Studying Bible Characters

Are you the Messiah?


said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” Luke‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

One thing about John? He will call you out! I was having a chat with my friend about how this generation wouldn’t have survived the days of John and Apostle Paul. We are the generation that is excited for any other message BUT being rebuked and corrected? Oh no. We call it judgement. We say ,”God knows my heart.” We say ,”Let people do what they want.” I truly believe that’s one of the reasons why we seem to have stunted growth. Now imagine John was calling out crowds, was he not afraid? What if they stoned him to death? Radical ministers of the word who tell the truth with no fear! He was not timid nor the type to hold back from speaking truth.

John was not only preaching, he was baptising. The bible notes that this raised questions among people. “The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭3‬:‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬
[The following notes are extracted from my book A Ticket to Tarshish]

l love how John the Baptist knew his purpose and did not find himself preaching that he is the Messiah. The bible states that everyone was expecting the Messiah and they were eager to know whether John was the Messiah but he made his mission clear to them. You do not become a prophet because of people’s expectations or compliments but by ordination. If you allow people to pressurise you into titles, you will have to tell a lot of lies to be relevant in that label hence the rise of fake prophets who are not led by the Spirit. Being called the Messiah doesn’t make you Him, what is important is for us to always find out what God has called us to do. People who do not follow instructions cannot be trusted with great tasks, in actual fact, they cannot be trusted with anything. It does not start in the house of God, it starts at home. Those who do not know their purpose are found claiming the wrong titles and speaking the wrong things.

To discover your purpose is to discover life itself. In this generation people can ordain you on social media and then you carry a title whose anointing you don’t possess. John took every opportunity he had to point people to the Messiah. There’s a spirit of pride that may give you a hunger for spotlight, to be seen, to receive applause from people, refuse it. Every chance you get, point the people to the Messiah even if God uses you to raise the dead that’s not the time to call yourself “The only prophet alive,” or “The great seer of God,” I meaaannnnn! Relax. When they ask ,”Who are you?” Just say , “I am God’s servant.”

With everything John has been taught in the wilderness, being the one to identify the Messiah, surely he should’ve been proud right? Imagine if it happened in our generation, that person would have 178 bodyguards and a bio that says ,”I am John. The major prophet. Spent such and such years in the wilderness. Don’t joke with my anointing.” Yho! 😂😂 I actually believe that many people who operate in pride have neglected the secret place. It’s in the secret place that you’ll learn humility because how can you see such greatness , such glory and think you are greater?

Are you the Messiah? He said no. No I am not the Apostle General 1 , I am an intercessor. Do you know who you are? Or do you carry every title people give you and now you have identity crisis because the title you claim has responsibilities. The Messiah was to die. Every crown you wear has responsibilities. I’m not saying run away from ordination, provided it happens the biblical way, why not but any other street ordination? Nah.

Keep your eyes focused on being a servant . Serve. Play your part in the field and above all


Studying Bible Characters

John’s message

“He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Happy new week my beloved family. We are still studying the life of John the Baptist. After sometime in the wilderness getting the training he needed, being hidden from the world , finally it was time to make an appearance. It was time to finally serve his generation. John began to fulfill his ultimate calling: to be a forerunner of the Messiah. It was time. There is a time for training. There is a time for process. Then comes a time for taking action.

John’s message was a call to repentance. Some people think that repentance is mostly about feelings, especially feeling sorry for your sin. It is wonderful to feel sorry about your sin, but repent isn’t a “feelings” word. It is an action word. John told his listeners to make a change of the mind, not merely to feel sorry for what they had done. Repentance speaks of a change of direction, not a sorrow in the heart. What l love about John’s ministry is that he did not go out to talk about himself and all the honey and locusts he ate. It was never about him. He went into all the country to talk about the Messiah. Maybe that’s why you haven’t been sent anywhere else because all you do is talk about yourself.

Many of us have fallen into sin. Actually, the bible says anyone who says they have not sinned is a liar. We know how bad and terrible it was to find ourselves in that moment of sin. We cried. I would cry. Whether it was a chemical response to soothe my conscience or l was really sorry only God knows. Sometimes I’d find myself back in the sin. I thought repentance meant saying “I’m sorry” but it actually means to turn away from. John was saying to them, “This path you have taken is wrong, turn and take this one instead.”

Preparation for the Messiah is not bathing and ironing clothes, l mean that’s wonderful. It is not carrying a bible and posting a bio on Instagram, that is also great! The way to prepare for the Messiah is to repent. We do not choose how we prepare, the template is already there. John truly was a transitional figure, forming the link between the Old and New Testaments. He preached about the kingdom of God. He says “Make straight the paths for the Lord.” This gets me wondering, are our paths straight? Or do we zigzag in and out of sin , in and out of purpose, into the light then back into the darkness. Repentance involves recognizing that you have thought wrongly in the past and determining to think rightly in the future. More than a desire to change, it is a decision to change. Selah.

We can not truly preach about the Messiah without emphasis on repentance. The short biblical definition of repentance is “a change of mind that results in a change of action.” This is why evangelism is of primary importance. There are so many people who need to hear the gospel. So so many. I totally love how bold John was. We will get into more of his message tomorrow but he was a bold man. You sure need to be bold to go into places preaching the gospel.

Have we turned away from our sins or will we keep falling and crying to soothe our conscience? Have we been baptised? Have we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour? Not because we are afraid of going to hell but because we recognise that we have truly been living unrighteously and we want to change. Wishing for change and actually changing are two different things. I know because there was a time l wished to change and a time l actually changed. Even right now, any part of me that is still canal and not ready to meet with God, may l change today. Can’t we see? The more we delay, the more damage caused. I don’t want to continue in reckless living, l want to be home with my Jesus. I want to check out of the pigsty. I want to prepare to meet the Messiah.

Aren’t we tired? Of losing so much for so little. Why don’t we repent today. Be finally tired of living like that. A friend of mine said to me,”I got tired of living in sin.” Another said, “ I got tired of saying I’m sorry everyday.” I say “ I got tired of being the one responsible for breaking my relationship with Jesus. I got tired of a divided heart.” Even now, l don’t claim perfection, l choose to repent today. What are you choosing to do?

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Then the people answered, “Far be it from us to forsake the Lord to serve other gods!”
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Studying Bible Characters

Reflection Friday

“Believers also face trying times.”

The issue of mental health is often discussed in the world and rarely or almost never in the church. Perhaps because we have the Christianese language of “just be strong.” It has robbed us of many gifted people. It has destroyed marriages. It has crept into the pulpit where we have anointed ministers smiling and delivering the message with power yet in their closets they are weak, bruised and tired. The truth is this is a real problem that must be confronted and dealt with by teaching people how to deal with such things from the lenses of scripture.

Many Christians turn to the secular world instead of the church, because they sense they will get more understanding, sympathy, and help there. However, secular approaches can sometimes lead to further spiritual difficulties and complications. Dear Christian, the solution is here with us. We have the desperately needed antidote for anxiety, brokenness, depression. Before l go any further, how are you? How’s your heart? Your mind? (Id like for you to actually verbalise your response. Say it out as opposed to a thought response) How has your week been? Shall l be honest with you, l had an okay week, l felt more rested yet I did have anxieties about certain areas of my life.

While he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.”
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We read about the prophet Elijah who felt suicidal at a point in life. Was he a man of God? Yes. Was he anointed? Double yes. Elijah had endured a traumatic episode with the prophets of Baal and Asherah up in the northern region of Carmel. Although he successfully dispatched the prophets and demonstrated God’s power to Ahab, something was wrong. I imagine we can all think of difficult situation like this. When we were triggered by fear or pain to say, “You know what, l cannot do this anymore.” We can think of Hagar in the wilderness with her young boy, but God would not allow that situation to endure.

Some of us have experienced many years of victory and so we can’t seem to understand how things could suddenly go wrong. I love Elijah though. He teaches us to bring all our emotions to God. Telling the Father that you had a bad week and you need a hug. Listen to what the Bible says , “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.” James 5:17 (AMP) How did such a man find himself saying he wants to die, he’s tired, he’s done with life? I by no means am an expert in mysteries of scripture but l am certain this story will encourage you that depression and mental health issues are experienced by the best of us and it’s possible to overcome them.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
— Psalm 73:26 NIV 

Elijah felt alone in his struggle, a common sentiment we can feel when we are depressed , anxious or scared. Look into the mirror. Do you need a hug? I may be unable to give you one but God can. God CARES. He cares even during the moments when you feel He doesn’t. The number 1 way to prolong a low season is to stay down. The key is knowing when enough is enough and when it’s time to get up. When it’s time to look the enemy in the eye and remind him that you have dominion over the situation. If the David in you does not arise to face the giant, the giant will bully you to your defeat. David ARISE! Elijah ARISE! Gideon ARISE! Déborah ARISE! Hannah ARISE! Vanessa ARISE! Arise and shine! Arise and eat and go in thy strength!

Let the dna of the Lion of the tribe of Judah in you kick in and you roar away all fear. Don’t stay down. Start to laugh. Laugh in the spirit! Hahahaha laugh at the enemy! Did he think he would take you down? Really? A whole you? A mighty you? A gifted beautiful you? A Jesus filled you? NEVER! I want you to verbalise it, DEVIL YOU CANNOT MAKE MY LIFE YOUR PLAYGROUND! Take authority! And hey, you are more powerful than you think. You don’t really want to die, you want a hug from your Abba! Get it and Get up!

I got a picture for you! Make a sound in the spirit! Don’t be silent! ROAAAAR. I bet you can even hear this picture!

Have a good weekend! I love youuuuuuuuuuuu! 💗

The Overcoming Believer

Chilled Thursday

“Consistency in anything is hard.”

The topic of consistency cannot be separated from discipline. Consistency is a principle of priority. It is a fundamental concept of growth. Anything you’re consistently doing builds a strong system with almost an unbreakable foundation. I learned consistency through leading the Prayer Band back in 2019-2020. I learned that in building a structure, you may get sick, you may feel tired, you may not feel as motivated as you did when you started, you may want to give up and you may even feel like you can be like everyone else , “inconsistent and unreliable” but consistency demands that you show up anyways. Consistency “demands” it is like a law. You MUST.

A sister of mine just got back to the gym. She has been showing up consistently to work out not stopping until she sees the results she wants. What does that tell us? She is committed. Likewise, consistency and commitment are sisters. You commit to be consistent. An inconsistent person is an uncommitted person. If you’re not committed to your spouse you’ll be inconsistent in showing up in the relationship. This goes for all things including our relationship with God. {Side note; I didn’t plan this blog today I’m just flowing , let’s see where that gets us lol}

When l started writing on Yielded l committed to posting Monday-Friday except when l have conference at church or I’m really unwell. Believe it or not, I’ve showed up to write even when l myself needed the encouragement. I got to understand that our commitment to our dreams benefits others too. People can drink from your well and be quenched simply because you committed to a consistent prayer life, business, to education. How consistent are you in anything at all? Are you unreliable? Can we trust you to show up at 15:00hrs to do what you promised to do or you’ll call at 15:30 saying you forgot? How do we miss opportunities? By being unprepared. We are unprepared because we never committed to training while we wait.

How committed are you to God? Since the beginning of the year till now someone has to motivate you to pray? You’re unserious. You’re not committed and it’s not entirely the devil’s fault, we are just not committed because we don’t want to. Read the line at the top. It is very difficult to be consistent but shall we dodge it to stay with what’s easy? What’s easy rarely lasts. It has no impact or lasting results. Sooner or later that building will crumble. Well sooner rather than later. How committed are you to ensuring that you’re in good health? (As for me , Lord help me on this one) To your mental advancement? Do you read? Good mind transforming materials not books that teach you 100% that all your mind can grasp is novels. How about commitment to church? Or the weather determines whether you show up or not? How consistent are we in business? (I need to be serious)

On this chilled Thursday, l need us to think. To really sit and ponder. To Selah. What am l doing inconsistently that could be great if I just committed to it? In what ways can l better myself and am l willing to pay the price to get the results l want? Do l need to be babied through life or am l ready to grow up and break ground. Remember as you chill today, that you are sometimes the weapon fashioned against yourself or the mountain threatening your destiny. Nobody is coming to save you again, you’re already saved. Stop being reluctant, hesitant and cowardly.

Find a book. Pray. Study. Enrol in free courses if need be. Commit to eating healthy food and drinking water. Commit to listening to sermons. Push your business. Anything you need to do , build consistency through commitment.

There is day and night daily yes? See consistency? Exactly. ❤️

The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

Hey family! I’ve got a couple of plugs for you today for your private praise pareeeeee!!! I listen to a lot of Nigerian gospel and if I’m gonna be dancing, I’m definitely playing those. How about writing all the things God did for you this month? Small and Big! Just note them and say LORD IM GRATEFUL. Be the leper that comes back to say Thank You. 1/10 came back. This shows that not so many people come back to say thank you. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭17‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I don’t know about you but worship feels like a place of rest for me. A refreshing place. A drink of cold water on a hot day. When l pour out my heart to God, how much l love and adore Him, somehow He also pours back to me. Sometimes the secret place is a place of few words but correct posture. A place where we experience deeper dimensions of God. It is a place to spend time in and by saying so, l mean take as much time as possible in worship. Don’t rush it. Don’t allow distractions. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭28‬ ‭NIV‬‬
