also matter. Yes you do.

We often sacrifice self-care because we’re too busy trying to save everyone else. Sometimes people have to learn their own lessons in life, however painful that is. I’ve learned that self neglect is VERY REAL. I see it in parents particularly mothers . I see it in breadwinners. I see it in leaders. I also see it in relationships. One will forget they exist to make others feel like they exist .While we are taught to be selfless, self neglect is not right.

Give careful thought to it. What did you do to appreciate the small wins from this week? How many cups did you pour into while yours was running empty? Did you take the break you needed? Did you rest? You asked everyone if they’re okay but ARE YOU OKAY? You cannot run while limping. We teach people how to treat us by our own actions and attitude toward ourselves. By putting signs out there that you are a rescuer and will do anything to “save” everyone, you attract the sort of people who want to be rescued and for whom it has to be all about them—not a balanced relationship. Give it a more careful thought.

Ultimately, it boils down to the fact that we think others are worth more than us. If we are confident in our love for ourselves and treat ourselves as if we are worthy, then that is what we will attract back. That’s what will give us confidence in rooms that seek to threaten us . That will create in us, healthy feelings towards our own selves.

Again, give this a more careful thought. 🩷