said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” Luke 3:7-9 NIV
One thing about John? He will call you out! I was having a chat with my friend about how this generation wouldn’t have survived the days of John and Apostle Paul. We are the generation that is excited for any other message BUT being rebuked and corrected? Oh no. We call it judgement. We say ,”God knows my heart.” We say ,”Let people do what they want.” I truly believe that’s one of the reasons why we seem to have stunted growth. Now imagine John was calling out crowds, was he not afraid? What if they stoned him to death? Radical ministers of the word who tell the truth with no fear! He was not timid nor the type to hold back from speaking truth.
John was not only preaching, he was baptising. The bible notes that this raised questions among people. “The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah.”
Luke 3:15 NIV [The following notes are extracted from my book A Ticket to Tarshish]
l love how John the Baptist knew his purpose and did not find himself preaching that he is the Messiah. The bible states that everyone was expecting the Messiah and they were eager to know whether John was the Messiah but he made his mission clear to them. You do not become a prophet because of people’s expectations or compliments but by ordination. If you allow people to pressurise you into titles, you will have to tell a lot of lies to be relevant in that label hence the rise of fake prophets who are not led by the Spirit. Being called the Messiah doesn’t make you Him, what is important is for us to always find out what God has called us to do. People who do not follow instructions cannot be trusted with great tasks, in actual fact, they cannot be trusted with anything. It does not start in the house of God, it starts at home. Those who do not know their purpose are found claiming the wrong titles and speaking the wrong things.
To discover your purpose is to discover life itself. In this generation people can ordain you on social media and then you carry a title whose anointing you don’t possess. John took every opportunity he had to point people to the Messiah. There’s a spirit of pride that may give you a hunger for spotlight, to be seen, to receive applause from people, refuse it. Every chance you get, point the people to the Messiah even if God uses you to raise the dead that’s not the time to call yourself “The only prophet alive,” or “The great seer of God,” I meaaannnnn! Relax. When they ask ,”Who are you?” Just say , “I am God’s servant.”
With everything John has been taught in the wilderness, being the one to identify the Messiah, surely he should’ve been proud right? Imagine if it happened in our generation, that person would have 178 bodyguards and a bio that says ,”I am John. The major prophet. Spent such and such years in the wilderness. Don’t joke with my anointing.” Yho! 😂😂 I actually believe that many people who operate in pride have neglected the secret place. It’s in the secret place that you’ll learn humility because how can you see such greatness , such glory and think you are greater?
Are you the Messiah? He said no. No I am not the Apostle General 1 , I am an intercessor. Do you know who you are? Or do you carry every title people give you and now you have identity crisis because the title you claim has responsibilities. The Messiah was to die. Every crown you wear has responsibilities. I’m not saying run away from ordination, provided it happens the biblical way, why not but any other street ordination? Nah.
Keep your eyes focused on being a servant . Serve. Play your part in the field and above all