The Overcoming Believer

What to expect II

Happy Tuesday 🌸

We are 4 days away from The very first Yielded Center Event!! I lie not, I am overwhelmed because this is very first event I’ve ever had to organise myself that is not affiliated with MPG or any other ministry. It is not easy but we all start somewhere. I’m just grateful that God still puts me in His program to do some errands for Him!

We will do ACTIVITIES !! Join with your cup of coffee or cappuccino, water, juice. I don’t recommend wine because we will be drunk in the spirit! Bring your journal or note pad. Make sure you join a quiet place where you’ll not be distracted.

When you were a teenager, you might have kept a diary hidden under your mattress. I carried mine EVERYWHERE. Eii because there’s no way I’d want anyone to read it. Someone eventually did though AND l was in tirrrrableeeee! It was a place to confess your struggles and fears without judgment or punishment. It likely felt good to get all of those thoughts and feelings out of your head and down on paper. The world seemed clearer. I mean you could write about your crush. I remember writing about mine. Many crushes even 😂 but it felt good to write it down.

You may have stopped using a diary once you reached adulthood. But the concept and its benefits still apply as a grown up. Now it’s called journaling. I have seen that iPhone has added that app. I use it a lot and I love the writing prompts. We will do that at the event. Keep in mind that journaling is just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle for better managing stress, anxiety, and mental health conditions. We will also do some declarations by the Word of God to create an atmosphere! There’s no better way to shift an atmosphere but by speaking the Word of God!

“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Click on the link above to rsvp or buy your ticket! Remember to show up on time ❤️

I love you.

The Overcoming Believer

What to expect

Hey guys this week we are looking at what to expect at the event. We will continue with our usual blogs next week.


So the Lord spoke kind and comforting words to the angel who talked with me.”
‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Opening up to people is sometimes a daunting task. It can be even more challenging when you have received negativity in exchange for doing so. Finding someone in your life who has a good ear is hard. People do story competition, pain competition, testimony competition all the time. You find that when someone opens up and the moment should be about them, the listener can easily turn it and make it about themselves or say things like ,”That’s nothing, let ME tell you about MY own story.” A listener must be selfless and not (for lack of a better word) steal the show.

You don’t have to share your story at the event. You can talk about general stuff that will make you feel more comfortable , the listening is more important. We will talk about depression, addictions, how demons thrive on our mental health , Gods word to the broken, suicidal thoughts, grief, how to bury the dead in your heart, and many other topics. Being vulnerable is easier said than done. But eventually, you need to learn how to open up to people if you want to maintain good relationships. If people are not aware of how to treat you, they will never say the sorries they must say or give the hugs they must give.

Join our talk on Saturday the 19th. Let’s discuss and have some laughs! Do you have a ticket? Get one today. Here’s the link below;

The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

Many people struggle with emotional maturity. Grown women with the emotional maturity of a teenager or a grown man with the emotional maturity of a boy. Some people are just victims of circumstances and so it’ll be unfair to blame them but refusal to own up to it and heal is also a sign of Ignorance.

Pride is one of the things that keeps people in the bubble of emotional immaturity. They often reject reality and best thrive in the emotions and places that help them to avoid looking into the mirror. For example , the ‘naughty corner’ is often used as a behaviour tool help to isolate children to a safe place so they can think about their behaviour. The purpose is to reflect or think so they stay in the naughty corner for a period of time, and if they have not calmed down during the allotted time, they might have to extend their stay. When the time is up, they apologise and carry on with the rest of their day. While this measure is used for children, adults need it too.

We each have a decision to make concerning our emotional, physical and psychological well-being. Unfortunately nobody can do the healing for you. No one will do the work for you. No one can reflect on your behalf. Why do we have so many failed relationships? Because while one invests healthy emotions, they may be too demanding for the one who struggles with regulating theirs. So we find that a man is demanding a woman out of a girl because the physical says this is a grown woman but the inner man says no, I’m still a 7 year old girl,vice versa. You don’t judge emotional maturity by physical appearance.

Yes we don’t judge mental and emotional health by , beard and six pack. The work needs to be done from within. Join us on the 19th as we dive deeper into such issues. Remember , nobody can do the work for you. YOU must surely show up for YOU!

“and be renewed in the spirit of your mind,”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The Overcoming Believer

Chilled Thursday

Just to let you know that whatever you water grows. The plant. The mind. The relationship. Everything grows when carefully and intentionally tended to. The beautiful flowers you see at the florist , the inspiring couple you see on social media, that individual you look up to, the business that is thriving, the person who keeps elevating in career or business, all these things don’t just happen. Someone is intentionally working hard at it.

If you my darling, thought the plant just remains beautiful without you watering it, you’ll be shocked to find the same (once) beautiful plant, withered to its roots. I don’t know what this applies to in your life; maybe your prayer life? Maybe a relationship. Maybe a career. Maybe your education. Whatever it is, water it. DAILY. Consistency is a language of those who have discipline and order. Anyhoo don’t forget to get your ticket for the event. If you want to attend but don’t have the money right now please do dm me on Instagram and I’ll reserve a ticket for you: here’s a movie for us to watch today, l love you.

Click to watch ❤️
The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

Focus on the Lord

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I’m sorry for posting late today , it’s just been a zig zag of a day. I hope we are all good good aaaannnnnnd I hope we’ve been inviting people to the event. You can’t be part of the Yielded Family and miss a Yielded Family Event. You’ll be that cousin that never shows up to family gatherings .. eii!

It’s every easy to be distracted during worship. Distracted by pain. Distracted by Instagram notifications. Distracted by intrusive thoughts. Distracted by a call from a friend with hot gist or a lover. Distracted by self or even the devil himself. Many people don’t know how to focus on Jesus alone. We worship for a second then we quickly shift to “Lord l want five million.” We praise for a few seconds then we quickly shift to “Lord when is my wife or husband coming.” This is the reason why we are robbed of encounters. We don’t enjoy His presence , we always try to bring self; my job; my money; my this ; my that.
“for our “God is a consuming fire.””
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭29‬ ‭NIV

Today we will pray that the consuming fire of God will consume whatever distraction may arise to quench our intimate moment with the Lord. If you are coming for the event , we will have a wonderful time of worship together. Remember , FOCUS ON THE LORD For now, here’s a worship song to listen to;