The Yielded Believer

Chilled Thursday

My Yielded People, I love you. Yesterday, I watched a video by a wonderful woman I follow on Instagram, and she said, “Allow people to love you. Allow people to help you. Allow people to be there for you.” This message struck me deeply.
Often, it’s not that others aren’t offering love and support; rather, we may struggle to receive it. We disqualify ourselves in the wilderness and it stops us from entering Canaan. Some of us find it challenging to accept anything, even love. When I say, “I love you,” someone might think, “Why would you love me?” We often disqualify ourselves, thereby rejecting the special blessings available to us.

“I have loved you,” says the Lord. “Yet you say, ‘In what way have You loved us?’
‭‭Malachi‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Reflect on what you desire or need. Are your hands truly open to receive it, or are you expecting it to come directly from God? Embracing the love and support from those around us can be a channel for the blessings we seek. God sends people, He always does.

I have struggled with this. I am sure it has made me block prayers of destiny helpers that l prayed. The destiny helpers probably showed up and I didn’t open my palm so they went to the ones who could receive. So, I have changed. I’m a brand new person now. Allow people to love you. Take the hug from your friends, stop thinking being loved is weird because it reflects your unhealed soul. We make things hard for ourselves that The Lord has made easy.

Anyhoo please follow our Instagram page!! Abeg!

Have you watched this Movie? Well, I’m plugging you today!! Remember, don’t make things hard for yourself today, look out for ease and for God’s help. Sharp , bye! ❤️

The Yielded Believer

Walk in your own shoes

Do we all have the same vision? Are we all called to do the same thing? Of course not! I mean, come on—look at us. We don’t even wear the same clothes, let alone like the same stuff. My friend buries her head in all things sparkly, while I’m over here vibing to my own style. Some ladies are sneakerheads, but me? I like to be sky-high in heels. And men? One guy’s drooling over cars, while another’s busy chasing a soccer ball. Even in love, someone’s eyeing you, and someone else is stuck on me. The point is, we’re all different—and guess what? God’s totally in on it. He’s not out here using a cookie-cutter approach, which is, duplicating the same gingerbread man. Nope, He deals with each of us in our own unique, wonderfully weird ways.

I love tea. I mean, really love tea. My niece, on the other hand? She’s a Coca-Cola person – she could down a whole 2-liter bottle alone. You see, even in the little things, our preferences are worlds apart. Take Jesus and John the Baptist, for example. Both were sent by God, yet their ministries and personalities were totally unique. The issue today is that in the church we are too busy trying to copy-paste what God intentionally made different. Instead of celebrating our differences, we try to force everything to look and sound the same—and that’s when we start sneaking worldly trends into the church. God didn’t call us to be clones; He called us to embrace the beauty of being different!

A lot of people miss out on fresh revelation because they’re too busy trying to sound like some famous preacher. They dress like them, talk like them—even try to clone their voice! And I’m just sitting here thinking, “But where’s the God factor in all of this?” It doesn’t stop there either. We want to be like our friends, like that one person we admire, so much so that we lose sight of our own purpose. But here’s the truth: you have your own purpose! You weren’t designed to do things like your neighbor—and that’s perfectly okay. Do things like you. That’s exactly who God created you to be!

That’s exactly why we have Reflection Fridays—to pause, reflect, and realign ourselves with who we’re truly meant to be. As we kick off our new series, Chasing My God-Given Dream, I want us to be aware of these traps. If you spend your life trying to be like everyone else, you’ll miss the chance to become who God created you to be. So, be yourself! If your friend can afford Gucci shoes and you can’t, guess what? That’s totally fine.

Don’t lose yourself trying to compete or keep up with others—it’s not worth it. And let’s talk about this slay queen and king thing for a second. Do you know why we have so many of them? One person started it, and then everyone else jumped on the bandwagon. But the truth is, most aren’t really slay queens or kings—they’re just duplicating an image. That’s why they won’t even step out without a specific phone; they have to stay consistent with the “copycat vibes.” But let’s be real—God didn’t call us to copy, He called us to be authentic!

Tell your friends—it’s official! We’ve started the series Chasing My God-Given Dream. Show up, read, and engage so you can stop trying to walk in shoes that are either too big or too small for you. This is the season of self-measurements, where we’re aligning with God’s purpose for our tailor-made destiny! Remember what the Word says:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)


The Yielded Believer

Baby number 3

Happy Monday my yielded people. I hope you had a great weekend. One of the ways in which we learn how to yield to God is by taking time to consecrate and separate yourself unto God from time to time. That being said, l would like to encourage us as a family to fast and pray.

By the grace of God, the Yielded Center has grown so much. From the Yielded Blogs to the Yielded TV and now, we have The Yielded Counselling Center. In 2024, the Lord led me to return to the study of mental health, but from a fresh perspective. This time, I focused on Christian counseling while also exploring the psychological aspects to gain a deeper understanding of both the spiritual and biological dimensions of brain development. I obeyed His call—and let me tell you, one of the greatest decisions you can ever make is to obey God. At the same time, I was facing challenges within the Midnight Prayer Group that felt beyond my ability to resolve. I realized I needed the knowledge and wisdom to navigate such situations as a leader effectively. By God’s grace, this journey of obedience has brought me here today to present to you The Yielded Counseling Center. I am now a certified biblical counsellor. I will expand on the areas of specialization tomorrow.

If you’d like to book an appointment, you’ll find the link below.

The Yielded Counselling Center | Scheduling and Booking Website

You can also visit our website by scrolling to the bottom of this page for further details. The Yielded Center now stands as a ministry with three key expressions, Christian blogs, Christian tv/entertainment and Christian counselling. Well, not forgetting baby number 1, The Midnight Prayer Group. Until the Lord instructs otherwise, I believe these represent the core of my gifts and calling. As we begin January, I’d love for us to dive into an important discussion about dreams, the conception of ideas, and how we birth them. Many people find themselves struggling at different stages of the process:

  • Some never seem to have ideas at all.
  • Others get stuck in the conception/brainstorming stage.
  • Some struggle to bring their ideas to life.
  • And then there are those who birth their ideas but can’t make them grow into strong, sustainable systems.

We’ll also explore how your visions of the night (dreams) often connect to your real-life journey. I’m excited to share these insights and hope you’ll join me as we uncover ways to make your dreams come true. I promise to only lead you where I’ve already walked—and what I’ve learned on my journey might just help you on yours! On another note, please support The Yielded Counseling Center by sharing the counseling links. I’m praying for as many clients as possible—not just to grow the center, but to reach and help those who feel stuck in hopeless situations.

We now offer biblical counseling that’s both effective and efficient. And because it’s all online, you can book from anywhere in the world—how cool and convenient is that? I can’t wait to see you tomorrow as we take this journey together. Let’s start the year strong!

You have all my love,


The Yielded Believer

Reflection Friday

Uhmmm we are 1year and a day old today lol that’s just me refusing to get over the fact that Yielded is still here maybe because l know what it took to build to this point. “What do we have to reflect on, we just started the year.” Well, any wise man will tell you, that the beginning of every season, particularly a new year requires a lot of self-introspection, reflection and meditation. Nobody falls faster than the one who never prepared for the journey. Nobody fails as much as the one who never committed to the process of planning. The Lord already has a plan for The Yielded Center in 2025, a plan for you and a plan for me. The Lord is a planning God. He makes this known to us in Jeremiah 29:11.

Because of this, l would like us as The Yielded Family to, by all means find out the plan God has for you in 2025 and to YIELD. What caused me to fail in the previous years? I made plans and invited God into those plans. In other words, l just sought The Lord’s help for plans that most probably were not in alignment with His plans for me. That is the most time consuming, delaying strategy and wise people should never do it that way. Where did that get me? To the prayer about the locusts that ate the years. While restoration is a great great blessing to us, we can never downplay God’s system of restoring what was lost but, l believe that Kairos is always the best possible way to navigate through life. Knowing what to do, at the right time, no delay.

I am pleading with us all to sit with the vision and allow Holy Spirit to expand, explain, and give us instructions. People of God we need to know the instructions. This is not the year to just run with no vision, shooting arrows in the air, walking like the drunk. If it takes studying sermons, watching YouTube videos, taking up challenges, do that! If you are actually looking to be motivated daily, you are not serious about your vision. The angel only told Mary once about the vision, he didn’t have to come daily to say it, because she had the capacity to hold onto the vision and embrace it. This year you will need to hang onto the vision, no matter what. You will have to be your own motivator, be your own cheerleader, because if you wait for people to keep saying how proud they are of you – how wonderful you are, you will be stuck when they stop saying it.

I can’t wait to hear your testimony. I know that if we follow The Lord closely, we will not only prosper, but we will also have rest on every side. You know l love you and I’m praying for you. Alone we can fail, but we can never fail with God.


The Yielded Believer

365 DAYS

Celebrating One Year of The Yielded Center 🎈

Praissssssse The Lord! I remember writing my notes first blog on the 9th of January 2024. God had told me to start earlier but anxiety and fear whispered, “Nobody will read.” So, l delayed. When l finally started, everyday felt like a battle. Ah, my first blog, ‘Let’s get started!’ … I think there was about 90 readers, but it was all people’s curiosity because the next day we dropped to 11. Maybe even 8 because the other 3 were probably me checking for typos LOL!

Fast forward a year, and l cannot believe how many people read these blogs. He turned my, “Lord what if no one reads this?” into “Wow they’re actually reading!” that too, from different parts of the world. From the bottom of my heart, l praise the Lord! I am so grateful guys. Thank you for showing up and supporting my dream. If you were not showing up to read, there’d be no Yielded Center. OKKKKAYYY Lets look at our statistics!!!

Yielded Center – First post 09 January 2024

The most activity was during August [women’s month]

Our 4 most read articles with most comments

  1. When you leave
  2. The wound – series
  3. I question the love
  4. It’s a wrap

Published posts – 225

Drafts – 25


Top countries/regions

  1. South Africa – 1.6k
  2. US – 800
  3. Poland – 790 (thought you’d be number 1
  4. Zimbabwe – 578
  5. United Kingdom – 312
  6. Ireland – 282
  7. Ghana – 166
  8. Namibia – 127
  9. Nigeria – 117
  10. Sweden – 53
  11. Malawi – 3
  12. Canada – 2
  13. Taiwan – 2
  14. Russia – 2
  15. Turkey – 1
  16. Dubai – 1

This is what The Lord has done!!!!! And just like that, The Yielded Center is one year old! Who would’ve thought we’d make it this far—certainly not me when I was staring at my first blog post, wondering if anyone besides me would read it. But look at God!

To everyone who’s been here—whether you read daily or here and there —thank you for being part of this journey. Here’s to more blogs, more growth, and more moments of ‘Lord, what am I even doing?’ followed by ‘Oh, You’re doing it, Lord!’

I hope this encourages you to start. To do what The Lord has said you should do. Press the start button and run with the vision.

Stay yielded, stay blessed, and let’s do it all again next year!”

“And Mary sang this song: “My soul is ecstatic, overflowing with praises to God!”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭46‬ ‭TPT‬‬