The Overcoming Believer

Miracles, Signs, Wonders

Good morning my fav family (MPG members must never read that line) 😂 l hope we are doing well today. Of late I’ve been experiencing heavy writer’s block. I enjoy writing so it was frustrating to have an idea of what to write about but expressing it on paper was a different story. It felt like I couldn’t find my feet to land on any topic but God gives grace. I think that’s one of the best parts about being a Christian, when you feel lost, there’s Someone who intentionally finds you and brings you back to purpose. That is JESUS!

We are starting a series on MIRACLES, SIGNS and WONDERS. I got this as I was praying last night. It will take a lot of study of the whole Bible to catch this drift. Many people think that miracles started in the New Testament but it is not so. The whole Bible is filled with the unexpected great moves of God. Why aren’t those things happening now? Is the big question. I was thinking about this last week, why is today’s church so different from the church of the Acts. If you really read the book of Acts, reading not passing eyes to flip pages, you will find that; that was a supernatural church. Nothing about that church was “normal” or “ordinary” they experienced a dimension of God – DAILY! Today’s church is supposed to have the same track record and better because there’s no level the Spirit of God cannot progress to. None whatsoever. You want to go higher? Holy Spirit can take you there. You want to go deeper? Holy Spirit says hop onto the wagon that’s where we going.

Now, based on this , we can see that there could be a disconnect between us and the flow of the Holy Spirit or a principle that we are not following. I hope you know that Holy Spirit is our desperate need to experience miracles signs and wonders. He is the preparation for the Word who is the miracle worker. In the book of Genesis, the narration of creation, the Bible clearly tells us that the Holy Spirit was present and actively engaging in the atmosphere before God released the Word (Jesus) the released Word then became flesh (a tangible thing) and here we are, in a beautiful world. You cannot ignore the Holy Spirit in the discussion of miracles , signs and wonders.

The presence or absence of a spirit is important in this subject. It is of uttermost importance to discern what spirit is possessing the atmosphere before you start queuing for a “miracle”. Our world has become so desperately dependent upon people’s “reviews” and not on the Holy Spirit. Did you know that Satan can work miracles too? Did you know that many people had their miracles done by Satan and they returned with a testimony which was cooked up in the kingdom of darkness? There will absolutely be no miracle without the presence of a spirit. Many people think it’s all been done by God, the whole time God had no hand in it. Yes, I mean the prophecies too!

It is no surprise that we are in times where the prophetic and the working of miracles has been handled carelessly. And by carelessly I mean, hands that have handled unclean things, engaged with unclean powers, are the same hands being laid on Gods people. I have lived in it so I’m writing about a real life testimony. My dad likes to say “This is real life not science fiction,”. People no longer believe God can work miracles without asking for your money first. Why? Because they were robbed before getting the miracle. There’s a trade going on in the body of Christ which is working a negative effect. It removes people’s faith in God as a miracle worker and places it on man as a miracle worker who charges for the miracle. This is quite a sensitive topic and I’m praying for God to be the One to write it through me. There’s a lot to discuss.

As children of God, we need miracles. Don’t feel bad for desiring a quick change over a situation that has troubled you. It is biblical. At the wedding of Cana, the wine was needed immediately. They couldn’t wait for it to come tomorrow because the event was time sensitive. Miracles are a system put by God to deal with time sensitive situations. The tiktok of time triggers the miraculous. I hope we got something out of this foundational teaching. My greatest hope is, by the end of this series, we will see miracles , signs and wonders. We will read about these and discuss them to broaden our knowledge and understanding which will in turn start creating the same realities in our lives.

Here’s a miracle you can read about today:

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The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

Your reflection is what you see in the mirror.

Hello family. Happy Friday. I hope and pray that your week has been beautiful. I hope you’re okay? Happy? Peaceful? Still holding up the faith? Here 🩷

There’s a quote by Socrates that says, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” When we live without a single awareness of our surroundings and lives , we’re most likely to abuse or be abused; we’re likely to go around in circles, finding ourselves at the same stop sign many times – this can be FRUSTRATING !

We live in an incredibly fast-paced world. Our mobile phones are constantly buzzing, distracting social media apps pinging with notifications of likes, reposts, comments, new content on the feed, Netflix always has something new to binge on, I loveeee me a good Korean series. There’s always something else to do that can be done later or shouldn’t be done but we choose to focus on the distraction first and find that we have little or no time to focus on the serious things. You can open your laptop to work in the next two mins you’re on TikTok laughing at videos that you can save and watch later.

Today l want us to go into behavioural reflection, particularly, speech/words. Did l say the right thing? Would Jesus say it? Did l have to say that at that time? We need to get used to the process of diving deep into our thoughts and actions and determining the great, “Why?” behind them. Think about the conversations you’ve had this week, you obviously won’t remember all of them but there’s a couple I know for sure you remember. Was it gossip? A lie? A rude remark? Or dishing out information you shouldn’t YET? Or maybe just talking to someone you had made a decision to not talk to again? The question is WHY?

Self Reflection helps us to understand what took place, why something took place, what the impact was, whether it should happen again. There are people who may have started the conversation with you, you may not be the one who initiated the talk. You are however , responsible for your engagement. Your response is completely your intended Input because you could’ve chosen to not respond. You could choose to respond in another way. I didn’t respond so well to my mother last week and it started ringing in my mind. I went over the conversation in my head and reflected. When I realised I could’ve done better, I apologised. From then I made sure I try by all means, to not respond emotionally. What I’m saying is, we can all do better if we want to. If we choose to.

Practicing self-reflection takes discipline and intentionality. The bible says Jesus is both the mirror we are to look at and the reflection we are to see. You evaluate your words by The Word (Jesus) and you work on your words to resemble Jesus (The Word) . He is called the word and if He is in us, should we not be speaking The Word? Take sometime on this today. Is my tongue that of an evangelist? I hope you know, this has nothing to do with title. Do you know what Isaiah said?

Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”

Unclean lips are not a “new” thing but they are not a “cool” thing. When Isaiah encountered the Lord , he had a moment of self reflection. God’s Holiness must’ve highlighted the stains of Isaiah’s garment. The presence of God questions the presence of uncleanliness in us, be it words or actions. Nowadays people may not necessarily be verbal, they can text their unclean words. You don’t have to argue. You don’t have to be rude. You don’t have to lie. Infact, you shouldn’t. Part of self reflection is, repentance and forgiveness.

Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.””
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬-‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

May the Lord help us. 🤎

The Overcoming Believer

Chilled Thursday

Hey guys! Soooo l have been seeing posts about the new movie on Netflix (The Deliverance) which is supposedly demonic. I have never watched it and don’t intend to. The reviews from “sober and sound” believers is kkraaaaazzzzy!! Besides all this, pray and ask Holy Spirit what He wants YOU to watch, to listen to! Don’t do this thing of just following the crowds. The Bible talks about the gates, These gates are known as the eye-gate, ear-gate, mouth-gate, touch-gate, nose-gate. These 5 senses are the guardians of the body and sometimes referred to doors or windows. This is what the devil uses to tempt and destroy mankind.

This is how different we are, some are allergic to certain foods, the food is not unhealthy, but they’re allergic to it. We even have different foods that we like, I love chilli but someone can get a bad tummy ache from eating it. “Suggest movies for me” no my friend. Ask Holy Spirit. I’ve asked for movies from people and then as it played I just knew nah. Not for me. Does it work for them? Yes. For me ? No. My niece likes pizza with mushrooms, she enjoys it but if I had to eat it, my mouth gums get irritated. Are mushrooms unhealthy? No! Are they unhealthy for ME? Yes! Refuse the feeling of missing out on things that you should actually miss out on.

On Chilled Thursdays I post links to movies sometimes, ask Holy Spirit. Don’t just run with “ Oh l know Vanessa she’ll post nice things” then you watch it and it doesn’t edify you. The gates. Protect your senses and your gates. The truth is, nobody will do it for you. I leave the lounge once I see that the movie they’re watching is heading EAST. Heee because I don’t want to go EAST! I want to stay in the South side of the kingdom 😂. It’s because I know I am flesh and blood , I am also spiritual. The two push and pull each other daily. The choice I make is my spirit man. You choose to listen. You choose to watch. Nobody forces you. Your diet is in your hands.

Please pardon me for the delay in posting on yielded Tv. I lost my work , l am creating from scratch. Please if you know an animator let me know❤️

Remember, protect your gates.

The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

Hey family. It’s Worship Wednesday! Comment with your current fav worship song or verse and let us plug each other with a new playlist. I have been stuck on one medley for two months now. Here it is;

Click to Watch

Oh here’s a praise song. As you praise have faith that the words you’re uttering are true!

Click to Watch

What is worship Wednesday without scripture???

“Let the word of Christ live in you richly, flooding you with all wisdom. Apply the Scriptures as you teach and instruct one another with the Psalms, and with festive praises, and with prophetic songs given to you spontaneously by the Spirit, so sing to God with all your hearts!”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭TPT

Today’s word is “Come back to the secret place.” It is not a secret place if it always involves the public. Just You and God. Building that friendship with Him. Intimacy. Getting to know Him. Today’s word is come back. Come back to the commitment. We all go through the fatigue and tiredness but we cannot get refreshed anywhere else BUT His presence.
Go on, He’s waiting for you. 🩷

The Overcoming Believer


“When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This story reminds me of the verse that says the race is not to the swift . It shows how our best can still be almost nothing without the mercy of God. At this point Jesus had used Peter’s boat to teach. Peter could’ve said ,”I’m tired please get off my boat.” Or “Use someone else’s boat to teach because the God you’re teaching about didn’t give me fish.” He didn’t give up his boat after he saw fish . Peter allowed himself to be used even without what he wanted – fish. How many of us still allow God to use us, to use our gifts, resources when we still have unanswered prayers? People pull out of church commitments because after sowing the seed , the change didn’t come immediately but Peter even with empty nets, gave his boat for ministry.

I think most of our time, energy and money is wasted on our self- inspired efforts. We see a task that we “want” done. We sit down and figure out what would be the best way to accomplish this task. We develop our programs, and then we team up with people who are interested in the same initiative . And then we set up the project plans , then we implement. Then we fail. Dismally at that. There is a contrast between your plans and Gods plan. Man’s plans fail. God’s plans never fail. I’ve never seen a plan of man that brings abundance until the nets break. Unless they have partnered with a spirit or Holy Spirit. No man has that kind of ability.

When Peter saw the abundance , he invited others to partake. Imagine how many people would not be toiling anymore if those who have been lifted also choose to lift others? I love Peter’s heart. Success did not change Peter. Success should not make you rude and mean to people . Success should make you want to help others. There are successful Christians who changed the minute a door opened. They shut the doors for those trying to make it. Peter surely knew the struggle at sea. He knew how hard they all worked. He did not leave his friends in lack with the means to help them. Many people are standing outside locked doors and guess who’s behind the door, with the key? Someone they know.

Let’s look at how Peter handled success ;

  1. He did not start a “how to be successful YouTube channel” for all the Galilean fishermen. Hmmm. While taking advice from those who have gone ahead of you is important, very important; it is also crucial that we are careful to not drive people’s eyes away from the miracle worker. People are teaching “success” without talking about the One who made them so. Peter could’ve made money “mentoring” people without telling them “it was at His word”
  2. Success humbled him . The bible says he fell at his feet. It’s amazing how success creates pride. All of a sudden , they don’t sit there anymore. They don’t greet anymore. They don’t even talk about God anymore . They don’t even kneel to worship as they did before the money came. Listen, God opposes the proud.
  3. He left it all to follow Jesus. Peter! People usually leave Jesus to follow success. “I can’t come to church anymore, I’m tired from a seminar” but Peter! I thought he toiled all night for success! I thought he wanted it so bad he invested time and effort into it. I thought he would open a fish shop and be the famous fisherman. How do you leave your boat, nets, friends, and the fish to follow Jesus whom you had no idea was the Son of God? You can leave the relationship for Jesus. You can park the boat for Jesus. He is the epitome of success. I’ve heard testimonies of men of God who had to leave a profitable business to follow their calling. How? How do you leave the millions you’ve been praying for to serve people who may slander and disrespect you?

We will have so much success this September! Get ready for Success September! I pray that we take the steps of obedience. Obey!