The Overcoming Believer

Samson and Delilah

“Some time later Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah from the Sorek Valley. The rulers of the Philistines went to her with a plan: “Trick Samson into telling you the secret of his great strength. Find out how we can subdue him. We’ll tie him up and make him helpless. Then each of us will give you eleven hundred pieces of silver.”
‭‭Judges‬ ‭16‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Hey family. Happy new week. It’s the last week of the month, you may feel exhausted, joyful or maybe your plans didn’t work out BUT we are alive, we have yet another chance! I believe many of us feeling the Labour pains are about to give birth, the baby is coming, the Labour is not in vain. There’s a travail that comes first then the baby comes out, head out, shoulders, and so on but when you give birth your baby will cry and that sound will be your sound of victory! Get ready for the baby’s cry; it is the cry of victory!

Anyhoo… After Samson slept with the prostitute, the bible says he fell in love. He “slept” with a woman who was all about sex then later he “fell in love” with a woman he thought was worth more. Someone can say “oh but she was a prostitute!” She was still worth more. I know people make bad choices in life but sometimes it also takes meeting one person who can help you make the right choices to change. The other woman was a sex appointment, the other woman was his heart’s home. This is the reality we live in. When compromise, we add our names on the list of those who are not worth more. What is more? It is to be loved and chosen. Not stripped and dumped.

This topic will be so long 😭. So this is not judgement to anyone who’s made mistakes before. This is to bring us to understand parts of this story that we may easily overlook because we’re looking for the part where they cut his hair and we stay on “your hair will grow again” eiii there’s a verse that says , later on he fell in love! I really want to know what was different about Delilah? Samson clearly had a women problem but he meets Delilah and he somehow gets tamed. He is no longer running to sleep with the prostitute, he is laying his head on Delilah’s lap now. Casual sex can only make you happy for a while, hearts are looking for more; for love. Put some value on your name. Both men and women.

Delilah was not an ordinary woman. As a matter of fact, she is one of the meanest biblical women. Samson’s inability to control his lusts led him to a woman who was a double agent. He couldn’t discern. He had never discerned in a relationship before. He could discern times to fight but love matters failed him. The fact that at work you are one of the best employees , you’re even the advisor to the CEO doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically marry right. The fact that you are good in one area doesn’t mean you’re good in all. Your weakness like Cain’s are drawing sin close to your door. Know your weaknesses and work on them. Don’t base your entire life on “I’m strong in this area” what about the areas where you lack?!

Delilah was a woman who had a relationship with government. Her associates appear to be the rich and powerful leaders of the day. She was not your normal pretty face. She was strategically positioned by the devil to weaken a strong man. The strong man instead of discerning, found himself in the snare of the fowler. The Philistines offered Delilah money, so there was a negotiation on a man’s head. A man she was supposed to protect, she sold out. She could’ve taken the money and still told Samson , he would’ve fought them but she chose to work with the enemy till the end. Did she not love this man? When you cheat , do you really love your partner? When you accep stuff from other men or other women, are you not a Delilah? Do people’s lives crumble when they’re with you?

Delilah was not called a prostitute according to the bible. She is not even called a Philistine. She was a woman who betrayed a man who loved her for money. Betraying the woman who loves you for sex. Betraying your friends to fit in with the cool kids. Betraying your God to serve other gods. A Delilah spirit. Samson is known as the world’s strongest man yet he became weak because of his choice of a woman. The strongest man died at the hands of a woman. You’re not strong if you cannot control your lust. Lust for money. Lust for things. Lust for sex. That is something the devil will use to bring you to your knees.

While Samson was focused on love, Delilah was focused on getting her pay cheque. Todays lesson is in these three areas ;

  • Becoming more valuable by holiness
  • Discernment in relationships
  • Asking the question, Am l a Delilah?

We still have a long way to go😮‍💨 . Let me say to you, holiness is our protection. Why didn’t he find a good woman and marry? Many people are dragging their feet in the issue of marriage but they are speeding to undress. Do we really know what’s at stake? Are we willing to risk it all for closeness to Delilah? Are we willing to lose it all for companionship that is not even in the will of God for us?

Samson fell in love with the wrong person and that was the end of his life. The day he gave his heart to the wrong one, he lost more than his strength. I urge us, to consider these things. ❤️

The Overcoming Believer

The Seer Of The Hills (2)

The decision loomed before the elders, heavy with the weight of tradition and the unknown. Nandi saw the conflict in their eyes—the struggle between honoring ancient customs and embracing the possibility that Malusi’s visions held a key to a future they dared not imagine.

As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows that stretched toward the hills, the eldest elder finally spoke. His voice, though aged and frail, carried the authority of generations past.

“Malusi,” he began, his gaze searching the boy’s face as if seeking answers in his eyes. “Your visions are a gift from the spirits. They speak of a time of change, of peace. We will heed their guidance.”

Relief flooded through Nandi, mingled with a lingering fear. The decision meant her son would stay, at least for now. But the hills still whispered their ancient secrets, and the spirits remained elusive in their intentions.

As the villagers dispersed, murmuring among themselves, Nandi pulled Malusi close. She held him tightly, her heart overflowing with a mother’s love and a silent prayer for protection. For in the embrace of the village, under the watchful eyes of the elders, Malusi was safe.

Yet Nandi knew that the hills held mysteries that even the elders could not fully comprehend. And as she gazed toward the darkening horizon, she wondered what future lay ahead for her son, chosen by light and shadow alike.

One evening, as the sun dipped low behind the hills, the elders gathered in the center of the village. Malusi stood before them, his small frame tense with uncertainty. His mother stood beside him, her hand resting protectively on his shoulder.

“Malusi,” spoke the eldest of the elders, his voice grave yet tinged with curiosity. “Tell us again what you have seen for we know the gods have given you yet another vision.”

Malusi took a deep breath, his eyes scanning the faces of the villagers gathered around him. “I saw a light,” he began, his voice steady now with a clarity that surprised even himself. “It spoke to me of a time of change, of peace that could come if we listen.”

The elders exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of awe and apprehension. Such visions were rare, and never before had one spoken of peace. Yet tradition weighed heavy on their hearts, and the whispers of fear persisted.

“We must consult the spirits,” declared the eldest elder finally, his voice carrying the weight of authority. “They will guide us in this matter.”

Days turned into weeks as the village prepared for the ceremony of consultation. Malusi remained at the center of attention, a figure of both hope and uncertainty. His dreams continued, each night bringing new visions of light and whispers of a future yet unwritten.

On the appointed day, the village gathered at the sacred grove where the ancestors were said to dwell. The air was thick with incense and the murmur of prayers. Malusi stood before the sacred fire, his eyes closed in silent communion.

As the sun reached its zenith, a gentle breeze stirred the leaves overhead. Malusi opened his eyes, feeling the weight of centuries resting upon him. In that moment, he knew.

“The light,” he began, his voice ringing clear across the grove, “it speaks of a path we must choose. A path of understanding, of healing. A new way of living. A greater God than the ones we believe in.”

The elders listened in silence, their hearts torn between tradition and the voice of a boy who spoke to the light. Then after hearing this , a decision was made.

Nandi’s heart sank as the elders’ decision unfolded before her. Despite their acknowledgment of Malusi’s visions as a gift, they believed his path lay beyond the village, guided not by the elders but by the ancient ways that called from the hills.

The eldest elder approached Nandi with solemnity etched on his face. “Nandi, mother of Malusi,” he began, his voice a mix of sympathy and resolve, “the spirits have spoken. Malusi’s destiny lies with the priestess of the hills. She will guide him in understanding his visions. He will be there until she is satisfied with the process and has found the source of his dreams. We have decided and as a woman, our late brother’s wife, you have no voice. You are to accept this and prepare him accordingly.”

Nandi felt a cold shiver run through her. She glanced at Malusi, whose eyes shone with a mixture of fear and curiosity. He reached for her hand, seeking comfort in the face of the unknown.

“But…but … what does this mean?” Nandi stammered, her voice betraying her dread. “Will he return to us? He has to be in school. He is just 12 years old.”

”What is age? What is school? I am not learned and that does not change the fact that I can make decisions in this land. I have not come to ask you. I have come to notify you. I will take my leave. The boy must let go of his mother’s skirts!”

The elder put his bird feather back into his mouth. He walked a few steps , turned and said to Nandi, “I am still young. Giving you another child is something I can do. Let go of this one.”

Nandi fell on the ground and shouted, “NO!”

The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

Your weaknesses show up before you daily to check if they’re still a weakness.

– Vanessa Ziyambi

Happy Friday belove’s. I am sending you big big hugs and lots of l love you’s. One of the things I have learned is, human beings have a lot on their plates and so the best thing to do is to make sure you don’t add to that “lot”. Selflessness also means putting yourself in the shoes of another. If they did to you what you did to them , would you like it? I love the golden rule. If we all lived by that rule the world would be so much better. No, think of it. That is the solution we’ve all been waiting for. First of all l hope you know the golden rule phela believers sometimes eiii.

The Golden Rule is the ethical principle of treating other people as one’s self would prefer to be treated. If people spoke to you how you speak to them, if they played with your feelings how you play with theirs, if they were as inconsistent as you, if they did not show up for you as you also stopped showing up for them. If people did a copy and paste of you, would we have a better world, a better community , a better family or would we have to pray for mercy?
The many demands we have and the desire to always have it done perfectly for us; if tables were turned would you go to through the same – for others? Many people will say yes but hmmm. Only The Lord knows our hearts including mine. If God played a dvd of the things we’ve done to other people – we would have a horror series.

““Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭12‬ ‭MSG‬‬

If you love people, tell them. If you miss them, make a plan to see them or call them. If they always give you gifts and do favours for you, reciprocate. If they always uplift you and make you feel special, chances are they’re giving what they wish to get, so give back. Our feelings always show in our actions that’s why you always need to watch the actions. What makes movies more interesting is the fact that we can see them acting, different scenes, they laugh and cry , it really seems real! Imagine if they played a movie and all the actors were sitting in one room and all they said was a couple of words , no action, for the whole 2hours, I bet many of us would find “another” movie. That’s how people have replaced you and how you have replaced them. The golden rule.

The human heart is inherently selfish. Even our most seemingly unselfish acts come from a desire to feel good about ourselves and look good before others. We paint a perfect picture of ourselves and we forget that the real you will repaint the picture. This is why we need to reflect and be transformed!
While people may appear to be unselfish, the deepest motive of the human heart is not to help others but to help our own image and self-esteem. I say l love you – a lot! Like I can say it more than 20 times a day. I had to think of it, why am l saying it? To be liked? But I felt the love in my heart 🤷🏽‍♀️ I really do love people. The golden rule.

I need us to reflect on this. Let’s not even start with very far places. At home. How do you relate with your parents? I hope we are fully aware of the legal Angel of death that takes out those who dishonour their parents. We think God was joking? Oh no! There are people who have eaten up their years because they don’t respect their parents. They think the verse is for decoration. From home to everywhere you go. Let’s teach ourselves the golden rule, remind yourself in moments that seem to demand selfishness out of you. I will close by saying, if you have been asking God for forgiveness and yet you refuse to forgive others; you have not read the verse correctly.

You know we can’t close Reflection Friday without this question;

How’s your heart? How’s your mind? Why don’t you cast the burdens on Jesus today? And hey, I love you.❤️ let’s meet tomorrow for part2 of our Novel.

The Overcoming Believer

The Seer Of The Hills

I am sorry. Had a hectic day BUT as l promised; the first chapter of our fictional book is here. It’ll take most of our chilled Thursdays. Hope you enjoy it.


Young Malusi stirred awake, the lingering mist of his dream slipping away as his mother gently shook his shoulder. The small hut was dimly lit by the dying embers of the fire, casting flickering shadows on the thatched walls.

“Malusi, my son,” whispered Nandi, her voice soft yet urgent. “You were calling out again in your sleep. What did you see?”

Malusi rubbed his eyes, still half caught in the realm of dreams. “I saw a great light, Ma,” he murmured, his voice filled with wonder. “It was like the sun, but it spoke to me.” Nandi’s brows furrowed with concern. In their village nestled among the rolling hills of Southafrica, dreams were taken seriously. They were believed to be messages from the ancestors or the gods. But a light that spoke? That was unheard of.

“Tell me, Malusi,” Nandi pressed gently, “what did the light say to you?”

Malusi hesitated, his mind racing to grasp the fleeting fragments of the dream. “It said… it said I must prepare,” he finally managed, his voice barely above a whisper. “Prepare for what, Ma? I don’t understand.”

Nandi held her son close, her heart heavy with worry. The elders would need to be consulted. Dreams of this nature were not to be ignored. But as she gazed into Malusi’s earnest eyes, she saw something more than fear or confusion. She saw a depth of conviction that spoke of something beyond their understanding.

In the days that followed, whispers spread through the village like wildfire. The boy who spoke to the light. Some spoke in hushed reverence, believing Malusi had been chosen for a great purpose. Others murmured darkly, fearing that he was marked by the spirits of the ancestors for sacrifice. They said he would be killed and given to the gods as food. 

Nandi watched her son, Malusi, standing before the elders in the flickering light of the sacred fire. Her heart clenched with fear as she saw the gravity etched on their weathered faces. The murmurs of the villagers swirled around her, a mixture of anticipation and unease.

As the eldest elder listened intently to Malusi’s recounting of his visions, Nandi felt a chill run down her spine. She had heard tales whispered late at night—of children who, blessed or cursed by visions, were taken away to the hills, never to return. Taken by the spirits, they said, to serve in ways mortals could not comprehend.She remembered the stories of mothers who had lost their sons in such ways. They spoke of grief that never healed, of unanswered questions that haunted their dreams. Nandi’s grip tightened on Malusi’s shoulder, a silent plea for him to remain rooted in the present, to stay with her where she could protect him.

But Malusi, unaware of his mother’s inner turmoil, continued to speak with a conviction that both comforted and terrified her. His voice carried across the sacred grove, weaving a tale of light and peace, of paths yet to be taken. He spoke so casually but his audience was getting more and more anxious as did his mother. What would it be? Would his life be taken like that of his friend Samu? The decision was left to the elders.

{Chapter Two – Saturday 27/07}

The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

I have been stuck on this image of wheat for a little over a week now. When I feel choked by the emotions stirred up from current trials , I remember this and I’m strengthened. One of the hardest things to do is to worship in the valley. To praise when your voice is toiling off. How did Zechariah still serve as a priest , interceding, serving when his own promise was not yet fulfilled? How did Abraham keep building altars of worship to a God who said “l will” when it felt like “He was not.” How do you tell Hannah “we’re going to Shiloh,” knowing she has been going there and coming back without the one thing she wanted, a child because my darling people will ask. I’m reminded of a scripture by David in the book of Psalms;

“Day and night my tears keep falling and my heart keeps crying for your help, while my enemies mock me over and over, saying, “Where is this God of yours? Why doesn’t he help you?””
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭42‬:‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

He says there are people who are not interested in asking how I am doing. They don’t want to know about any other thing. The only question they keep asking is “Where is this God of yours and why doesn’t He help you?” . In a time where you hang onto God not even knowing what is the cause of the storm , David says I have been hearing my enemies mock me. That these people are not only mocking David but they’re mocking the God of David. They did this to Jesus on the cross. “You have been healing people, why can’t you save yourself !” But He fixed His focus and attention on purpose – the cross.

Many believers stop worshipping in their waiting season because to us worship is not a commitment or lifestyle , it is a response to a testimony. People don’t show up for worship nights but call a warfare night , even the witch next door is there. Everyone wants to be where they “feel” they will benefit. When it comes to real commitment to praise, we ask why? “Why should l praise when my child is sick? Why should l praise when the person I married has turned me into a marah? Why should l bother myself dancing when life has given me lemons 😂 and the lemonade l tried to make tastes like poison?” If you think I’m bluffing, tell a Christian , “let’s praise God” their response would be “Why, what has He done?”.

Today I want to encourage my people who are in the season of transition from Moab to Bethlehem. Those like Naomi. The ones who had their hands full of beautiful things then they lost them and now it looks like you never had anything. Those who are in grief and are going through famine. How do you even cry? Or maybe Ruth’s. With an option to go back home and give up. With a choice to follow Orpah and maybe worship other gods or marry someone else but they stay and wait upon the Lord. The Ruth’s who choose God with no sight of a Boaz. They are walking by faith. They are not even focused on a man , theirs is to serve the God of Naomi. The people who have been a support system to others with nothing to gain! The Ruth who followed Naomi with no promise of a better future, not a vision, not a prophecy, nothing!

Ruth was not told that she would meet a whole Boaz in Bethlehem. She knew Naomi was old and couldn’t bear children yet she followed. Followers with no prophetic dream but they believe in God! Those who stand at cross roads and still choose the narrow path. After losing everything they still follow. After returning to Bethlehem with shame of not having a testimony after so many years, they don’t even care to lie to people. Listen, there is a purpose. If only we stay aligned, there is a purpose.

Take a look at that picture above. Does it look like it was once a dry field? Does it look like it was once all dusty with nothing that looks like wheat? But guess what? It started off as just land. Maybe people dumped their trash there. It probably rained or the ground was dried up by scorching sun. What if there was a time nobody took a second look at the land because there was nothing. Look at it now! I found it on the internet! Look at how healthy and beautiful and prosperous it looks! It looks ready to feed families and a whole city of more! It looks like the owner is very pleased! It sure looks nothing like how it was during the seeding time. The farmer must’ve been tired with the sowing and the whole process but what if he gave up?

I’m saying to you , stay in praise. Stay in worship. Stay locked in the ark. The rain will soon stop. The trials will soon come to an end. Esther losing your parents is not the end of life. There is a king that will favour you. Ruth , in a field of many candidates, there is a man of integrity called Boaz who will ask about you. Elijah arise and eat! Joseph interpret the dreams anyway, they may forget you but soooon! We don’t need a reason why, we are those who live a life of worship, NOMATTER WHAT! Find time to worship and praise Him today!

“Those who sow their tears as seeds will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee. They may weep as they go out carrying their seed to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing!”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭126‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Overcoming Believer

Relationships {2}

“One day Samson went to Gaza, where he saw a prostitute. He went in to spend the night with her.”
‭‭Judges‬ ‭16‬:‭1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The life story of Samson has so many interesting details. Most of us only know about Delilah but she was the last woman he was with ; there were others before. He was a strong man. Physically strong. He could go to war alone. He never needed a back up army like Goliath. I often imagine him as one with a six pack or double , tall, muscular like the men who go to gym but studies say otherwise. Because of this, nobody could actually guess the source of his strength. Nobody asked his parents because there was nothing unsual about him. They , like us, may have thought , it all lies in the obvious but l tell you, God is quite mysterious.

Samson’s life was mostly lived as a fighter. This means that he was a threat to many. He never had army training yet he had an impeccable skill to fight and win. All this wrestling you see on tv, the boxing, all those men put together would still be no match for Samson. Since Samson had all this might, isn’t God mightier? Why do we think God needs our help to fight? Why do we think God never goes to war? A dimension of God is revealed in most characters of the bible. In this story we see God as Yahweh Sabaoth! The bible further goes on to say there was war in heaven. It wasn’t a fight. It was a war. You don’t war with a friend, you may fight but a war has to do with governments. It’s a bigger scale of conflict. The God of Samson is surely, the God of War.

In all that Samson did , the Philistines inevitably became his enemies. His enemies tried all they could to get Samson but they failed because the Lord was with him and he kept his consecration. We seem to be losing battles because we have stopped living in consecration. If you watch porn you’ll definitely lose to the Philistines, why? Because you compromised your consecration. If you drink like there’s no tomorrow like Noah guess what? The Philistines will come and destroy you! The Philistine looks for an opportunity to defile. An opportunity of vulnerability. An opportunity of weakness. The bible says, they tried to find Samson’s weakness to kill him but failed because Samson had committed himself to consecration which was his locks until he started following his lusts. Consecration and Holiness are to protect YOU! A friend of mine said , “Purity is power.” You keep yourself from so much trouble by protecting the secret of your strength.

There’s so much to discuss🥹 not sure lf l will be able to wrap it up in this post. Anyhoo, if you read carefully you’ll realise that Samson’s physical strength was not an equal measure of his inner strength. He had a series of disappointments. His wife was given to his friend. The Philistines then burnt the lady and her father. He had a wound. He had a bleeding heart that was not attended to yet he thought he could just move on. He often found solace in women. He found himself having sexual intercourse with a prostitute he had just met just like many people run to sex , to alcohol, to weed to try and ease pain. Sex does not cure a broken heart. It just feeds our lusts. Let’s not lie to ourselves. Sex will not cure the wound of rape, abuse, divorce, losing a loved one, l am sorry to say. It won’t even cure grief. There’s nothing in sex that heals a broken heart.

What’s more? It puts us in vulnerable situations because the bible says the Philistines tried to kill him even then (please read Judges16) . While you’re compromising the devil has a strategy on how the one time sex can get you pregnant, sick or emotionally attached. There is a plan! The same way God has plans for us, the devil also has his plans. Samson physically looks fine and very strong. I bet many girls liked him, l know l would have. On top of being wounded, he had a lustrous lifestyle. Ever heard of people who have emotional sex? They just want it done to escape from reality for a few minutes. Does the devil have that mercy to allow you chill out with no consequences?

We will have to continue with this topic as l mentioned there’s a lot to talk about. Many people look strong but there’s unstable emotions within that scream “drink one sip” or “go fornicate” or “masturbate , science says it helps” or “cut yourself, feel physical pain to cover up for emotional pain” . There is a place where there’s a balance between physical strength and emotional strength and most people struggle with that – even men. We have men who look like they’re Batista but inside there’s a hole that has been unattended too long and so instead of marrying someone, they womanise and feel absolutely nothing about it! No remorse. Listen, womanising, man’ising (if there’s a word like that) is evidence that we have a lot of problems within. No man of God does that! No woman of God does that! No child of God does that! Why aren’t you content with one partner? There’s a problem within. Why is casual sex nothing to you? Yes I’m also speaking to the brothers who say “it meant nothing to me.” It surely was a win for the devil. You’re the one who lost but just gained a new number of how many women or men you’ve taken to bed.

Samson, in as much as you’re strong and are famous. The inner man is wasting away. Fame is another reason why people end up living carelessly. The likes , the comments, the attention. Be careful. As we continue with this topic I need us to reflect on our lives. Am l weak and vulnerable but often covering it up with “fighting” , with the outer layers? Am l an easy target to the Philistines because I have a habit of compromising my consecration? Am l known as a warrior but many times my weaknesses war against me and win? Does the mighty Samson become a toddler in the face of lusts? I urge us again to consider these things. Let’s meet again tomorrow ❤️

The Overcoming Believer

Relationship Issues

“One day Samson went to Gaza, where he saw a prostitute. He went in to spend the night with her. The people of Gaza were told, “Samson is here!” So they surrounded the place and lay in wait for him all night at the city gate. They made no move during the night, saying, “At dawn we’ll kill him.””
‭‭Judges‬ ‭16‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Is God interested in who we court or marry? What do you think? Do you think God just waits for us to bring the man/woman and He just says OK? Does God not care about who we so closely associate with? Is it okay for believers to involve God in everything especially “financially” and shut the door on Him when it concerns who we “fall in love with?” Do we get to choose who we “think” we’re compatible with or does He have a say? What do you think? If you think He does have a part to play , how come He hasn’t been playing that part in our lives? Here’s the answer: we haven’t been allowing Him the chance to do so.

We have given the chance to friends to “match make” , to advise, to tell us their opinions but we deny Holy Spirit an opportunity to speak His mind. I don’t know about you but I’ve made a couple of mistakes relationship wise and even when God spoke I wouldn’t listen. I told myself that God will “support” my choice. Let’s take a look at Samson.

We all know Samson’s story with Delilah but have we ever read his full story? He lived in consecration since childhood , praise God for parents who train up their children in holiness. As a parent never exalt your child’s bad behaviour like people are doing in this generation. You find parents super proud of silly children and even posting about it for likes. That child will grow and guess what? They will grow up to be your headache, the one that grandpa can’t cure. If you don’t teach your children how to live , later you’ll need more than one roll of tissue to wipe your pool of tears. Stop laughing in a situation that requires prayer. Always learn from Hannah.

Samson’s downfall was not caused by his parents not following the instructions of the Angel. His downfall was not caused by addiction to porn or drugs. This could be the case for some people, I urge you to seek for deliverance. If you struggle with those things , don’t condemn yourself. The prodigal son said, “I will go to my Father”, do that as well.

Samson didn’t decide to cut his hair oneday because he was “different”. I’m sure there were people who wondered why the young man had all that hair. I’m just thinking about how a spirit can dwell upon a person because of hair. There’s a religion that encourages dreadlocks. Even when we were growing up we always imagined witches to have long nails why? Spirits can capitalise on things that we overlook. I did not say don’t do your nails – I am going to do mine o. Back to the story; Samson didn’t cut his hair even when it would make him look different. The young man stayed on course until there was an issue with love.

The enemy didn’t bother giving him a taste of alcohol , he had tied up the ends on that issue. It the fact when he had a problem with falling in love with wrong people. “It’s not important, l will love again” okay but what if like Samson it becomes a cycle? How come you always get the bad ones? How many people left church because of a relationship? How many stopped praying? How many moved away from God because they fell in love with a Delilah or a prostitute. Delilah was not Samson’s first mistake. He had started with sleeping with prostitutes. Casual meet ups. Fornication appointments. A little fun. Nakedness Infront of the wrong people. Vulnerability with the wrong person. He had a past of putting himself in compromising positions that could lead him to danger. Is it because nothing bad had happened to him before and he thought it would always be like that? You never got pregnant so it will always be like that? He never hit you, so it will always be like that? She didn’t emotionally abuse you, so it will always be like that? Does the hair mean you’re automatically wise? No my love.

“I love him. God will change him. He is the one and I know it.” And you’re referring to the prostitute from Gaza? And you’re referring to Jezebel? You’re talking about a whole prophet of Baal? Is that the one God should change to make suitable for you?

What shall it profit us to gain “l have a man” or “l have a woman” and lose our own soul? Does God have a say? Let’s continue tomorrow.

Please consider these things.

The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday


Hey family. Please pardon me for posting late especially this week. I am trying to do all l can to be more efficient however from next week l should’ve locked into a good routine becauseeeeeee I’m bringing Christian novels for you!!! Anyhooo let’s do some reflection. I have something to share with you that may help you now or in the future.

I grew up a flexible child. By flexible I mean, I was quite good at school, good at singing, good at writing and story telling, good at acting and just getting things done – leaning more to the creative side. I had lots of setbacks with my education. I did many things past the time I was supposed to. I was delayed in getting employment. I had to take a lot of part time jobs that paid close to nothing. My many talents were hidden and no matter how much l dug , l couldn’t find the treasure within. Boy I worked hard in music, l gave it my all. I did beauty. I did medical stuff. I was a Jack of all trades just seeking for a door to open for me “please!”. At some point I had throat infection for not giving my voice rest and still .. there l was .. no proof of “life” nothing to show that truly I was not a dumb lazy girl, nothing to show that I had talents and was working hard .. and family doesn’t make it easy for those people.

I would look within and find nothingness. I found emptiness. I know your story may be more intense but it’s not a competition of whose is worse, it’s in the courage to even tell the story. I didn’t see a butterfly in me (my name means butterfly by the way) I just saw a worm. I functioned like a worm because as a man thinks so is he. With everything God put in me – l felt like I was nothing. That’s how it is yes? When you’re not serving your generation with a product, a solution or a skill, you feel like you’re a dead person walking. Casper the ghost?! I’m sharing all this with you to pull you out from that room of darkness. The room is dark because you switched off the lights. The light within you.

I tried to escape. I started applying for visas and guess what? That failed too. I prayed. I fasted. I served. I loved my God. I gave it my all. Double Guess ? Everyone who applied after me got their visas and left. There I was .. with a brain I knew was not dull. With energy for dayyyyys! With capacity. With a plan but with no way forward. I would look at myself in the mirror and hate myself. I hated myself for not being like others. I hated my parents for not giving me a silver spoon. I hated rooms full of curious people. I hated the questions , “Where are you in life? What are you doing? When are you getting married? Did you end up graduating? Everyone has gone overseas why’re you still here?”

I hated questions that threatened the peace I fought so hard to keep. My mind was a battlefield. Trusting God seemed like trusting a boyfriend that just cheated 5 times in a month. I will be real with you. While serving on the pulpit sometimes I’d cry not because I was overwhelmed by worship but I was saying within myself , “l am pouring my empty self to happy people and I’m here not even sure what I will eat.” So I’m not the child that nags her mom. Nah. I don’t nag anyone except my brother lol. To me, my mom had done enough already, I needed to find my ground and not keep pulling her purse for what’s left.. I was “worming” through life. Full of skill. Full of talents. Full but empty. A treasure that caught so much dust it now looked like an old piece of metal, rusty and invaluable.

I don’t even know I’m led to share this today. I’m not big on “share your story”. Don’t get me wrong I love to testify but l am not an open book lol yeah I’m a mystery. Solve math not me 🤣. Anyhoo, long story short , God gave me a gift that I myself don’t understand. I promise you , I don’t understand how!! When l get a keypad or a pen and paper, I no longer see Vanessa the worm, l see Vanessa the butterfly. I find treasure within me!!! I find purpose. The mirror gets cleaner and clearer. It took time and SELF REFLECTION. Yes. That’s where this is going. It took digging a little more. Oh I’m lying not a little more, dig , dig, keep digging wells like Isaac! Then l realised; within us shoooo! Within us are treasures God Himself put knowing full well that when we discover them we will smile.

I’m saying to you, you may be looking for treasure in the wrong places. You’re the house of treasures. You! You sit. You pray in the spirit! “Lord I keep seeing a worm but l know there’s more to my life than a couple of rejected cvs. I know there’s a blueprint of greatness. Lord my eyes keep seeing Vanessa the nobody, the one who can’t attend family gatherings because we go with joy and leave with depression , Lord l keep seeing an empty vessel, rusty and good for nothing, show me what you put in the inside of me!!!”

I close by saying, I am proud of myself. This is the first time since l was born that I say this about myself 😭🥹😮‍💨. Vanessa I am proud of you. (Yeah l made it bold) You are a butterfly and more! This is not pride. This is a break out of low self esteem. This is confidence. This is healthy. When you reflect , you’ll find many things to be proud of. Today l present to you, my pride. Click on the link below and see the things God put in me that l never knew of. There’s more in us. There’s so much more. You could be depressed because of your background but eiii when you discover the giant within , David, Goliath will be the boy and you’ll be the giant because there’s only room for one giant and that’s YOU! Stop worrying. Don’t live like I did, anxious, trying to prove a point to people, pressures from social media, no my love. It’s on you! I pray that as you reflect , you find the goodies and gold within YOU. I love you.

Dear brethren, think about these things.

Bible Stories For Children - The Birth Of Jesus
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he [Prov23:7]

The Overcoming Believer

Chilled Thursday


How are you doing??? How’s your heart? I hope you’ve had a good week so far. To conclude our topic this week I have linked a video that you may want to watch. I believe there was more that we needed do discuss on this topic that a couple paragraphs couldn’t cover..

Special announcement to parents , aunts, uncles , infact the whole Yielded Family. We are introducing fun , engaging, educational Bible stories for your little ones. This is one of the perfect ways to introduce children to the Word of God. We live in a world that is targeting children for the enemies agenda. It is more than just promotion of a channel, it is a platform for Christians to have holy entertainment while being groomed in their faith.

I was so shocked to find out that cartoons right now have so much of the devil’s agenda to sow the seed of sin while the kids are still on milk. It is very dangerous for parents to choose content for themselves and their kids based on the number “views” or the “hype”. We don’t want to miss out on certain shows because everyone at work tunes in. You guys know the programmes I’m talking about. I don’t really know the stand of the owners of this website otherwise I was gonna name them but they may take down my posts. The shows that irritate the soul (if you’re nolonger getting irritated please check your fire, you may be left with ashes).

The reason why we have chilled Thursdays is not to sound canal or just to fill a blog gap in the week. It is to encourage the believer to watch and listen to godly content. One of the agendas behind The Yielded Center is to have different activities suitable to groom the believer in-order for us to infiltrate our generation with sound Word. The main goal is evangelism. I encourage you to tune in to the Yielded TV programs as well as commit to read our Blogs.

Today we are uploading our first bible story cartoon and narration for the little ones. We are trying our best to put together a series for the matured believer, it is not easy. When I got the unction to start all this l had no idea how far I’d have to go to create , to put together, to master the art. It is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do but because I enjoy creating and writing, I find myself back there. At some point I gave up but my mind was screaming for attention to create. Anyhoo, by Gods grace we will have more shows this very year. While we wait for the mature believers content, I will start posting Christian novels here , so we will have our blogs in the morning (l will try to commit to this) and then we will have two chapters of a novel every week, those will be posted in the evenings.

Thank you so much for your love and support. If you’d like to share your gift with the Yielded Team (voice overs – kids and adults) please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you want to donate costumes for our upcoming tv shows , you’re welcome to. If you would like to offer your services on the camera , make up or tailoring etcetera , we need you! Monetary support is welcome. Partnering with us to share the links and posts will also be much appreciated! As the Holy Spirit leads us. Follow us on Instagram and Subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Here’s the link to our video for today on how to address the Wounds of the Heart.

Watch Now

The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

I thank God for you my yielded family. God has been faithful. It can only be God who gives us a word daily. It is not by might not by power , the things of God are bigger than skill. How many people are highly skilled, more talented, more able who are still going in circles? The most talented there is, not backed by any spirit, will still be a failure. All great people you know are backed by a spirit, either Holy Spirit or demonic spirits, even atheists. No one makes it in this life without the support of the realm of the spirit. The making happens in the spirit and the manifestation is physical. So I really praise God for Yielded Center. We are in our 7th month and we cannot say it is my ability to write or use words, this is by God, through God, for God!!!

It’s Worship Wednesday AND I am so excited. I’m excited about the last half of the year. I perceive by faith that people are about to dance like David! As a matter of fact – start NOW! I believe God is opening great and effectual doors. This is why l always encourage us to play our part in positioning ourselves for these things. If Mary was living carelessly she would’ve missed her visitation. Our positions in waiting are different. Hannah should be on the altar like Zechariah. Ruth must be in the field. Esther must be part of the virgins getting beauty treatments. Moses should be by the bushes shepherding. Zacchaeus climb up the tree and be in position! Blind Bartimaeus be sure to shout out – therein lies your miracle. Woe unto intercessors who will not be found in position. Watchmen who aren’t watching. Bridesmaid who are out looking for oil at the wrong time! Everyone should be at their post waiting for the manifestation of prophecy!

Be positioned in worship. Not to be seen by anyone but GOD! Be positioned with your alabaster box. Oh yes be ready with your offerings or seeds. Prepare the jars for oil – borrow now if you can! Fill the jars with water! Get the certificate. Get the sermons! Pray! Eat of the bread of life! Whatever it takes to stay ready, do it. The doors are unlocked! They’re about to open – be positive, positioned and prepared!

“Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? To surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬ ‭TPT‬‬

As we position ourselves in worship today , let us remember, He has required of us! Of our entire beings. He says come and offer your genuine expression of worship which is more than words ; which is your very own body , soul and mind.

Let Praises Rise (feat. Micah Blalock)