Good morning my fav family (MPG members must never read that line) 😂 l hope we are doing well today. Of late I’ve been experiencing heavy writer’s block. I enjoy writing so it was frustrating to have an idea of what to write about but expressing it on paper was a different story. It felt like I couldn’t find my feet to land on any topic but God gives grace. I think that’s one of the best parts about being a Christian, when you feel lost, there’s Someone who intentionally finds you and brings you back to purpose. That is JESUS!
We are starting a series on MIRACLES, SIGNS and WONDERS. I got this as I was praying last night. It will take a lot of study of the whole Bible to catch this drift. Many people think that miracles started in the New Testament but it is not so. The whole Bible is filled with the unexpected great moves of God. Why aren’t those things happening now? Is the big question. I was thinking about this last week, why is today’s church so different from the church of the Acts. If you really read the book of Acts, reading not passing eyes to flip pages, you will find that; that was a supernatural church. Nothing about that church was “normal” or “ordinary” they experienced a dimension of God – DAILY! Today’s church is supposed to have the same track record and better because there’s no level the Spirit of God cannot progress to. None whatsoever. You want to go higher? Holy Spirit can take you there. You want to go deeper? Holy Spirit says hop onto the wagon that’s where we going.
Now, based on this , we can see that there could be a disconnect between us and the flow of the Holy Spirit or a principle that we are not following. I hope you know that Holy Spirit is our desperate need to experience miracles signs and wonders. He is the preparation for the Word who is the miracle worker. In the book of Genesis, the narration of creation, the Bible clearly tells us that the Holy Spirit was present and actively engaging in the atmosphere before God released the Word (Jesus) the released Word then became flesh (a tangible thing) and here we are, in a beautiful world. You cannot ignore the Holy Spirit in the discussion of miracles , signs and wonders.
The presence or absence of a spirit is important in this subject. It is of uttermost importance to discern what spirit is possessing the atmosphere before you start queuing for a “miracle”. Our world has become so desperately dependent upon people’s “reviews” and not on the Holy Spirit. Did you know that Satan can work miracles too? Did you know that many people had their miracles done by Satan and they returned with a testimony which was cooked up in the kingdom of darkness? There will absolutely be no miracle without the presence of a spirit. Many people think it’s all been done by God, the whole time God had no hand in it. Yes, I mean the prophecies too!
It is no surprise that we are in times where the prophetic and the working of miracles has been handled carelessly. And by carelessly I mean, hands that have handled unclean things, engaged with unclean powers, are the same hands being laid on Gods people. I have lived in it so I’m writing about a real life testimony. My dad likes to say “This is real life not science fiction,”. People no longer believe God can work miracles without asking for your money first. Why? Because they were robbed before getting the miracle. There’s a trade going on in the body of Christ which is working a negative effect. It removes people’s faith in God as a miracle worker and places it on man as a miracle worker who charges for the miracle. This is quite a sensitive topic and I’m praying for God to be the One to write it through me. There’s a lot to discuss.
As children of God, we need miracles. Don’t feel bad for desiring a quick change over a situation that has troubled you. It is biblical. At the wedding of Cana, the wine was needed immediately. They couldn’t wait for it to come tomorrow because the event was time sensitive. Miracles are a system put by God to deal with time sensitive situations. The tiktok of time triggers the miraculous. I hope we got something out of this foundational teaching. My greatest hope is, by the end of this series, we will see miracles , signs and wonders. We will read about these and discuss them to broaden our knowledge and understanding which will in turn start creating the same realities in our lives.
Here’s a miracle you can read about today:
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