Studying Bible Characters

Dealing with rejection III

“She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭29‬:‭35‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Happy new week family. May you week be filled with testimonies! Let’s get into it.

Perhaps this time Leah had given up on winning Jacob’s affection. She shifted her focus from Jacob to God. Although previously, God had been blessing her with children, she did not acknowledge Him, just blinded by her great desire to be seen by her husband. Maybe sometimes we desire so much to be accepted that we no longer see the blessing and give glory to God . Instead, we use the blessing to feel and look important so that those who took us for granted regret it. Weaponising the blessing.

Never allow another person to determine your worth. Why? Because they are horrible at it and it is not their job. Your worth is not determined by the man who promised to give you the world and only gave you problems plus heartbreak. Double dose. Your worth is not determined by what you earn or how much you have to your name. No! Not even the girl who keeps comparing you to other men because at the moment things are not going so well. Yesterday my spiritual father said something that changed something in me, “Only God completes me” not marriage, a car, a house. This mindset will stop us from idolising people and things.

Christians need to spend less time worrying about what other people think about us and more time rejoicing in what God thinks about us. With all her three sons, Leah is complaining. She’s desperate. She’s longing to be seen and heard. She’s seeking attention. We turn blessings into opportunities to offer complaints instead of praise. What you are complaining about right now, someone is crying themselves to sleep because they really want it. Remember thus far we haven’t heard that Rachel the other sister also gave birth. You have an opportunity to go to school but you’re complaining about how you wish it had been Harvard! My dhiye! Leah you have a womb that keeps popping healthy sons, you have a husband even though he’s half present. Pause and learn to be grateful. You’re more focused on Jacob than God.

Many of us have turned blessing into acts of pity. We downplay the fact that God has shown us love and we take that which is to be a sign of Gods love to turn it into a pity show. “I know I have a new car but I’m so sad because such and such a friend didn’t congratulate me. At work nobody posted me to celebrate me.” Leah had been that person until she reached a turning point.

She must’ve realised what I’m waiting for is not coming. He’ll never love me the way I want to be loved. I think the best part of this is the birth of Judah. Judah means praise! At this point her heart somewhat accepted. Yes I have been rejected but I still have a life, I must keep living. Rejection will not steal my joy. Rejection will not silence my praise. Yes, he won’t marry you anymore but glory be to God. Oh they keep sending emails saying they’re sorry to inform you but you praise! Instead of a pity party, you switch to Judah. Stop thinking it’ll change if you keep calling more or sending more paragraphs my dhiye. Stop making excuses for them. “Oh I’m sure Jacob got busy , he’ll visit.” No he’s with Rachel. Sometimes you’re the rejected one in the friendship circle yet you’re the one who gives more, step aside.

There are people who will rejoice to have you. That’s how special you are. Don’t allow rejection to make you forget that you are a treasure too. Leah might’ve had weak eyes but she was a travailing woman. And our greatest blessings , our salvation, our redemption came from Judah’s descendant, Jesus. When you switch from bitterness to praise! Our Jesus is in the lineage of Judah. He is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah! May God use your praise to orchestrate divine favour!

So what if they rejected you!? Enough is enough. Switch to Judah!

“Haven’t you read this passage of Scripture: “ ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭12‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

A letter to you …

I am not sure if I’m still good at writing love letters ( yeah I’ve written a couple of them before) I hope you are okay? Joyful? At peace? Hanging in there? Holding on? Not okay?

I am completely proud of what are you achieving little by little, I am very happy to see how you are progressing and accomplishing your goals by working day by day. I know some days are the hardest but look at you – an overcomer! How does it feel? To be more than a conqueror? Must be nice.

I am proud to see how you got up from that fall, I know it hurt, but I am proud to see how you are recovering. I know you’ve faced a couple of disappointments, maybe rejection , or maybe season of pain and shame, it wasn’t easy I’m sure. You probably cried all alone in your room not knowing which number to call, who would understand, who wouldn’t judge? Who would just offer a warm hug? I really am amazed at how you went through that. How does it feel? Being a whole Victor?

Step by step, the wound will stop hurting and then there will only be a small scar that will remind you that you are strong, and that you have already gone through this, nothing can stop you. A few hours, days, weeks, months, years from now, there you will be , testifying “The Lord has made me laugh!” I can’t wait to laugh with you.

By the way, happy new month. Don’t be anxious, do not fear, do not worry. With all that’s happened I love that you still love Jesus. You’re still your ABBA’s baby. Oh have l told you? You are beautiful. You are handsome. Wanna look at yourself in the mirror for a few mins? Or turn on your front camera. Look at your reflection, ah God did something there! Look at that smile! Your face just got 10 years younger! I hope you always remember to smile often. You’re absolutely gorgeous!

I’m so proud that even after fighting so much darkness, you keep searching for the light. Keep going. One foot after the other. Call out to Jesus should your knees get weak. Hold onto His hand, let Him carry you. It may take longer , it may happen now, keep going anyways. Keep trying anyways. Keep showing up anyways.

I just wanted to remind you that you’re a royal priesthood!

Today, tomorrow and always…

Have a great weekend!

Ohhh this is the part where we say , “Let me pen off!”

I know you remember that line!


The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday


“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

There are many people in the Bible who expressed their gratitude and thanksgiving to the Lord. My favourite of them all is David. The Bible says David danced with all his might! We live in a generation that is shy to express their joy before the Lord in a dance. People are okay with lifting hands but when it has to do with dance we are shy or we just sit down. Personally I struggle getting down especially Infront of people, I am learning even from Hallelujah Challenge that I can even do break dance for Jesus! In my personal space I really kill it! lol today let’s praise Him with a dance. This is also a good way to be free from sadness and depression. I always dance away sadness. Soooo…



Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Do you know? Many believers know warfare more than they know worship. We don’t know what to say in worship but we have a whole journal filled with bombs against the devil which is okay but we cannot give the enemy more attention than we give, our God. Worship is not only reserved for concerts or worship sessions at church. Worship is a lifestyle. You live it. You breathe it. You are constantly worshipping the Lord as you go about your day. Today take sometime to be intimate with your God. Don’t quickly rush out , be still, take as much time as possible.

Studying Bible Characters

Dealing with rejection II

She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Because the Lord heard that I am not loved, he gave me this one too.” So she named him Simeon. Again she conceived, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Now at last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” So he was named Levi.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭29‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Hey family . I got so much feedback from yesterday’s post ,we praise God.

Leah thought Sons and daughters could make her worthy. We live in societies where the barren woman is seen as one not worthy for marriage. If she is married , relatives find a way to break it to bring in another woman who is worthy because her womb can carry children. A woman’s worth is not in her ability to give birth. No. Her worth is in Christ alone. It is through Christ that her womb will open.

We can see her Leah’s shattered hopes because each time she conceives a son with Jacob, she pins her future happiness on them. It’s as if they’re objects or a means to access Jacob’s heart. If not marital love, surely children would complete her. Leah wanted recognition from her husband. She wanted to be seen by him but he doesn’t see her. When we had the Mental Health Event I mentioned that every human being wants to be seen. Both male and female, the rich and poor, children and adults, everyone wants to be seen, acknowledged and validated. Nobody wants to feel like a nonentity or nonexistent. We all want to be where we are loved , seen and accepted.

Leah was still living in hope that though she could not attract Jacob with her beauty, she could attract him through her fertility. To some , they know they can’t attract any man using virtuous means so they attract through dressing in a certain way and doing certain things. It’s all over social media. “Dance a certain way and get the man you want.” Or “reveal a little more skin , show it to the world and have the world’s attention.” During the Ownership Conference Apostle Michael even addressed men saying ,”Some lick their lips a certain way, dress a certain way, shave their beard a certain way, not because they must want to look good but the motive is to lure women.” Why do you do what you do? Who are you doing it for? People do too much to be seen, accepted and validated. Leah gives Jacob sons but he doesn’t give her love.

Jacob was sexually intimate with Leah but emotionally and spiritually detached. A 1995 survey asked the following question: “Have you ever had sex with a woman you have actively disliked?” 58% of men answered “yes“ . I bet since then the numbers went up. Leah is desperately seeking attachment. One of the differences between men and women is that men want physical contact, women want emotional intimacy. Once you cut of the communication, the woman will feel a detachment. If you remove the physical intimacy, the man will feel a detachment. Jacob was getting what was his love language but Leah remained empty because her own cup was not filled. This is the reality of many marriages.

But what will make you feel seen? Graduating? Getting married? Will you be content when they finally say “l feel the same way too?” Will you be happier if you bought a new car and everyone sees that surely you can also do big things? Is it Many more children? Is it more money? When will we be content? When will we stop looking to people or things for completion? Some people romanticise the rejection. We speak of it so much and create a pity party atmosphere but when are we going to break out of that mindset? One person rejected you not the whole world and certainly not Jesus! Stop acting like the whole world has rejected you because of one person who didn’t even know your worth. If you don’t stop and reflect, you’ll be like Leah, her body became a tool to make her feel “worthy”. You don’t have to use your body to be seen as a worthy woman, you don’t have to use muscles or money to be seen as a worthy men. The people who truly are for you will not have you seeking validation. Rachel never had to do what Leah did. Others aren’t begging for it, they’re simply being themselves.

Rejection breeds insecurity which breed inadequacy and low self esteem which also breeds a yearning that can turn to obsession or idolising. Leah sought Jacob’s love and validation but over time she realised her worth didn’t depend on Jacob but on her relationship with God. Her journey shows us we don’t need outside the validation to show us our worth. Let them go on and choose who they want to choose, you are already chosen.

By God 💗

The Overcoming Believer

Dealing with rejection

“Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, “It is because the Lord has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭29‬:‭32‬-‭NIV‬‬

Happy new week family. I hope you are keeping well and still believe that we are going to finish strong this 2024! We are almost through with the Leah series then we will study another bible character. Let’s go!

There is something very touching about Leah’s life. She strikes as a woman of sorrow. A woman who lost herself in the shadows of rejection and trying to fit in. I see low-self esteem. Isn’t it amazing? That love gives us confidence and boldness? It boosts our self esteem to know that we are loved and accepted. There’s a way you’ll walk, talk, pose that shows positiveness. At this point God has seen what is happening in Jacob’s household. God surely knows what’s happening in every house hold. Yes, the abusive uncle? The absent mother? The dramatic sibling 😂 ? That there was no food yesterday. The wild parties that we sometimes have in families. The unfairness? The gossip? Even the things that happen behind our walls are seen . Let’s always remember that. God who gave us eyes to see , can also see.

Jacob, even though he did not love Leah, still was willing to have sex with her. I mean!!! I thought he’d get busy with Rachel only. This demonstrates a principle that is still true, that a man will often be willing to have sex completely apart from love. We live in a generation that confuses sex for love or vice versa. This is actually one of the biggest problems common to everyone in every nation because lust is not tribalistic or racist. Sex is not proof of love. Most times it is proof of lust and lust is a spirit that takes and keeps taking.

Leah was not the first, nor the last, to live under this problem of male nature. This is not to slander men or incite feminism. Even the males know of this and many of them actually acknowledge that some of the ladies they got together with, it had nothing to do with love. Only a foolish woman regards the willingness to have sex as proof of love. So Jacob rightfully so, has sex with his wife and she gets pregnant. Sometimes people know that the person does not love them but they give their bodies anyways. Rejection can make people so vulnerable to even accept the unacceptable because they really wish to fill a gap. The gap that only love can fill.

Leah must’ve been excited to have a son moreover, a son for Jacob. I mean this is the man who spins her world around. Surely she’d be ecstatic about sharing this beautiful bond with him. She names the boy Rueben and she says something interesting , “Surely my husband will love me now.” I gave him something surely he will love me. I gave her money, surely she will marry me. I gave him my body surely I’m the only woman in his life. I check up on them more than anyone, they will choose me. I have sacrificed so much for them, they will surely acknowledge me. If God gave us Christ and people still reject Him , how are we so sure that giving or gifting something to someone automatically makes us their priority? You can give and give and never get anything back.

Leah hoped the new baby would cause him to love her but Jacob did not see things the way she did. His love could not be bought even by a son. Leah is expressing her unfulfilled desire of gaining her husband’s affection through childbearing. Another lesson, having children for him will not trap him to marry or love you. Buying her wigs and paying her fees will not emotionally trap her into saying yes l do! People always do what they want to do because they have a will. People choose who they want to choose . Let them. It’s sad isn’t it? You could give your all and get nothing. God gave Leah a son for her own happiness but she missed her moment of gratitude by fixing her eyes on Jacob.

If you’re dealing with rejection I want you to know, no matter how much you try to make them love you, they won’t because love is not by force. Accept that it is not you that they have chosen. Am l saying hate them? No. But do not hate yourself so much that you squeeze yourself in places and rooms that cringe at your presence. I will tell you who chooses you all day everyday though,,,

His name is Jesus Christ.💗