My Yielded People, I love you. Yesterday, I watched a video by a wonderful woman I follow on Instagram, and she said, “Allow people to love you. Allow people to help you. Allow people to be there for you.” This message struck me deeply.
Often, it’s not that others aren’t offering love and support; rather, we may struggle to receive it. We disqualify ourselves in the wilderness and it stops us from entering Canaan. Some of us find it challenging to accept anything, even love. When I say, “I love you,” someone might think, “Why would you love me?” We often disqualify ourselves, thereby rejecting the special blessings available to us.
“I have loved you,” says the Lord. “Yet you say, ‘In what way have You loved us?’
Malachi 1:2 NKJV
Reflect on what you desire or need. Are your hands truly open to receive it, or are you expecting it to come directly from God? Embracing the love and support from those around us can be a channel for the blessings we seek. God sends people, He always does.
I have struggled with this. I am sure it has made me block prayers of destiny helpers that l prayed. The destiny helpers probably showed up and I didn’t open my palm so they went to the ones who could receive. So, I have changed. I’m a brand new person now. Allow people to love you. Take the hug from your friends, stop thinking being loved is weird because it reflects your unhealed soul. We make things hard for ourselves that The Lord has made easy.
Anyhoo please follow our Instagram page!! Abeg!
Have you watched this Movie? Well, I’m plugging you today!! Remember, don’t make things hard for yourself today, look out for ease and for God’s help. Sharp , bye! ❤️
One reply on “Chilled Thursday”
I love you too Woman of God💗