“for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man, and he protected him. And when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly. Then an opportune day came when Herod on his birthday gave a feast for his nobles, the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee. And when Herodias’ daughter herself came in and danced, and pleased Herod and those who sat with him, the king said to the girl, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.” He also swore to her, “Whatever you ask me, I will give you, up to half my kingdom.” So she went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask?” And she said, “The head of John the Baptist!” Mark 6:20-24 NKJV
While Jesus’ apostles were carrying out their ministry in Galilee, the one who introduced Jesus had no such liberty. John the Baptist was still in prison after almost two years. Herod was afraid of killing him since John had such a huge following. He feared the backlash from the people at the same time he did not want to hear any of John’s criticism. John had openly declared that it was wrong for King Herod Antipas to take Herodias, the wife of his half brother Philip, as his own. Herod had divorced his first wife to marry Herodias. This made his wife very angry. She had a grudge. She wanted to settle the score but an opportunity never came until there was a celebration party for Herod. The grudge will find expression one day. It doesn’t hide forever.
Sooo there’s a birthday party and Salome the daughter of Herodias is called to entertain the guests with a dance. Herod promises her even up to half of his kingdom. The girl almost scooped half of a kingdom through a dance. What kind of dance is that? Break dance? Vosho? lol maybe ballet? I’ve no idea but whatever dance it was it was certainly not something ordinary. Herod made an impulsive oath after the girl danced and it made me realise, many people have impulsively made oaths to people in the heat of the moment only to be sober later and realise how foolish that was. “I will marry you”, my brother, my sister. Please. 😂
Interestingly, the girl is not impulsive . She doesn’t just give a quick answer to ask for a new dress or piece of jewelry. I know I’d have asked for a list of things or even taken the option of half the kingdom. Eish but I’d have to dance first. Yho aaii. Salome takes her time, goes to consult, and then makes up her mind. She ran to her mother who was a mastermind of manipulation. May you never be that kind of a mother. Murdering through the hands of your children, stealing, manipulating through your children, that is wicked!
What kind of banquet would a dead person’s head be presented on a platter? Is that a way to celebrate a birthday? What kind of mother would ask her child to make this request? What kind of child would receive this “gift” and pass it on proudly to her father. Evidently, her cruelty matched her mother’s. They all agreed to do it meaning the whole family was sinful. One thing we can learn from the story of Herodias is that dysfunction breeds dysfunction. There’s a lot of family issues highlighted in this story that touch on todays society as well.
Herodias is the New Testament equivalent of Jezebel. Both came from royal families. Both were married to rulers. Both were far more ambitious than their husbands. Both were willing to do whatever it took to get what they wanted. Herodias was willing to let her young daughter parade herself in front of her stepdad and all the leading men of the province. At a time when a mother should be watching out for her daughter and protecting her, she flaunted her daughter’s sensuality.
I surely hope that this is not a story that resonates with you. And yet, if we’re honest with ourselves, we may find a bit of Herodias within ourselves. Though we may not act quite so boldly in sin, do we not sometimes act out of selfish pursuit? They murdered John because they couldn’t stand the truth. Cutting off friends who tell you the truth. The anger piles up and waits for expression one day.
If you’re living in sin right now, please listen to those who are calling you out. Yes, it hurts. None of us want to face the shame and guilt that comes with someone pointing out our sin. But what a gift it can be, to be challenged to change.
John did not live as long as the Abrahams but he surely died an innocent man. He never toned down the truth for nobody. He preached the true gospel until he died. What a man!