Yesterday, we reflected on the story of the disciples facing a storm with Jesus. Even though the storm raged around them, He was right there with them. And here’s the amazing truth you face every storm with Him too! He doesn’t just walk beside you; He lives within you. You are never alone. You are never forsaken.
A few weeks ago, I felt deeply discouraged. Normally, even in difficult moments, I find a way to break free whether by dancing or encouraging myself in the Lord. But during those two weeks, I couldn’t even do that. I felt like Elijah when he cried out, “Lord, take my life!” I was ready to meet with my crush, Joseph LOL! Yet, even in my weakness, God revived me. He reminded me that He is always there. So, if you’re in a storm right now, don’t lose heart. He is with you. Hold on your breakthrough is coming. Please believe God!
The disciples woke him up
, saying, “Save us, Lord! We’re going to die!” But Jesus reprimanded them. “Why are you gripped with fear? Where is your faith?” Then he stood and rebuked the storm, saying, “Be still!” And instantly it became perfectly calm. The disciples were astonished by this miracle and said to one another, “Who is this Man? Even the wind and waves obey his Word.”
Jesus slept so soundly that the disciples had to wake Him up. He was fully aware of the storm, yet He wasn’t moved by it. That’s the kind of peace He gives so deep that even in the middle of chaos, we can rest. Sometimes, we go through incredibly difficult situations, yet the peace of God keeps us so steady that those around us begin to wonder. “You just lost a child, how’re are you still joyful?” or “Didn’t you just go through a tough season? How are you still serving the Lord like this?” People often expect us to break down, to throw tantrums, to lose ourselves in the storm.
But my dhiye, you can have Jesus in your life and still face storms. In fact, having Jesus in the boat often attracts storms. Yet, at the same time, having Jesus in the boat is what shields you from being destroyed by them. The winds may blow, and the waves may rise, but with Jesus, you can be sure of one thing you will make it to the other side.
Jesus didn’t just rebuke the storm, He addressed their fear. Storms often come to instill fear, and fear has power. What you fear, you attract. Fear is like faith in the enemy, it’s believing his lies, expecting his destruction, and being convinced that he will harm you.
What you fear often happens to you. I love that Jesus didn’t just rebuke the storm. Sometimes it’s not enough to get the answer, you need to learn what to do when the answer hasn’t come so that next time you don’t repeat the same thing. While the best of us can face trials that shake us, Jesus still says DO NOT FEAR. Jesus slept because He wasn’t afraid. He wasn’t even bothered because He had faith in God! He knew that was not His end, drowning was not part of His story. Knowing what God has told you also helps to factor out some panic attacks. I know for a fact that dying young is not part of my story. Even if the enemy threatens which he has many times, it’s not part of my story so it won’t happen.
That’s the power of knowing what God has spoken over your life. It helps you silence panic and stand firm.! Know what God says and you will be shielded from so many attacks. The way out of the storm is faith not fear.
To every storm harassing you, we declare in agreement, PEACE , be still!
One reply on “Facing the storm with Jesus [2]”
PEACE, be still.