“So Delilah said to Samson, “Tell me the secret of your great strength and how you can be tied up and subdued.” Then she said to him, “How can you say, ‘I love you,’ when you won’t confide in me? This is the third time you have made a fool of me and haven’t told me the secret of your great strength.” With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was sick to death of it. So he told her everything.
Judges 16:6, 15-17 NIV
Delilah was not interested in knowing about Samson’s strength before she met with the rulers. Judas had not interest in selling Jesus before they came with the money. There are people who come , deals that come, that lure men into what they’d have never done. Money. Sex. Business Deals. We usually judge people like Judas and Delilah because nobody has come to you with that much money. People like Peter are the “bad boys” but how many times do we deny Christ in our daily lives.
The bible says Delilah chose money over Samson. That is how lowly she thought of him. A man who was the talk of town, he was a headache to the Philistine government, a different man, anointed, unique but here comes a woman who thought money was better than Samson. It’s very clear that she didn’t love him. He was alone in that relationship. I know that many people struggle a lot with this. Being with a partner who is there just to pass time. You are the one that’s busy with paragraphs. You’re the one that’s busy with hearts. They don’t care whether you are sick or dead and I think it reflects a lot more on those who have to deal with wounds. Did Samson really not see that she didn’t love him? Or did he think his love was enough for both of them? Was he so love starved that he stayed where there was no reciprocation? Was he so desperate? Is it because other relationships didn’t work out? Did he feels he’s too old he has to settle for this woman? Was it because this one was better than his ex , although still toxic but “better” toxic? Did he feel there was a part of him that needed acceptance and so Delilah was close to that? Why stay there until you die?
I think the crazy thing about all this is , Delilah had already subdued Samson. She didn’t need to know the secret to his strength but she was his weakness. She was the secret to his weaknesses. She subdued him the moment he stayed in a relationship where he wasn’t loved. The power the person you love has over you is bigger than you think. Delilah’s power over Samson was bigger than he thought. It was not physical, it was emotional. Anyone who has your emotions gathering and scattering has your whole being! In the face of love , lust , emotions, even the strongest of men – fall. Adam ate the fruit.
Delilah said to Samson , “How can you say you love me when you can’t open up to me?” How can you say “l love you” when you can’t give me sex? How can you say “I love you” when you can’t give me money? How can you say you love me when you can’t tell me your pin, tell me what you don’t tell others, knowing very well she was the worst person to tell. Sometimes we run and become vulnerable to the devil himself. We find ourselves on Delilah’s lap and it’s nothing like the prostitute so we assume it’s better . Your new gf wears long skirts so she’s better than the last who used to swear but this one is manipulative. I can imagine how many people have shown their vulnerable self to people who went and backstabbed them. Jesus reveals his identity to Judas and Judas thinks of how that information will give him money .
Your weakness is the person you have allowed into your heart. Your weakness is the Delilah you have allowed to occupy your whole being. Stop worrying about all the witches in the world, in your heart , right there, that’s where the issue is. “It’s just that I love her,” but does she love you? I have come to understand the healthiness in reciprocated love. Genuine love is safe love. Where I can tell you my past and not be afraid that I will be on the next newpaper. Love between friends. Love between family members because some Delilah’s are the cousins we love so much and the many friends who secretly wish we would crumble. These are real life issues, discern who’s who and who to tell stuff to! Please!
You don’t have to speak about things you’re not comfortable with to prove love. I don’t have to tell you , I can tell my pastor. He didn’t have to tell her because he loved her, that’s manipulation. Your friends don’t owe you an update about everything to prove love. Jesus only the disciples somethings a little later because there’s timing for it.
If Samson knew his love would be his death , was he going to give his heart away so easily? Certainly not.
It’s a long topic guys . Let’s keep going ❤️