•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]
At this point you guys have heard all my sorries BUT yes I AM SORRY for posting late. It’s Chilled Thursday!! I don’t know if I will chill today; I’m soaking in assignments! I know many times we feel guilty when we rest especially when tasks aren’t completed but rest is biblical. Infact the Sabbath was never to be broken. The practice of observing the Sabbath (Shabbat) originates in the biblical commandment “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy“. God wants us to rest. Burn out is so common nowadays that it literally affects every area of one’s life. It kills zeal to do anything at all. Rest is a must. It is not a choice. According to the bible, we have no choice. Shabbat is more than just a day off from labor. It is a day of intimacy with God. I love reading so in my resting time l read. I write. I play podcasts and soak in the word of God. I join live videos of sound men and women of God teaching the Word. I watch good Christian movies – these days I can’t find any 🫠 . I groom my hair and nails while listening to some good gospel music. Just chilling with Holy Spirit. We rest – by Abiding. We rest – by Yielding. We rest – by Trusting.
Remember you can book a counselling slot should you feel like you need someone to talk to. Simply scroll down and you’ll find the slots.
Here’s a video that blessed me; I know it will bless you too. Click on the link below.
The story of Mary and Martha is one of the most discussed stories in the topic of building intimacy with God. Although some focus on it being a “woman” thing, I believe it is for the entire body of Christ. Men, women, boys, girls, leaders, new converts, everyone! Intimacy with God is a calling to all. The secret place is for all.
The story raises questions about priorities in spiritual life, time spent with Jesus , what comes first, fellowship with God or service. I think is a perfect story for reflection Friday because it literally brings everyone before the mirror. Nobody will leave confused. We will all figure out who we are in the story , Mary or Martha. It also touches on roles of women. Are intimate moments with God only meant for men while women prepare dinner, feed the family, clean, wash? The balance between action and contemplation. The main lesson of the story places emphasis on giving attention to Jesus over our own busyness.
I love what one of my leaders Ps KG said. He said ,”Careful of being too busy that you miss out on encounters.” This doesn’t only speak on being busy in the market place because church workers will think they’re excluded. It touches on everything called “work” whether you work at a bank or you are an usher at church. Works have a way of taking priority. People prioritise their career over their spiritual life. We prioritise being in the worship team more than the actual worship. Jesus addresses that by saying ,”Martha , you’re missing out on encounters because you worry yourself about many things. You’re too busy! You’re too distracted.” In the busyness of life, lies distractions.
It may be puzzling because the truth is ; someone has to do the work. If we all sit, the work will not move forward. However, the point of the story is Make Jesus Your Priority. Yes Martha can make dinner at another time but when Jesus is there, when it’s time for prayer, or worship, that’s not the time to start thinking about laundry. Even still, Martha was a remarkable woman and deserves considerable credit. Well done to all those who have been tirelessly serving others! You’re amazing!
Service is a good thing, but sitting at Jesus’ feet is best. We must remember what is most important. Good works should flow from a Christ-centered life. Remember, busyness may not necessarily mean productivity. It could be a distraction. Always prioritise sitting at His feet! Have a good day! ❤️
Good morning family. We are going to be discussing the miracles, then we will move to signs and wonders. There’s a difference between the three. I know many of us are familiar with the story in John chapter 2. I highlighted it yesterday. Some use it to argue about whether alcohol is biblical or not. Some use it as a debate on whether this wine was alcoholic or not. Others who are not saved and don’t know the Lord Jesus use it to defend drunkenness. It’s amazing how many people who are not filled with the Holy Spirit are trying to interpret scripture. It’s impossible. The Bible is a Spirit book and cannot be interpreted in the flesh. It must also be understood spiritually because it is not flesh food, it feeds the spirit. Anyhooo, let’s go!
Imagine that at your wedding (because you’ll get married soon) you have killed 3 fat cows and people are braaing and stewing and roasting and all. Then as you’re busy dancing with your beloved , someone comes and says. “People need more meat but we have run out. All the pots are empty but people are still asking for more.” My response would be , ”They must go home, we can’t buy another cow, kill it , cook it and serve it. The time does not allow. I’ve married my husband now they can go home and rest .” 😂 I bet you’d say the same too not because you’re stingy but considering the process – it is not possible. The supply is time sensitive.
At that time the aunties start coming to you to tell you the same thing the catering team just told you. You and your beloved are starting to worry because when the aunties get involved – you know the aunties that run the family 😂 you know you need to make a plan and fast! You think of the closest butchery, the money you’d have to pay the catering team to cook fast, the clock is ticking! I’m just trying to paint a picture that we might understand. Then suddenly you hear the MC saying ,”Our beloved guests, not to worry anymore about the meat. We have six big pots filled with heavy duty stew. Carry your plate and go enjoy.”
The question would be , ”From where? Was the meat there all along and someone hid it? Where did they get the cow? Who cooked? Is it takeaway? How is this even possible?” I have a friend who cooks heavy duty stew. I’ve never tasted it but from the looks of it, yeah. The stew is made in 1hr 30mins. Stew guys not soup. Not the one you just fry onion and you’re done. You know the one where you just do anyhow. Okay back to the story; now imagine you start hearing people talk about how very tasty this stew is. You and your beloved are so stunned you want to taste it as well and you discover that it’s one of the best you’ve ever tasted. But where did it come from? Who saved the day? A miracle.
This is what happened at Cana. When you study the process of making wine, you will find out that you don’t just squeeze wine out of grapes. If that was the case people would have lots of grapefruit trees in their compounds and every day you’ll find them by the tree chewing their destinies away. There is a process. The wine that had finished had been processed. The couple may have placed an order weeks before the wedding. A miracle is a system put by God to deal with time sensitive situations.
“Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so,” John 2:7-8 NIV
The bible says Jesus was a guest at this wedding. He was not MC , he was not part of the catering team. He just came to celebrate others. Let me just say, learn to celebrate others, there’s usually an atmosphere of miracles there. The servants were given an unusual instruction. These were grown people who knew how wine was made but they followed his instructions, although they were probably wondering why they were serving plain water. He didn’t say “serve the wine” , he said ,”draw some out,” meaning the water and “take it to the master of banquet” .. the miracle happened in a moment. He didn’t shake the jars or do anything dramatic like how people do “miracles” now. If you don’t shake it’s not happening 😂 He didn’t do weird things that people do nowadays in the name of “I’m about to do a miracle” because many many times, miracles happen in silent moments. You cannot really pick when it happened! Or HOW!
Miracles are awe-inducing in the moment but often fade from our thoughts when they are over. There were a lot of guests at the wedding at Cana. Some probably didn’t even notice the wine had run out. Human nature can vary extremely. The ones who love wine were astonished at the sudden reappearance of wine. They got their cups and headed straight to the servants. “Let’s go for a refill!” Then there’s the family gossips who come to the wedding to gather information to gossip about , these ones were probably cynical and thought that there was a secret stash of wine. “They’re such a stingy couple. I think his wife is the problem. She is controlling the money.” Some saw a miracle. “Wow! How did something like this happen?! This is a miracle! Wine that must be processed has suddenly appeared instantly!” Some probably didn’t pay attention. “Oh there’s wine. That’s nice. I’m going home now.” Which one are you?Do you notice the miracles?
Let’s continue tomorrow. Have a miracle filled day! Remember, it happens in a moment! Live expectantly! Have faith in every moment. Even right now as you’re reading this, a miracle could be taking place. No drama. Just the workings of the spirit! Bye now 🩷
Good morning my fav family (MPG members must never read that line) 😂 l hope we are doing well today. Of late I’ve been experiencing heavy writer’s block. I enjoy writing so it was frustrating to have an idea of what to write about but expressing it on paper was a different story. It felt like I couldn’t find my feet to land on any topic but God gives grace. I think that’s one of the best parts about being a Christian, when you feel lost, there’s Someone who intentionally finds you and brings you back to purpose. That is JESUS!
We are starting a series on MIRACLES, SIGNS and WONDERS. I got this as I was praying last night. It will take a lot of study of the whole Bible to catch this drift. Many people think that miracles started in the New Testament but it is not so. The whole Bible is filled with the unexpected great moves of God. Why aren’t those things happening now? Is the big question. I was thinking about this last week, why is today’s church so different from the church of the Acts. If you really read the book of Acts, reading not passing eyes to flip pages, you will find that; that was a supernatural church. Nothing about that church was “normal” or “ordinary” they experienced a dimension of God – DAILY! Today’s church is supposed to have the same track record and better because there’s no level the Spirit of God cannot progress to. None whatsoever. You want to go higher? Holy Spirit can take you there. You want to go deeper? Holy Spirit says hop onto the wagon that’s where we going.
Now, based on this , we can see that there could be a disconnect between us and the flow of the Holy Spirit or a principle that we are not following. I hope you know that Holy Spirit is our desperate need to experience miracles signs and wonders. He is the preparation for the Word who is the miracle worker. In the book of Genesis, the narration of creation, the Bible clearly tells us that the Holy Spirit was present and actively engaging in the atmosphere before God released the Word (Jesus) the released Word then became flesh (a tangible thing) and here we are, in a beautiful world. You cannot ignore the Holy Spirit in the discussion of miracles , signs and wonders.
The presence or absence of a spirit is important in this subject. It is of uttermost importance to discern what spirit is possessing the atmosphere before you start queuing for a “miracle”. Our world has become so desperately dependent upon people’s “reviews” and not on the Holy Spirit. Did you know that Satan can work miracles too? Did you know that many people had their miracles done by Satan and they returned with a testimony which was cooked up in the kingdom of darkness? There will absolutely be no miracle without the presence of a spirit. Many people think it’s all been done by God, the whole time God had no hand in it. Yes, I mean the prophecies too!
It is no surprise that we are in times where the prophetic and the working of miracles has been handled carelessly. And by carelessly I mean, hands that have handled unclean things, engaged with unclean powers, are the same hands being laid on Gods people. I have lived in it so I’m writing about a real life testimony. My dad likes to say “This is real life not science fiction,”. People no longer believe God can work miracles without asking for your money first. Why? Because they were robbed before getting the miracle. There’s a trade going on in the body of Christ which is working a negative effect. It removes people’s faith in God as a miracle worker and places it on man as a miracle worker who charges for the miracle. This is quite a sensitive topic and I’m praying for God to be the One to write it through me. There’s a lot to discuss.
As children of God, we need miracles. Don’t feel bad for desiring a quick change over a situation that has troubled you. It is biblical. At the wedding of Cana, the wine was needed immediately. They couldn’t wait for it to come tomorrow because the event was time sensitive. Miracles are a system put by God to deal with time sensitive situations. The tiktok of time triggers the miraculous. I hope we got something out of this foundational teaching. My greatest hope is, by the end of this series, we will see miracles , signs and wonders. We will read about these and discuss them to broaden our knowledge and understanding which will in turn start creating the same realities in our lives.
Hello family. Happy Friday. I hope and pray that your week has been beautiful. I hope you’re okay? Happy? Peaceful? Still holding up the faith? Here 🩷
There’s a quote by Socrates that says, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” When we live without a single awareness of our surroundings and lives , we’re most likely to abuse or be abused; we’re likely to go around in circles, finding ourselves at the same stop sign many times – this can be FRUSTRATING !
We live in an incredibly fast-paced world. Our mobile phones are constantly buzzing, distracting social media apps pinging with notifications of likes, reposts, comments, new content on the feed, Netflix always has something new to binge on, I loveeee me a good Korean series. There’s always something else to do that can be done later or shouldn’t be done but we choose to focus on the distraction first and find that we have little or no time to focus on the serious things. You can open your laptop to work in the next two mins you’re on TikTok laughing at videos that you can save and watch later.
Today l want us to go into behavioural reflection, particularly, speech/words. Did l say the right thing? Would Jesus say it? Did l have to say that at that time? We need to get used to the process of diving deep into our thoughts and actions and determining the great, “Why?” behind them. Think about the conversations you’ve had this week, you obviously won’t remember all of them but there’s a couple I know for sure you remember. Was it gossip? A lie? A rude remark? Or dishing out information you shouldn’t YET? Or maybe just talking to someone you had made a decision to not talk to again? The question is WHY?
Self Reflection helps us to understand what took place, why something took place, what the impact was, whether it should happen again. There are people who may have started the conversation with you, you may not be the one who initiated the talk. You are however , responsible for your engagement. Your response is completely your intended Input because you could’ve chosen to not respond. You could choose to respond in another way. I didn’t respond so well to my mother last week and it started ringing in my mind. I went over the conversation in my head and reflected. When I realised I could’ve done better, I apologised. From then I made sure I try by all means, to not respond emotionally. What I’m saying is, we can all do better if we want to. If we choose to.
Practicing self-reflection takes discipline and intentionality. The bible says Jesus is both the mirror we are to look at and the reflection we are to see. You evaluate your words by The Word (Jesus) and you work on your words to resemble Jesus (The Word) . He is called the word and if He is in us, should we not be speaking The Word? Take sometime on this today. Is my tongue that of an evangelist? I hope you know, this has nothing to do with title. Do you know what Isaiah said?
“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”
Unclean lips are not a “new” thing but they are not a “cool” thing. When Isaiah encountered the Lord , he had a moment of self reflection. God’s Holiness must’ve highlighted the stains of Isaiah’s garment. The presence of God questions the presence of uncleanliness in us, be it words or actions. Nowadays people may not necessarily be verbal, they can text their unclean words. You don’t have to argue. You don’t have to be rude. You don’t have to lie. Infact, you shouldn’t. Part of self reflection is, repentance and forgiveness.
Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”” Isaiah 6:5-7 NIV